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Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма, 2021, том 15, № 4

научно-практический журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 777284.0001.99
Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма : научно-практический журнал. - Москва : РГУТиС, 2021. - Т. 15, № 4. - 136 с. - ISSN 1995-0411. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/1865013 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024)
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Современные проблемы 
сервиса и туризма

Научно-практический журнал

Федеральное государственное 
бюджетное образовательное 
учреждение высшего образования 
«Российский государственный 
университет туризма и сервиса» 
Журнал основан в 2007 г.
Выходит 4 раза в год.

DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411
ISSN: 1995–0411
eISSN: 2414–9063
Зарегистрирован в Федеральной 
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Афанасьева А.В. –  к.геогр.н., доц.


Афанасьев О.Е. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), лауреат Государственной премии Украины в области образования, д.геогр.н., доц., проф.


Афанасьев О.Е. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.геогр.н., доц., 
проф.; Председатель Редакционного совета
Александрова А.Ю. – Московский гос. ун-т им. М.В. Ломоносова (РФ, Москва), Лауреат 
Премии Правительства РФ в области туризма, д.геогр.н., проф.
Андрадес-Калдито Л. – Ун-т Эстремадуры (Испания, Касерес), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Влодарчик Б. – Лодзинский ун-т (Польша, Лодзь), директор Ин-та географии городов и 
туризма, д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Гладкий А.В. – Киевский нац. торгово-экономич. ун-т (Украина, Киев), д.геогр.н., проф.
Диманш Ф. – Ун-т Райерсона (Канада, Торонто), директор Школы гостеприимства и туристического менеджмента Теда Роджерса, д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Дуайер Л. – Сиднейский технологич. ун-т (Австралия, Сидней), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Иванов С.Х. – Варненский ун-т менеджмента (Болгария, Варна), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Игнатьев А.В. – Российский Союз Туриндустрии (РФ, Москва), президент, д.э.н.
Корстанье М.Э. – Ун-т Палермо (Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Милева-Божанова С.В. – Софийский ун-т им. Св. Климента Охридского (Болгария, София), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Мюллер Д. – Ун-т Умео (Швеция, Умео), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Неделиа А.-М. – Сучавский ун-т им. Штефана чел Маре (Румыния, Сучава), д-р филос. 
(PhD), доц.
Новичков Н.В. – Депутат Государственной Думы ФС РФ, Почетный работник науки и 
техники РФ, д.э.н., проф.
Пиментель Т.Д. – Федеральный ун-т Жуис-ди-Фора (Бразилия, Жуис-ди-Фора), д-р соц. 
наук, менеджмента и туризма, доц.
Пулидо-Фернандес Х.И. – Ун-т Хаэна (Испания, Хаэн), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Радж Р. – Городской ун-т Лидса (Великобритания, Лидс), д-р филос. (PhD)
Рекоски Р. – Гос. ун-т Св. Климента Охридского (Сев. Македония, Битола), д-р юр. н., 
Сааринен Я.Ю. – Ун-т Оулу (Финляндия, Оулу), вице-президент Международного географического союза (IGU), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Сигала М. – Ун-т Пирея (Пирей, Греция), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Теркенли Ф. – Ун-т Эгейского моря (Греция, Митилини), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Тюрнер Л.У. – Ун-т Виктории (Австралия, Мельбурн), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Ульянченко Л.А. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.э.н., проф.
Фу Я.-И. – Индианский ун-т – Ун-т Пердью в Индианаполисе (США, Индианаполис), д-р 
филос. (PhD), доц.
Холл К.М. – Ун-т Кентербери (Н. Зеландия, Крайстчерч), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Хью-Августис С. – Гос. ун-т Болл (США, Манси), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.
Шовал Н. – Еврейский ун-т в Иерусалиме (Израиль, Иерусалим), д-р филос. (PhD), проф.


Евстропьева О.В. – Ин-т географии им. В.Б. Сочавы СО РАН (РФ, Иркутск), к.геогр.н., с.н.с.
Лагусев Ю.М. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.пед.н., проф.
Оборин М.С. – Российский экономич. ун-т им. Г.В. Плеханова, Пермский ин-т (филиал); 
Пермский гос. нац. исслед. ун-т; Пермский гос. аграрно-технологич. ун-т им. акад. Д.Н. 
Прянишникова (РФ, Пермь), д.э.н., проф.
Саранча М.А. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), д.геогр.н., доц., 


Афанасьева А.В. – Российский гос. ун-т туризма и сервиса (РФ, Москва), Научный редактор РНИ РГУТИС, к.геогр.н., доц.

Том 15 №4

Service & Tourism: 
Current Challenges 

Scientific and practical journal

 Vol. 15 Iss. 4

Russian State University
of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow).
Founded in 2007.
Published 4 issues a year.

DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411
ISSN: 1995–0411
eISSN: 2414–9063
Journal registered by the Federal Service 
for Supervision of Legislation in Mass 
Communications and Cultural Heritage 
Protection, RF
(Reg. ПИФС 77–21758 issued 
Peer-reviewed journal.
The journal was included in the list of 
the leading peer-reviewed scientific 
journals recommended by the Higher 
Attestation Commission for publication 
of thesis results.
The journal is included in the Russian 
Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, 
UlrichsWeb, etc.
The journal is available in the Scientific 
Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru).
All rights reserved.
Citation with reference only.

Editorial office: 141221, Russia, Moscow 
region, Pushkino district, village 
Cherkizovo, 99 Glavnaja str., build. 1.
Tel./fax: +7.495.940 8361, 62, 63, add. 
395; mob. +7.967.246 3569
Web: https://www.spst-journal.org/spst
e-mail: redkollegiaMGUS@mail.ru,

Alexandra V. Afanasieva,
PhD in Geography

Alexandra V. Afanasieva,
PhD in Geography


Oleg E. Afanasiev – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow), PhD (Dr.
Sc.) in Geography, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the sphere of education


Anna Yu. Aleksandrova – Lomonosov Moscow State University (RF, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) 
in Geography, Professor
Lidia Andrades-Caldito – University of Extremadura (Spain, Caceres), PhD in Economics, 
Frederic Dimanche – Ryerson University (Canada, Toronto), Director of the Ted Rogers 
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, PhD, Professor
Larry Dwyer – University of New South Wales (Australia, Sydney), School of Marketing, Australian Business School, PhD, Professor
Yao-Yi Fu – Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (USA, Indianapolis), PhD, 
Associate Professor
Аlexander V. Gladkey – Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine, Kyiv), PhD 
(Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor
C. Michael Hall – University of Canterbury (New Zealand, Christchurch), PhD, Professor
Sotiris Hji-Avgoustis – Ball State University (USA, Muncie, Indiana), PhD, Professor
Andrey V. Ignatyev – Russian Union of Travel Industry, President, PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics
Stanislav H. Ivanov – Varna University of Management (Bulgaria, Varna), Vice Rector for 
Academic Affairs and Research, PhD, Professor
Maximiliano E. Korstanje – University of Palermo (Argentina, Buenos Aires), PhD, Senior 
Sonia V. Mileva-Bojanova – Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria, Sofia), PhD 
(Dr.Sc.), Professor
Dieter K. Müller – Umea University (Sweden, Umea), PhD, Professor
Alexandru-M. Nedelea – Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania, Suceava), PhD, 
Associate Professor
Nikolay V. Novichkov – Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF, Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the RF, PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor
Thiago D. Pimentel – Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil, Juiz de Fora), PhD, Associate 
Juan I. Pulido-Fernandez – University of Jaen (Spain, Jaen), PhD, Associate Professor
Razaq Raj – Leeds Beckett University (UK, Leeds), PhD
Risto Rechkoski – State University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” (North Macedonia, Bitola, Ohrid), 
PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Law, Professor
Jarkko J. Saarinen – University of Oulu (Finland, Oulu), Vice-President of the International 
Geographical Union (IGU), PhD, Professor
Noam Shoval – Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel, Jerusalem), PhD, Professor
Marianna Sigala – University of Piraeus (Greece, Piraeus), PhD, Professor
Theano S. Terkenli – University of the Aegean (Greece, Mytilene), PhD, Professor
Lindsay W. Turner –Victoria University (Australia, Melbourne), PhD, Research Professor
Ljudmila A. Ulyanchenko – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow), 
PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor
Bogdan Wlodarczyk – University of Lodz (Poland, Lodz), Director of the Institute of Urban 
and Tourism, PhD, Professor


Oksana V. Evstropeva – V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS (RF, Irkutsk), PhD (Dr.
Sc.) in Geography, Senior Researcher
Yuriy M. Lagusev – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow), PhD (Dr.
Sc.) in Pedagogics, Professor
Matvey S. Oborin – Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Perm Institute (branch); 
Perm State National Research University; Perm State Agro-Technological University named 
after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov (RF, Perm), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor
Mikhail A. Sarancha – Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RF, Moscow), PhD 
(Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor




Гастрономический туризм: фокус на вкусовые впечатления


Балабейкина О.А., Кузнецова Ю.А. 
Производство пищевой продукции как фактор привлечения дестинаций религиозного туризма

Оборин М.С. 
Тенденции формирования гастрономического туризма как самостоятельного вида услуг

Толстых О.Н. 
«Культурный код» как образ жизни коренных народов Канады


Филатова М.С., Ибрагимов Э.Э., Чимирис С.В., Спатарь-Козаченко Т.И. 
Типология и потребительский опыт гастрономических туристов  
на примере российских гастро-дестинаций

