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Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма, 2022, том 16, № 3

научно-практический журнал
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Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма : научно-практический журнал. - Москва : РГУТиС, 2022. - Т. 16, № 3. - 149 с. - ISSN 1995-0411. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/1985776 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024)
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Современные проблемы
сервиса и туризма
Научно-практический журнал

Том 16 №3

ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный 
университет туризма 
и сервиса» (Москва, РФ).
Журнал основан в 2007 г.
Выходит 4 раза в год.

ISSN: 1995–0411
eISSN: 2414–9063
Зарегистрирован в Федеральной 
службе по надзору за соблюдением 
законодательства в сфере массовых 
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Афанасьева А.В. – к.геогр.н., доц.

Афанасьев О.Е. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), лауреат 
Государственной премии Украины в области образования, д.геогр.н., доц., проф., 
Председатель Редакционного совета

Александрова А.Ю. – Московский гос. ун-т им. М.В. Ломоносова (РФ, Москва), 
Лауреат Премии Правительства РФ в области туризма, д.геогр.н., проф.
Андрадес-Калдито Л.–Ун-т Эстремадуры (Испания, Касерес), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Влодарчик Б. – Лодзинский ун-т (Польша, Лодзь), директор Ин-та географии го-
родов и туризма, д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Гладкий А.В. – Киевский нац. торг.-экономич. ун-т (Украина, Киев), д.геогр.н., 
Диманш Ф. – Ун-т Райерсона (Канада, Торонто), директор Школы гостеприим-
ства и туристич. менеджмента Теда Роджерса, д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Дуайер Л.–Сиднейский технологич. ун-т (Австралия, Сидней), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Иванов С.Х. – Варненский ун-т менеджмента (Болгария, Варна), д-р филос. 
(PhD), проф.
Игнатьев А.В. – Российский Союз Туриндустрии (РФ, Москва), президент, д.э.н.
Корстанье М.Э. – Ун-т Палермо (Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Милева-Божанова С.В. – Софийский ун-т им. Св. Климента Охридского (Болга-
рия, София), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Мюллер Д. – Ун-т Умео (Швеция, Умео), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Неделиа А.-М. – Сучавский ун-т им. Штефана чел Маре (Румыния, Сучава), д-р 
филос. (PhD), доц.
Новичков Н.В. – Депутат Государственной Думы ФС РФ, Почетный работник 
науки и техники РФ, д.э.н., проф.
Пиментель Т.Д. – Федеральный ун-т Жуис-ди-Фора (Бразилия, Жуис-ди-Фора), 
д-р соц. наук, менеджмента и туризма, доц.
Пулидо-Фернандес Х.И. – Ун-т Хаэна (Испания, Хаэн), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Радж Р. – Городской ун-т Лидса (Великобритания, Лидс), д-р филос. (PhD)
Рекоски Р. – Гос. ун-т Св. Климента Охридского (Сев. Македония, Битола), д-р 
юр. н., проф.
Сааринен Я.Ю. – Ун-т Оулу (Финляндия, Оулу), вице-президент Международ-
ного географического союза (IGU), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Сигала М. – Ун-т Пирея (Пирей, Греция), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Теркенли Ф. – Ун-т Эгейского моря (Греция, Митилини), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Тюрнер Л.У. – Ун-т Виктории (Австралия, Мельбурн), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Ульянченко Л.А. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.э.н., проф.
Фу Я.-И. – Индианский ун-т – Ун-т Пердью в Индианаполисе (США, Индианапо-
лис), д-р филос. (PhD), доц.
Холл К.М. – Ун-т Кентербери (Н. Зеландия, Крайстчерч), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Хью-Августис С. – Гос. ун-т Болл (США, Манси), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Шовал Н. – Еврейский ун-т в Иерусалиме (Израиль, Иерусалим), д-р филос. 
(PhD), проф.

Евстропьева О.В. – Ин-т географии им. В.Б. Сочавы СО РАН (РФ, Иркутск), 
к.геогр.н., с.н.с.
Лагусев Ю.М. –Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.пед.н., проф.
Оборин М.С. – Российский экономич. ун-т им. Г.В. Плеханова, Пермский ин-т 
(филиал); Пермский гос. нац. исслед. ун-т; Пермский гос. аграрно-технологич. 
ун-т им. акад. Д.Н. Прянишникова (РФ, Пермь), д.э.н., проф.
Саранча М.А. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.геогр.н., 
доц., проф.

