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Tourism and hospitality

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Цель учебного пособия - развитие навыков профессионально ориентированного чтения и перевода (английский язык). В книге представлены аутентичные материалы и оригинальные задания к текстам. Для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов направлений подготовки «Туризм», «Сервис» и «Гостиничное дело» очной и заочной форм обучения.
Фирсова, С. П. Tourism and hospitality : учебное пособие / С. П. Фирсова, Ж. О. Кузьминых. - Йошкар-Ола : Поволжский государственный технологический университет, 2018. - 90 с. - ISBN 978-5-8158-2024-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1871396 (дата обращения: 06.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
С. П. Фирсова        Ж. О. Кузьминых        







Учебное пособие 





УДК 811.111(075.8) 
ББК  81.432.1я7 

Ф 62 

кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и лингвистики 
ПГТУ Т. М. Лежнина; 
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и лингвистики ПГТУ Н. Н. Щеглова 
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ПГТУ 

Фирсова, С. П. 

Tourism and hospitality: учебное пособие / С. П. Фирсова, Ж. О. Кузь
миных. – Йошкар-Ола: Поволжский государственный технологический 
университет, 2018. – 90 с. 

ISBN 978-5-8158-2024-1 

Цель учебного пособия – развитие навыков профессионально ориентиро
ванного чтения и перевода (английский язык). В книге представлены аутентичные материалы и оригинальные задания к текстам.  

Для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов направлений подго
товки «Туризм», «Сервис» и «Гостиничное дело» очной и заочной форм обучения. 


УДК 811.111(075.8) 

ББК  81.432.1я7 

ISBN 978-5-8158-2024-1
© С. П. Фирсова, Ж.О. Кузьминых, 2018
© Поволжский государственный
технологический университет, 2018

Учебное издание  


Фирсова Светлана Павловна 
Кузьминых Жанна Олеговна 




Учебное пособие 


Редактор П. Г. Павловская 
Компьютерная верстка и дизайн обложки И. В. Малинкина 


Подписано в печать 02.10.2018. Формат 60×841/16. Печать цифровая. 
Усл. печ. л. 5,23. Тираж 60 экз. Заказ №              . 

Поволжский государственный технологический университет 
424000 Йошкар-Ола, пл. Ленина, 3. 

Отпечатано с готового оригинал-макета в ООО «Принтекс» 
Республика Марий Эл, г. Йошкар-Ола, бульвар Победы, 14. 

Ф 62


Предисловие ................................................................................................ 6 


I. TOURISM: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE ................................... 7 

READING FOR DETAIL ....................................................................... 7 

Text A. History of Tourism ............................................................... 7 
Text B. Tourism Development ....................................................... 10 
Text C. Future of Tourism .............................................................. 12 

READING FOR GIST ......................................................................... 16 

Text 1. Village Tourism .................................................................. 16 
Text 2. Cultural Tourism ................................................................ 16 
Text 3. Trip Planning ...................................................................... 17 
Text 4. Sustainable Tourism ........................................................... 18 

II. HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY ............................................................. 19 

READING FOR DETAIL .................................................................... 19 

Text A. History and Evolution of the Hospitality Industry............. 19 
Text B. Customer Service ............................................................... 22 
Text C. Characteristics of the Hospitality Industry ........................ 24 

READING FOR GIST ......................................................................... 28 

Text 1. The Nature of the Hospitality Industry ............................... 28 
Text 2. How to Deal with Customers ............................................. 29 
Text 3. The Relationship between Hospitality and Tourism .......... 30 

III. ACCOMMODATION SECTOR ..................................................... 32 

READING FOR DETAIL .................................................................... 32 

Text A. Types of Accommodation ................................................. 32 
Text B. The History of Hotels ........................................................ 35 
Text C. Special Hotels Worldwide ................................................. 37 


READING FOR GIST ......................................................................... 41 

Text 1. Types of Hotels .................................................................. 41 
Text 2. Hostel ................................................................................. 44 
Text 3. Classifications of Hotel Departments ................................. 45 

IV. FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES ................................................. 47 

READING FOR DETAIL .................................................................... 47 

Text A. Food and Beverage ............................................................ 47 
Text B. Types of Restaurants.......................................................... 50 
Text C. Basic Knowledge of Menus ............................................... 52 