Хетагурова В.Ш., Крюкова Е.М. 
Комплексное развитие этно-гастрономического туризма в России 
как фактор сохранения этнической самобытности


Гладкий А.В. 
Потенциал гастрономического туризма Черновицкой области Украины

Кольчугина Т.А., Давыденко А.Н. 
Новые форматы и технологии организации гастрономических ивент-туров  
в регионе Кавказских Минеральных Вод

Мустафина А.А., Кайгородова Г.Н., Пыркова Г.Х., Матасова А.К. 
Гастрономический туризм в Республике Татарстан: проблемные аспекты и перспективы развития


Жуков П.В., Фомин А.А., Жигунов Э.А., Лим Я.В. 
Перспективы развития гастрономического туризма в Выборгском районе Ленинградской области

Стрельникова М.А.
Гастрономический туристский продукт Липецкой области

Шабалина Н.В., Одарюк Е.В., Поспелова С.В., Каширина Е.С., Лукьяненко Е.А. 
Перспективы организации халяль-туров в Крыму

Хуснутдинова С.Р., Касимов Д.И. 
Городской туризм и культура питания как факторы развития города и агломерации




Gastronomic tourism: Focus on taste experiences


Balabeikina O. A., Kuznetsova Ju. A. 
Food production as a factor in attracting religious tourism destinations

Oborin M. S. 
Gastronomic tourism as an independent type of services: Formation trends

Tolstykh O. N. 
“Cultural code” as a way of life indigenous peoples of Canada


Filatova M. S., Ibragimov E. E., Chimiris S. V., Spatar’-Kozachenko Т. I. 
Typology and consumer experience of gastronomic tourists using the case  
of gastronomic destinations in Russia

Khetagurova V. Sh., Kryukova E. M.
Complex development of ethno-gastronomic tourism in Russia as a factor of preserving ethnic identity


Gladkey A. V. 
Potential for gastronomic tourism in Chernivtsi region (Ukraine)

Kolchugina T. A., Davydenko A. N. 
New formats and technologies for organizing gastronomic event tours in the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Mustafina A. A., Kaigorodova G. N., Pyrkova G. H., Matasova A. K. 
Gastronomic tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan: Problem aspects and development prospects


Zhukov P. V., Fomin A. A., Zhigunov E. A., Lim Y. V. 
The gastronomic tourism development prospects in Vyborg district (Leningrad Region, Russia)

Strelnikova M. A. 
Culinary tourism product of Lipetsk Region

Shabalina N. V., Odaryuk E. V., Pospelova S. V., Kashirina E. S., Lukyanenko E. A. 
Perspectives for organizing halal tours in Crimea

Khusnutdinova S. R., Kasimov D. I. 
Urban tourism and food culture as factors in the development of the city and agglomeration

колонка главного редактора



Накануне новогодних праздников редакция нашего журнала решила задаться вопросом «А каков российский туризм на вкус?» и 
есть ли он у него в принципе? Практически 
для любого человека одними из самых ярких 
ощущений являются вкусовые – то, что часто 
называют «праздником вкуса». Но кроме 
физиологического, наверное, не случайно, 
понятие «вкус» имеет и иное значение – эстетическое, культурологическое, философское, 
является одной из мер способности воспринимать и определять красоту и искусство, одним из критериев духовно-художественного 
аристократизма. Очень тонкие грани.
Давно известно, что гастрономический 
туризм – это яркое, перспективное направление, которое позволяет взглянуть на любую территорию, страну, регион, город через 
призму кулинарных традиций. И, конечно же, 
есть в мире давно известные, популярные и 
«раскрученные» гастротуристские дестинации, некоторые из которых даже подарившие 
свои имена тем или иным блюдам или гастрономическим специалитетам, а есть мало- или 
вообще неизвестные, но оттого не менее 
«вкусные» и аутентичные гастродестинации. 
Но насколько оправданно выделение в 
отдельный вид такой категории, как «гастрономический туризм»? Так ли уж часто и много людей совершают путешествие с главной 
целью – приобщиться к местным специалитетам, изготовленным в аутентичной среде 
по традиционным технологиям и рецептуре? 
Или, всё же, гастрономия является неотъемлемой составляющей любого тура – от делового 
до экологического, поскольку потребность в 
еде – одна из базовых физиологических для 
каждого туриста, и в том или ином виде, в 
большей или меньшей степени, но любой тур 
может отчасти считаться гастрономическим? 
Ведь действительно мало найдется истинных 
туристов, кто, будучи в том или ином самобытном регионе/городе, не поинтересовался 
бы возможностью отведать шедевров местных кулинаров. И если толпы туристов томятся в многочасовых очередях к «храмам ис