Афанасьева А.В. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), 
Научный редактор РНИ РГУТИС, к.геогр.н., доц.

Service & Tourism:
Current Challenges
Scientific and practical journal

Vol. 16 Iss. 3

Russian State University of Tourism 
and Service (RF, Moscow).
Founded in 2007.
Published 4 issues a year.

ISSN: 1995–0411
eISSN: 2414–9063
Journal registered by the Federal 
Service for Supervision of Legislation 
in Mass Communications and Cultural 
Heritage Protection, RF
(Reg. ПИФС77–21758 issued 25.04.2008).
Peer-reviewed journal.
The journal was included in the list 
of the leading peer-reviewed scientific 
journals recommended by the Higher 
Attestation Commission for 
publication of thesis results.
The journal is included in the Russian 
Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, 
UlrichsWeb, etc.
The journal is available in the Scientific  
Electronic Library (https://elibrary.ru).
All rights reserved.
Citation with reference only.
Disclaimer: https://rgutspubl.org/

Editorial office: 141221, Russia, Mos-
cow region, Pushkino district, village 
Cherkizovo, 99 Glavnaja str., build. 1.
Tel./fax: +7.495.940 8361, 62, 63, add. 
395; mob. +7.967.246 3569
Web: https://stcc.rgutspubl.org
e-mail: redkollegiaMGUS@mail.ru,

Alexandra V. Afanasieva,
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor

Oleg E. Afanasiev – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow), 
PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the 
sphere of education

Anna Yu. Aleksandrova – Lomonosov Moscow State University (RF, Moscow), PhD 
(Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor
Lidia Andrades-Caldito – University of Extremadura (Spain, Caceres), PhD in Econom-
ics, Professor
Frederic Dimanche – Ryerson University (Canada, Toronto), Director of the Ted Rog-
ers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, PhD, Professor
Larry Dwyer – University of New South Wales (Australia, Sydney), School of Market-
ing, Australian Business School, PhD, Professor
Yao-Yi Fu – Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (USA, Indianapolis), 
PhD, Associate Professor
Аlexander V. Gladkey – Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine, 
Kyiv), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor
C. Michael Hall – University of Canterbury (New Zealand, Christchurch), PhD, Professor
Sotiris Hji-Avgoustis – Ball State University (USA, Muncie, Indiana), PhD, Professor
Andrey V. Ignatyev – Russian Union of Travel Industry, President, PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Eco-
Stanislav H. Ivanov – Varna University of Management (Bulgaria, Varna), Vice Rector 
for Academic Affairs and Research, PhD, Professor
Maximiliano E. Korstanje – University of Palermo (Argentina, Buenos Aires), PhD, 
Senior Researchers
Sonia V. Mileva-Bojanova – Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria, Sofia), 
PhD (Dr.Sc.), Professor
Dieter K. Müller – Umea University (Sweden, Umea), PhD, Professor
Alexandru-M. Nedelea – Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania, Suceava), 
PhD, Associate Professor
Nikolay V. Novichkov – Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF, 
Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the RF, PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, 
Thiago D. Pimentel – Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil, Juiz de Fora), PhD, 
Associate Professor
Juan I. Pulido-Fernandez – University of Jaen (Spain, Jaen), PhD, Associate Professor
Razaq Raj – Leeds Beckett University (UK, Leeds), PhD
Risto Rechkoski – State University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” (North Macedonia, Bitola, 
Ohrid), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Law, Professor
Jarkko J. Saarinen – University of Oulu (Finland, Oulu), Vice-President of the Interna-
tional Geographical Union (IGU), PhD, Professor
Noam Shoval – Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel, Jerusalem), PhD, Professor
Marianna Sigala – University of Piraeus (Greece, Piraeus), PhD, Professor
Theano S. Terkenli – University of the Aegean (Greece, Mytilene), PhD, Professor
Lindsay W. Turner –Victoria University (Australia, Melbourne), PhD, Research Professor
Ljudmila A. Ulyanchenko – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Mos-
cow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor
Bogdan Wlodarczyk – University of Lodz (Poland, Lodz), Director of the Institute of 
Urban and Tourism, PhD, Professor