READING FOR GIST ......................................................................... 56 

Text 1. Room Service  .................................................................... 56 
Text 2. National Cuisine  ................................................................ 56 
Text 3. Buffey ................................................................................. 57  
Text 4. Coctail Reception ............................................................... 58 

V. ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION ..................................... 59 

READING FOR DETAIL .................................................................... 59 

Text A. Tourist Attractions and Entertainment .............................. 59 
Text B. History of National Parks .................................................. 62 
Text C. Holy Cities ......................................................................... 64 

READING FOR GIST ......................................................................... 65 

Text 1. Shopping Centre ................................................................. 65 
Text 2. Event Tourism .................................................................... 66 

VI. CAREERS IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY .......................... 67 

READING FOR DETAIL .................................................................... 67 

Text A. Career Options ................................................................... 67 
Text B. Tips for Succesful Job Interview ....................................... 71 
Text C. Four Reasons to Find a Job in Tourism and Hospitality .... 73 


READING FOR GIST ......................................................................... 75 

Text 1. Four Possible Disadvantages of Working in Hospitality .... 75  
Text 2. Main Duties of the Front Desk ........................................... 76 

TEXTS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING .................................... 78 

1. Business Travel ................................................................................ 78 
2. Ethnic Tourism ................................................................................. 79 
3. Medical Travel ................................................................................. 80 
4. Common Types of Rooms ............................................................... 82 
5. Housekeeping Department ............................................................... 83 
6. Duties of Key Positions in the Housekeeping Department .............. 83 
7. Regulation, Research and Development in Tourism ........................ 85  
8. Common Examples of Food & Beverage Services  
and Their Characteristics ...................................................................... 86  
9. Security Procedures .......................................................................... 88 
10. Transportation ................................................................................ 89 




Одно из ведущих квалификационных требований к современному 

специалисту сферы туризма и гостиничной индустрии – владение 
иностранными языками, в том числе навыками чтения профессиональной литературы и отраслевого перевода. Данное учебное пособие 
адресовано студентам направлений подготовки «Туризм», «Сервис», 
и «Гостиничное дело» очной и заочной форм обучения. Его цель – 
оптимизировать аудиторную и самостоятельную работу обучающихся, направленную на развитие навыков чтения и перевода текстов 
профессиональной направленности и на усвоение специальной лексики.  

Предлагаемое пособие состоит из трех частей. В первой части при
ведены аутентичные тексты различного уровня сложности, разделенные на шесть тематически взаимосвязанных разделов: «Туризм: прошлое, настоящее, будущее», «Гостиничная индустрия», «Сектор размещения», «Услуги общественного питания», «Отдых и развлечения», «Карьера в туризме и гостиничном бизнесе». Основу каждого 
раздела составляют логически завершенные тексты, которые предваряются тематическим словарем и сопровождаются серией оригинальных упражнений, направленных на контроль понимания прочитанного, развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, а также навыков передачи полученной информации в сжатом виде.  

Вторая часть пособия содержит 10 текстов, работа с которыми 

позволит студентам в ходе самостоятельного освоения языкового материала приобретать новые и актуализировать полученные прежде 
знания и навыки различных видов чтения: изучающего, ознакомительного, просмотрового, поискового. 

Третья часть пособия представляет собой словарь профессиональ
ной лексики, где приведены термины, встречающиеся в упражнениях.  








I. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на про
фессионально ориентированную лексику. 


travel abroad
путешествие за границу

mass tourism
массовый туризм

inclusive tour
организованная поездка

travel agency
агентство путешествий

rail excursion
экскурсия, включающая поездку по железной 

package trip
поездка, включающая различные виды обслуживания

circular ticket
билет в оба конца

round-the-world tour
кругосветное путешествие

traveller’s cheque
дорожный чек

domestic activity
внутригосударственное передвижение

tour operator


Tourism can be recognised as long as people have travelled. The 

narrative of Marco Polo in the 13th century; the "grand tour" of the British 
aristocracy to Europe in the 18th century; and the journeys of David 
Livingstone through Africa in the 19th century are all examples of early 

tourism. But in fact, before the middle of the 19th century, travelling for 
pleasure was rare and very expensive, and only a few rich people 
travelled abroad. The man who brought in the age of mass tourism was 
Thomas Cook. 

Thomas Cook is regarded as the founder of inclusive tours and the first 

travel agency that bears his name. On 5 July 1841 he organised a rail 
excursion for 500 tourists from Loughborough to Leicester. It was the first 
package trip. Excursions to Liverpool (1845), Scotland (1846) and the 
Great Exhibition in London (1851) followed. 