Oksana V. Evstropeva – V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS (RF, Irkutsk), PhD 
(Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Senior Researcher
Yuriy M. Lagusev – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow), 
PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Pedagogics, Professor
Matvey S. Oborin – Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Perm Institute 
(branch); Perm State National Research University; Perm State Agro-Technological 
University named after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov (RF, Perm), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in 
Economics, Professor
Mikhail A. Sarancha – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow),
PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor















Территориальный брендинг и имидж в туризме


Боджгуа А.Ю., Войнова Я.А.
Маркетинговые инструменты продвижения 
гастрономических брендов в сфере туризма

Оборин М.С.
Особенности влияния бренда на поведение потребителей туристских услуг

Сарафанова А.Г., Сарафанов А.А.
Реклама как неотъемлемая часть территориального брендинга

Шарко Е.Р., Шарко О.В.
Роль социальных сообществ в туризме: создание и поддержка 
территориального бренда


Медейрос М. де Л., Сильва Х.В., Райхер А.П.
Использование бразильских географических брендов в туризме: 
практика и результаты

Шишито М., Лескура К., Карвальо А.Н. де, Кнупп М.Э.К.Г.
Имидж туристской дестинации: аналитический обзор 
бразильских научных публикаций

Лимонина И.Г., Карасева Е.А.
Территориальный брендинг как инструмент туристской политики 
макрорегионов Великобритании


Берестова Е.М., Оконникова Т.И., Акатьева Л.В.
Исследование туристского имиджа Удмуртской Республики

Мельникова Н.А., Кузнецов А.А.
Корректировка стихийно сложившегося туристского бренда: 
особенности региональной практики


Дунец А.Н., Биттер Н.В., Акимов О.С., Котельникова А.В.
Имидж места как драйвер развития территориального 
туристского комплекса «Денисова пещера»

Захаров С.Е., Кропинова Е.Г.
К вопросу концепций туристского брендирования малых городов 
(на примере города Гвардейск Калининградской области)















Territorial branding and image in tourism


Bodzhgua A. Yu., Voinova Y. A.
Marketing tools for promoting gastronomic brands in tourism

Oborin M. S. 
Features of the brand's influence on the behavior of consumers of tourist services

Sarafanova A. G., Sarafanov A. A.
Advertising as an integral part of territorial branding

Sharko E. R., Sharko O. V. 
The role of social communities in tourism: 
Creation and support of a territorial brand


Medeiros M. de L., Silva H. V., Raiher A. P.
Use of Brazilian geographical indications in tourism: 
Applications and implications

Shishito M., Lescura C., Carvalho A. N. de, Knupp M. E. C. G.
Image of tourist destination: Review and analysis of articles published in Brazil

Limonina I. G., Karaseva E. A. 
Place branding as a tourist policy tool in regions of the UK


Berestova E. M., Okonnikova T. I., Akatieva L. V.
Marketing tools for promoting gastronomic brands in tourism

Melnikova N. A., Kuznetsov A. A. 
Adjustment of the spontaneous tourism brand: peculiarities of regional practices


Dunets A. N., Bitter N. V., Akimov O. S., Kotelnikova A. V. 
Place image as a driver for the development 
of the Denisov Cave territorial tourist complex

Zakharov S. E., Kropinova E. G. 
On the concepts of tourist branding of small towns:
The case of the Gvardeysk city, Kaliningrad region



В числе стратегических инструментов 

развития и продвижения территориальных
туристских потенциалов особую актуальность 
приобрели технологии имиджирова-
ния и брендирования дестинаций, городов, 
регионов. Неоднократно предпринимались 
попытки визуализации единого для всей 
России туристского бренда. Однако слож-
ность таких задач определяется не только 
противоречием дизайнерских принципов, 
но и сложностью и многогранностью как са-
мого понятия «туристский бренд», так и ре-
презентируемых территорий. И чем более 
ярка, разнообразна, поликультурна та или 
иная территория, чем более богат ее турист-
ский потенциал, тем сложнее оказывается 
выработать универсальную форму визуали-
зации её бренда, труднее отобрать пере-
чень объектов, которые возможно было бы 
позиционировать в качестве её уникальных 
туристских брендов. И здесь значительна 
роль имагологии – научной дисциплины о 
законах создания, функционирования, ин-
терпретации, восприятия и трансформации 
образов внешних объектов и явлений, 
прежде всего – стран, регионов, городов, 
народов, культуры и пр., которая пока еще 
не нашла должного внедрения в практику 
теоретических и прикладных исследований 
в проблемном поле туристского брендинга.

По своей природе туристский бренд

призван сформировать образ территории 
(дестинации, города, страны) или смодели-
ровать определенную реальность (смыслы 
территории) в сознании его адресата (по-
требителя, потенциального туриста). Тех-
нология туристского брендинга как инстру-
мента конструирования образа территории 
призвана выделить наиболее значимые её 
объекты, сделать их легко запоминающи-
мися, придать им характер устойчивого сте-
реотипа пространства, увязать в единую 
ментальную логическую модель «Название 
территории – Название объекта(-ов)» в 


Technologies for creating the image and 

branding of destinations, cities, regions have 
become relevant as strategic tools for the de-
velopment and promotion of territorial tour-
ism potentials. Repeated attempts have been 
made to visualize a single tourist brand for the 
whole of Russia. However, inconsistency of 
design principles, the complexity and versatil-
ity of both the very concept of a “tourist 
brand” and the territories determine the com-
plexity of such tasks. And the brighter, more 
diverse, polycultural this or that territory, the 
richer its tourist potential, the more difficult it 
is to develop a universal form of visualization 
of its brand, it is more difficult to select a list 
of objects that could be positioned as its 
unique travel brands. Here we can turn to 
imagology is significant, which has not yet 
been properly implemented in the practice of 
theoretical and applied research in the prob-
lem of tourist branding. Imagology is a scien-
tific discipline about the laws of creation, func-
tioning, interpretation, perception and trans-
formation of images of external objects and 
phenomena, primarily countries, regions, cit-
ies, peoples, cultures, etc.

At its core, a tourist brand aimed at form-

ing an image of a territory (destination, city, 
country) or modeling a certain reality (mean-
ings of the territory) in the mind of its ad-
dressee (consumer, potential tourist). The 
tourist branding technology as a tool for con-
structing the image of territory should to high-
light its most significant objects, make them 
easy to remember, give them the character of 
a stable stereotype of space, link them into a 
single mental logical model "Name of the ter-
ritory – Name of the object (s)" in the subcon-
scious of a real or potential tourist. In this con-
text, tourism brands in representation the re-
gional tourism meanings perform an im-
portant function of formation and consolida-
tion of associative rows with the territory – a



подсознании реального или потенциаль-
ного туриста. В этом контексте туристские 
бренды в процессе репрезентации регио-
нальных туристских смыслов выполняют 
важную функцию, заключающуюся в фор-
мировании и закреплении ассоциативных с 
территорией рядов – набора символов, об-
разов, ассоциаций, стереотипов, суммы 
представлений, связываемых с террито-
рией в массовом сознании. Т.е. туристские 
бренды – это своеобразный территориаль-
ный продукт, формируемый «паттернами 
пространства», которые способны высту-
пать также и в качестве конструкта террито-
риальной идентичности. Основные смыслы, 
поддерживаемые и репрезентируемые че-
рез территориальный туристский бренд, за-
ключаются в следующих пунктах:

1) демонстрация территориального и 

культурного единства региона, его са-
мобытности и уникальности; 

2) усиление эмоциональной связи адре-

сата с репрезентируемой территорией; 

3) развитие региональных культурных, 

семейных, духовных и нравственных 

4) формирование любви, уважения к ре-

презентируемой территории; 

5) сохранение и репрезентация её куль-

турного и природного наследия.
На сегодняшний день единого алго-

ритма по составлению, и тем более, «фор-
мулы успеха», для территориальных ту-
ристских брендов не существует, да и вряд 
ли их выработка вообще целесообразна. 
Однако туристский бренд должен быть со-
ставлен таким образом, чтобы оказать 
должный эффект на своего адресата, заин-
тересовать, вызвать желание посетить и по-
требить туристский продукт территории.