In 1851 Thomas Cook published the world’s first travel magazine 

which had details of trips, advice to travellers and articles about the places 
to visit. In 1855 he took his first group of tourist to Paris and later led 
tour of Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. In 1865 he opened an 
office in London, which his son managed. They introduced a circular 
ticket to cover one journey instead of a number of tickets from all the 
railway companies involved. In 1872 Thomas Cook organised a roundthe-world tour, lasting 222 days. In 1874 he introduced an early form of 
traveller’s cheque, which travellers could cash at a number of hotels and 
banks around the world.  

Before the 1950s, tourism in Europe was mainly a domestic activity 

with some international travel between countries, mainly within 
continental Europe. In the period of recovery following World War II, a 
combination of circumstances provided an impetus to international 
travel. Among the important contributing factors were the growing 
number of people in employment, the increase in real disposable 
incomes and available leisure time, and changing social attitudes 
towards leisure and work. These factors combined to stimulate the latest 
demand for foreign travel and holidays. The emergence of tour operators 

accommodation, and related services and selling these at a single price, 
brought foreign holidays within the price-range of a new and growing 
group of consumers. The "package" or "inclusive" tour democratised 
travel in Europe; foreign holidays were no longer the preserve of the rich 
and socially elite classes. 

II. Ответьте на вопросы. 

1. What are examples of early tourism? 
2. Why was the introduction of a circular ticket important for 


3. What opportunity did a traveller’s cheque give to travellers? Why 

was a traveller’s cheque introduced? 

4. What factors influenced the development of international travel after 

World War II? 

5. What is Thomas Cook famous for? 

III. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами и словосо

domestic activity        traveller's cheque        tour operator 

package tour       mass tourism 


1. People pay for their travel and accommodation in their own country 

if they choose … . 

2. We take … which we exchange for local money when we arrive in 

the foreign country. 

3. … means holiday or travelling within the territory of one country. 
4. It is a … who organises inclusive holidays by purchasing transport 

and selling it at a single price. 

5. We consider Thomas Cook to be the man who brought in the age of …  

IV. Пользуясь содержанием текста, опровергните или под
твердите следующие утверждения. 

1. In the past people often travelled and it didn’t cost much. 
2. The first package tour was organised as a rail excursion. 
3. Changing social attitude towards leisure and work brought the 

emergence of travel agencies and tour operators. 

4. Thomas Cook was the first to publish the world’s travel magazine. 
5. An early form of traveller’s cheque was not recognised by hotel and 



I. Прочитайте и переведите текст 

Although many of us have been "tourists" at some point in our lives, 

defining what tourism actually is can be difficult. Tourism is the activities 
of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual 
environment for not more than one year for leisure, business or other 

Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2010, there were 

over 940 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 6.6 % as 
compared to 2009. International tourism receipts grew to US$919 billion 
(euro 693 billion) in 2010, corresponding to an increase in real terms of 4.7 %. 

Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability 

to constantly adapt to customers' changing needs and desires, as the 
customer’s satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly the focus of 
tourism businesses. 

Tourism is important for many countries, such as France, Egypt, 

Greece, Lebanon, Israel, United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and 
Thailand, and many island nations, such as the Bahamas, Fiji, Maldives, 
Philippines and the Seychelles: it brings in large amounts of income in 
payment for goods and services and creates opportunities for employment 
in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries 
include transportation services, such as airlines, cruise ships and taxicabs; 
hospitality services, such as accommodations, including hotels and resorts; 
and entertainment venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping 
malls, music venues and theatres. 

Tourism encompasses outbound tourism and inbound tourism. 

Outbound tourism is what you may be most familiar with. It involves the 
business of people going from their countries to other territories or 
countries. The tourists coming to the country from other places are called 
inbound tourists. 

The tourism industry is divided into five different sectors: 

accommodation, food and beverage services, recreation and entertainment, 
transportation and travel services. 

The diversity of these five sectors shows that the career options in the 

tourism industry are unlimited. Depending on your interests and skills, you 
can work indoors or out, nine to five or midnight to noon. You can work in 
an office, an airport or out of your home. You can have one career in the 
winter and another in the summer. In short, you can make your career fit 
the lifestyle you want. 

II. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания на русский язык. 