В текущем выпуске нашего журнала

предпринята попытка постановки некото-
рых из обозначенных выше задач в про-
блемном поле туризма и технологий терри-
ториального брендинга, поиска методоло-
гических оснований их решения.

Главный редактор, д.геогр.н., проф.

О.Е. Афанасьев

set of symbols, images, associations, stereo-
types, the sum of representations associated 
with the territory in the mass consciousness.
That is, tourist brands are a kind of territorial 
product formed by “patterns of space” that 
can also act as a construct of territorial iden-
tity. The main meanings supported and repre-
sented through the territorial tourism brand 
are as follows:

demonstration of the territorial and 
cultural unity of the region, its identity 
and uniqueness:

strengthening the emotional connec-
tion of the addressee with the repre-
sented territory;

development of regional cultural, 
family, spiritual and moral values:

the formation of love, respect for the 
represented territory:

preservation and representation of its 
cultural and natural heritage.

To date, there is no single algorithm or a

“formula for success” for creating the territo-
rial tourist brands, and it is hardly advisable to 
develop them at all. However, the tourist 
brand must be designed in such a way as to 
have the proper effect on its addressee, to in-
terest, to arouse the desire to visit and con-
sume the tourist product of the territory.
However, the tourist brand must be designed 
in such a way as to have the proper effect on 
its addressee, to interest, to arouse the desire 
to visit and consume the tourist product of the 

In the current issue of our journal, we

tried to set some of the above tasks in the 
problematic field tourism and territorial 
branding technologies, to search for method-
ological foundations for their solution.

Editor-in-chief, Prof.  

Oleg E. Afanasiev

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№3/2022   Том 16


UDC 332.1/39

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7421350

Subtropical Scientific Centre of the RAS (Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia)
PhD in Economic; e-mail: anna_bodzhgua@mail.ru

Subtropical Scientific Centre of the RAS (Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia)
PhD in Economic; e-mail: yana-voynova@yandex.ru


Abstract. The development of a program for promoting specialized tourist products with 
gastronomic elements, at the stage of emerging demand requires the use of special mar-
keting tools. The article reveals the marketing essence of the gastronomic tourist product 
and justifies the use of gastronomic branding as a fundamental tool for market position-
ing and promotion in a competitive market. An overview of the regional resource poten-
tial for discovering the recognizable regional gastronomic brands and gastronomic tour-
ism practices substantiate the need to distinguish gastronomic tourism into an independ-
ent promising part of the industry. The results of the analysis of international experience 
in promoting gastronomic brands and products can be adapted to the conditions of the 
Russian Federation and used in building a national development concept of gastronomic 
tourism. The optimal form of marketing support for the gastronomic tourism develop-
ment, taking into account the influence of current environmental factors, can be consid-
ered the creation of regional multifunctional digital platforms combining gastronomic 
tourism facilities into a single network, complete the tour program, promote finished 
products, and also enable the tourist to independently draw up a route based on individ-
ual preferences. It was shown that as accompanying marketing tools it is advisable to 
use: event calendars, regional exhibitions and fairs of gastronomic topics, independent 
positioning of gastronomic objects as centers of tourist attraction.

Keywords: gastronomic tourism, brand, tourist product, promotion, marketing, tools

Citation: Bodzhgua, A. Yu., & Voinova, Y. A. (2022). Marketing tools for promoting gastro-
nomic brands in tourism. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Cur-
rent Challenges], 16(3), 7–15. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7421350. 

Article History
Received 23 September 2022
Accepted 20 November 2022

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest 
was reported by the author(s).

© 2022 the Author(s) 
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/



Стр. 7-15
Bodzhgua A. Yu. & Voinova Y. A.


УДК 332.1/39 

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7421350

БОДЖГУА Анна Юрьевна
Федеральный исследовательский центр «Cубтропический научный центр РАН» 
(Сочи, Краснодарский край, РФ)
кандидат экономических наук, научный сотрудник; e-mail: anna_bodzhgua@mail.ru

ВОЙНОВА Янина Александровна
Федеральный исследовательский центр «Cубтропический научный центр РАН» 
(Сочи, Краснодарский край, РФ)
кандидат экономических наук, научный сотрудник; e-mail: yana-voynova@yandex.ru


Разработка программы продвижения специализированных туристских продук-
тов, к которым относится продукт гастрономического туризма, на стадии 
формирующегося спроса требует использования специальных маркетинговых 
инструментов. В статье раскрывается сущность гастрономического турпро-
дукта с позиции значимых в разрезе маркетинга характеристик и обосновыва-
ется использование гастрономического брендинга как основополагающего ин-
струмента рыночного позиционирования и продвижения в условиях конкурент-
ного рынка. Обзор регионального ресурсного потенциала в части наличия узна-
ваемых региональных гастрономических брендов и организационно-экономиче-
ского опыта в данном сегменте туристского обслуживания позволяют сделать 
вывод о целесообразности выделения этого продукта в самостоятельный пер-
спективный для развития вид. Результаты проведённого анализа международ-
ного опыта продвижения гастрономических брендов и продуктов могут быть 
адаптированы к условиям России и использованы при построении национальной 
концепции развития гастрономического туризма. Оптимальной формой марке-
тинговой поддержки развития гастрономического туризма с учётом влияния 
текущих факторов внешней среды можно считать создание региональных 
мультифункциональных цифровых платформ, позволяющих объединить объ-
екты гастрономического туризма в единую сеть, комплектовать программу 
тура, продвигать готовые продукты, а также давать возможность туристу 
самостоятельно составить маршрут, опираясь на индивидуальные предпочте-
ния. Было показано, что в качестве сопутствующих маркетинговых инструмен-
тов целесообразно использовать: событийные календари, региональные вы-
ставки и ярмарки гастрономической тематики, самостоятельное позициони-
рование гастрономических объектов как центров туристского притяжения.

Ключевые слова: гастрономический туризм, бренд, туристский продукт, про-
движение, маркетинг, инструменты

Для цитирования: Боджгуа А.Ю., Войнова Я.А. Маркетинговые инструменты продвиже-
ния гастрономических брендов в сфере туризма // Современные проблемы сервиса и 
туризма. 2022. Т.16. №3. С. 7–15. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7421350.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 23 сентября 2022 г.
Дата утверждения в печать: 20 ноября 2022 г.

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№3/2022   Том 16



The market of tourist and recreational 

services of the Russian Federation is undergo-
ing significant changes due to the impact of a 
combination of simultaneously affecting geo-
political and economic factors. Market ex-
perts, assessing the current state of the exter-
nal environment and its instability, agree that 
the demand for tourism services in the coming 
years will be satisfied mainly due to the supply 
generated in the domestic market. In this re-
gard, the development of new forms of re-
gional tourism offers and its marketing pro-
motion becomes relevant. The level of devel-
opment of gastronomic tourism in Russia as 
an independent, separate type gives reason to 
attribute it to a relatively new type of tourism 
activity (according to the Interfax-tourism 
news agency, the average level of the share of 
gastronomic tours in the total tourist flow in 
the regions of the Russian Federation is 8-
10%)1. At the same time, it is impossible to re-
gard gastronomy as a fundamentally new ac-
tivity for travelers, since catering services are 
among the basic services of any tourist prod-
uct. In this regard, the marketing positioning 
of this type of tourism is primarily aimed at 
forming a segment of consumers who choose 
to get acquainted with new gastronomic prod-
ucts, national culinary traditions of the peo-
ples of Russia, thereby expanding their gastro-
nomic experience and taste sensations.

Analysis of publications on this topic
The development of gastronomic tourism 

in the Russia at the present stage is in the pro-
cess of formation and gradual strengthening of 
the product position in the system of tourist of-
fer, expanding the number of the target audi-
ence by increasing its interest in the oppor-
tunity to eat tasty and varied, join a healthy life-
style and nutrition, consume environmentally 
friendly and natural products while traveling, 
expand your culinary skills with the interactive 
component of the tour package. 