Tourism industry, usual environment, leisure and business, other 

purposes, global leisure activity, international tourism, dynamic and 
competitive industry, customer’s satisfaction and safety, tourism business, 
island nations, large income, goods and services, opportunities for 
employment, transportation services, airlines and cruise ships, hospitality 
services, including hotels and resorts, amusement parks, shopping malls, 
outbound tourism, inbound tourism, food and beverage services, recreation 
and entertainment, travel services, career options, to work indoors, to work 
in an office, lifestyle. 

III. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. 

Индустрия туризма, международный туризм, кругосветное путе
шествие, въездной туризм, выездной туризм, клиенты, товары и 
услуги, планировать поездку, размещение, бронирование, отель, мотель, курорт, индустрия гостеприимства, валюта, курс обмена, отдых, 
парк развлечений, торговый центр, авиалинии, круизные корабли, еда 
и напитки, виза и паспорт. 

IV. Ответьте на вопросы. 

1. What is tourism? 
2. Is tourism a popular global leisure activity? 
3. Is tourism a dynamic and competitive industry? 
4. What countries is tourism important for? 
5. What benefits does tourism bring to these countries? 
6. What are two forms of tourism? 

7. What are five sectors of tourism? 
8. Is career option in tourism unlimited? 
9. How can you work in tourism? 
 What are popular jobs in tourism?  


I. Read and translate using a dictionary. 

Recently, the tourism industry has seen many important changes that 

will have a significant impact on future tourist demand.  On the one hand, 
the rise of e-tourism, the democratisation of travel and the tendency to book 
and to make up one’s trip online rather than to buy a standard tourist 
package proposed by a tour operator, stood out with regard to the new 
traveller’s preferences. 

On the other hand, natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic 

eruptions and earthquakes as well as health issues, such as avian and swine 
influenza, have changed our perception of holiday and leisure. 

Green tourism, also known as nature-based tourism or sustainable 

tourism, is in great demand and will continue its growth in the future since 
many travellers are now aware of the negative impact tourism might have 
on the environment and have, therefore, become more responsible with 
regard to sustainability. 

Destinations should expect climate change to have an impact on 

tourists’ purchasing trends. We will gradually see new means of transport 
gaining ground to the detriment of air traffic. Travellers may opt for 
journeys made by train, boat or coaches especially that these modes are 
nowadays offering more comfort, great web accessibility and timetables 
suitability. In addition, shorter trips within the same continent or the same 
geographical region will more likely outweigh the long ones. 

Another important future trend is travels that incorporate an added
value rather than just a classic lazy sun and see vacation: Many travellers 
are nowadays looking for real travel experiences that enrich their culture 

and let them live and feel the authenticity. Furthermore, they seek out 
travels that involve volunteering (e.g. providing support to a population in 
need, humanitarian actions, etc.) or that include a particular mission, for 
instance, learning a new language, exploring new culinary techniques, 
attending a seminar, a concert or an event, etc. As a result, tour operators 
are now becoming specialists rather than generalists: Some are positioned 
as experts in golf vacations while others are specialized in cultural tours 
and so on. 

Modern tourism is a multifaceted and complex industry involving many 

stakeholders. Safety and security need, therefore, to be priorities for any 
tourism destination. Furthermore, policies and practices that protect both 
tourists and locals, and also that address how a crisis should be managed if 
the need arises are an essential component of tourism development. To 
reach the safety goal, governments should work on the implementation of 
an action plan that may include the following: 

 Devoting special and sufficient budgets for safety issues 

 Involving all stakeholders in crime prevention programmes 

(e.g. hoteliers, airline companies, the local population, transportation 
agencies, restaurants, bars, taxi drivers, etc.) since safety is everyone’s 

 Security professional tourism training: Security professionals, who 

work in tourism areas, need to be sensitive to the special needs of the 
transient person.  

 Property inspections with minimal safety standard: it is often easier to 

prevent a crime than to deal with it post facto. 

In brief, as today’s tourists seek places that are safe and secure, 

countries should continue to get heavily involved in developing policies 
that protect their population and visitors from perceived unsafe situations. 

The success of the tourism and hospitality sector is based on the 

continually evolving challenge of  "selling the intangible". Thus, the human 
factor is of an increased importance.  

Nevertheless, due to the large human resource needs of the tourism 

industry, there is often a lack of qualified employees available to the 
industry. Destinations that want to consolidate their positions in the 

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