The issues of the development of gastro-

nomic tourism are partially reflected in the 
works of domestic and foreign authors, in 

1 Interfax Tourism News Agency. URL: https://tourism.interfax.ru (Accessed on September 22, 2022).

particular P. P. Chuvatkin, L. A Moreva, M.S. 
Oborin, V.Sh. Khetagurova, Yu. Yu. Shvetc, A. 
I. Mosalev, M. V. Rosser, C. Wang, N. Zigern-
Korn, who studied the foundations of the for-
mation of gastronomic tourism and the pecu-
liarities of its development. A significant part 
of the research on the relevance of developed 
gastronomic tourism, its immediate signifi-
cance and importance, as an integral compo-
nent of the cultural and historical heritage of 
peoples and ethnic groups, the impact of 
branding on territorial development is con-
tained in the scientific journals Service and 
Tourism: Current Challenges, Bulletin of the 
National Academy of Toursm, Bulletin of the 
Academy of Knowledge. A large number of 
studies on this topic were presented at the 
conference Tourism and National Projects of 
the Russian Federation, in Sochi in October 
2020. The basics of marketing tools for pro-
moting tourist products are contained in the 
works of Voinova Ya. A. [5, 7, 9].

The study of the practice of using market-

ing tools for promoting gastronomic brands 
was carried out using the works of foreign and 
domestic authors in the field of tourism eco-
nomics reflecting the peculiarities of the func-
tioning of various tourist activities within the 
framework of the tourist destination.

Methods and methodology

The materials of the study were the 

works of domestic and foreign authors [1, 2] 
in the field of ethnic and gastronomic tourism 
(Chuvatkin P. P., Oborin M. S., Khetagurova V. 
Sh., Shabalina N. V., Fomin A. A.) [4, 5, 6], as 
well as in the field of marketing research (Du-
rovich A. P., Voinova Ya. A., Frolova E. V., 
Arslanova G. Kh.) [3, 4, 8]. The basis of this 
study was the analysis of the experience of im-
plementing marketing tools for the promotion 
of territorial brands, structural and functional 
analysis of domestic and foreign practices of 
marketing promotion, a systematic analysis of 
functional features and digital promotion of 
gastronomic tourism products on the market.


Most regions of the Russian Federation 

Стр. 7-15
Bodzhgua A. Yu. & Voinova Y. A.


have a high culinary and gastronomic poten-
tial, the full inclusion of which in the tourist 
turnover will create a product whose supply 
volume will significantly exceed the level of 
current demand. Thus, this product at the cur-
rent stage of the life cycle needs significant 
marketing support, the main task of which is 
to positively present such a travel program. 
Managers involved in the sale of gastronomic 
products must have knowledge of the tech-
nologies for manufacturing local products, the 
history of traditional dishes and drinks, the 
peculiarities of regional production of prod-
ucts, including those related to folk crafts, cul-
ture and traditions of the small peoples of 
Russia, and be able to use the totality of these 
ideas about the product in in order to stimu-
late consumer interest in making such a trip.

The origins of tourist motivation are as-

sociated with the cultural and educational 
function of gastronomic tourism and boil 
down to the desire of the consumer through 
the physiological sensitive functions of the 
body and taste buds to study the cultural and 
historical features of cooking that give food 
products specific properties, take part in the 
feasting events of local communities and learn 
non-traditional ways of eating. food, thereby 
joining the world cultural heritage, centuries-
old traditions, customs of life and manage-
ment of local peoples, to feel the traditional 
ethnic life and the specifics of the cuisines of 
the peoples of the world.

Thus, gastronomic tourism can be re-

garded as a conductor in the popularization of 
national cultural values, promotion of inter-
cultural exchange and ensuring the connec-
tion of peoples and civilizations 1.

Gastronomic tourism is based on a sym-

biosis of cultural, educational, historical, pat-
riotic, ethnic, event, ecological, rural tourism, 
combining certain elements of each of them 
in a gastronomic tourist product.

The assessment of the feasibility of cre-

ating a gastronomic tourism product and the 
forecast of its market potential are based on 
the analysis of objects that have a set of prop-
erties that give reason to include them in the 
gastronomic tour program. Such objects may 


regions associated with the production 
of certain products of territorial affilia-

farms and estates of a full reproduction 
cycle, providing a full range of services as 
part of the tourist product;

objects of excursion and interactive gas-
tronomic display, including manufacturing 
enterprises known for their culinary prod-
ucts, enterprises organizing master classes 
and interactive programs for visitors;

conceptual cafes and restaurants repre-
senting national or regional specifics of 
cooking in an open kitchen;

event culinary events (gastronomic festi-
vals, holidays, fairs, tastings);

cultural and educational institutions 
(museums, gastronomy schools, culinary 
Marketers involved in the creation and 

promotion of gastronomic tours need to take 
into account the specifics of gastronomic 
tourism, which is a set of activities imple-
mented within a certain territory, including 
acquaintance with the traditions of local cui-
sine, gastronomic territorial brands, technolo-
gies for preparing traditional dishes and fea-
tures of production, management and life, as 
well as cultural, educational and recreational 
activities and subsequent tasting, allowing 
you to form a multidimensional idea of the re-
gion 2. The implementation of gastronomic 
programs should contribute to the preserva-
tion of the world cultural and historical herit-
age and ensure the connection of countries, 
peoples and civilizations through the popular-
ization and promotion of gastronomic tradi-
tions and customs of the peoples of the world.

The source of compensation for the 

costs of active regional marketing of gastro-
nomic tourism will be an increase in cash 
flows to the region by stimulating the eco-
nomic activity of the main and related indus-
tries included in the process of serving travel-
ers. In addition, gastronomic tourism acts as a 
multiplier that contributes to the emergence 
of additional jobs, the development of tourist 
and service infrastructure, ensuring the 

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№3/2022   Том 16


tourist attractiveness of the territory, as well 
as the formation of strong intercultural ties.

Marketing decisions on the develop-

ment of a gastronomic product can be based 
on a wide range of its socio-economic func-
tions, presented in fig. 1.

Fig. 1 – Functions of gastronomic tourism

Currently, gastronomic tourism in the 

Russian Federation is developing at a stable 
pace, provided by a shift in tourist flows in the 
direction of diversifying the national tourist 
offer and an educational interest in new tour-
ist routes and products. According to the Fed-
eral Agency for Tourism, the growth of the do-
mestic gastronomic tourism market in the 
Russian Federation after a sharp decline in 
2019–2020. amounted to about 400% at the 
beginning of 2022, which indicates a high de-
mand for gastronomic tours among consum-

Market conditions indicate that in the 

current conditions, the most common product 
of gastronomic tourism are sightseeing tours 
and short gastronomic trips to attend event 
events, master classes, training programs. At 
the same time, there is a weak degree of state 

2 Official website of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. URL: https://russiatourism.ru (As-

sessed on August 24, 2022)

support for entrepreneurial initiatives, low in-
terest of business, a tense socio-economic sit-
uation in society, which together causes diffi-
culties in the development of gastronomic 
tourism in the regions 3.

Marketing efforts of regional authorities 

and commercial structures represented by 
tour operators should be reduced to the for-
mation of recognizable gastronomic brands 
that can fully reflect the uniqueness of the 
tourist offer and ensure the growth of the 
tourist flow, increase profits, increase the in-
vestment attractiveness of the destination, 
becoming, in fact, the most important market-
ing tool positioning and promotion of a local 
product. In the context of a tense geopolitical 
situation, the formation of territorial brands, 
including gastronomic ones, is one of the pri-
orities in the context of achieving the goal of 

• Diversification of the tourism sector
•Multiplier effect (development of related sectors of the economy)
•Creation of additional jobs and employment
•Growth in national incomes and increased cash flows to the region
•Political (establishment of interregional and interethnic relations and cooperation)


•Increasing employment
•Improving the standard of living
•Improvement of infrastructure
•Preservation of cultural heritage, dissemination of world cultural values
•Improving the habitat of indigenous peoples
•Formation of intercultural exchange and strengthening of ties between people, 

societies and peoples

•Satisfaction of individual needs - in the organization of leisure, getting new 

impressions and emotions


• Environmental protection (ensuring the protection of natural and cultural-

historical values)