On the eve of the New Year holidays, 
the editors of the journal decided to ask two 
questions: "What does Russian tourism taste 
like?" and “Does it have taste in principle?”. 
Taste is among the brightest sensations 
almost any person. That is why we have a 
phrase "feast of taste”. But apart from physiological, probably not by chance, the concept 
of "taste" has a different meaning. It can be 
considered as aesthetic, cultural, philosophical phenomena, it is one of the measures of 
ability to perceive and define beauty and art, 
one of the criteria of spiritual and artistic aristocracy. These are subtle matters.
It has long been known that gastronomic 
tourism is a bright, promising direction that 
gives the possibility to look at any territory, 
country, region, city through the prism of 
culinary traditions. And, of course, there are 
well-known, popular and "promoted" gastrotourist destinations in the world. The dishes 
or gastronomic specialties are named after 
these destinations. At the same time there 
are little known or unknown gastro-tourist 
destinations, but therefore no less "tasty" and 
authentic gastro-destinations. 
But how justified is the selection of "gastronomic tourism" in a separate category? 
How many people make a trip with the main 
goal – to get acquainted with local specialties, 
made in an authentic environment using traditional technologies and recipes? And how 
often do they do it?
Or, since nutrition is one of the basic 
physiological need for every tourist, the and 
gastronomy is an integral part of any tour – 
from business to ecological? Thus, in a greater 
or lesser extent, but any tour can be partly 
considered gastronomic? There are really few 
true tourists who, being in distinctive region 
or city, would not be interested in tasting 
the masterpieces of local culinary specialists. 
While the crowds of tourists languish in long 
lines to the "temples of art" – museums-repositories of the most famous works of culture, the gastronomic component is equally 

кусства» – музеям-хранилищам известнейших 
произведений культуры, то гастрономическая 
составляющая – отнюдь не менее важная 
часть культурного богатства любого народа. А 
многие кулинарные традиции даже охраняются ЮНЕСКО как «шедевры нематериального 
культурного наследия человечества». В таком 
случае являются ли рестораны национальной, 
традиционной кухни такими же, как и музеи, 
«храмами искусства», только гастрономического, и не пора ли и их объявлять памятниками народного достояния? Отчасти, наверное, 
это так, ибо во многие из таковых запись гостей ведется на несколько месяцев вперед. 
И если у туризма действительно есть 
свой вкус, то каков он именно у российского туризма? Что из российских специалитетов может считаться гастробрендом? Какое 
блюдо может быть рекомендовано в качестве обязательного к дегустации тому же 
иностранному туристу, не отведав которого 
он никогда не сможет даже немного приблизиться к пониманию «загадочной русской души»? И если у туризма, все же, есть 
свой вкус, то у него точно должно быть и 
послевкусие. А вот эта категория чем может 
быть определена? Является ли именно «послевкусие» тем фактором, который заставит 
туриста возвращаться сюда вновь и вновь? 
В этом выпуске журнала авторы статей 
постарались составить собственное «меню 
вкусов» туризма, представили свои взгляды и 
результаты научных исследований гастрономического компонента как одного из неотъемлемых составляющих духовной нематериальной культуры разных народов, регионов и 
стран. И пусть не все гастробренды и далеко 
не все специалитеты нашли упоминание 
на этих страницах (да и возможно ли это в 
принципе?), но задачу показать «вкусовую 
палитру туризма», обозначить современные 
и передовые технологии вовлечения в туриндустрию гастрономической составляющей, 
отразить ее роль в формировании качественных региональных туристских продуктов, несомненно, можно считать удачной. 
А в преддверии нового 2022 года редакция журнала всем своим авторам и читателям желает настоящего, доброго, светлого, искреннего и вкусного праздника, новых 
достижений, успехов и крепкого здоровья!
Главный редактор, д.геогр.н., проф.  
О.Е. Афанасьев

important part of the cultural wealth of any 
nation. And many culinary traditions are even 
protected by UNESCO as “masterpieces of 
the intangible cultural heritage of mankind”. 
In this case, can we consider the restaurants 
with national, traditional cuisine the same as 
museums, gastronomic "temples of art", and 
is it time to declare them as monuments of 
national heritage?
The guests are recorded several months 
in advance in many of these, so in part, probably it is so indeed. 
And if tourism really has its own taste, 
what exactly does Russian tourism have? 
Which of the Russian specialties can be considered a gastro-brand? What dish can be 
recommended as a must-have for a foreign 
tourist, without which he or her can never 
even come a little closer to understanding the 
"mysterious Russian soul"? And if tourism, 
nevertheless, has its own taste, then it should 
have an aftertaste. Is the “aftertaste” the factor that will make the tourist come back here 
again and again?
In this issue of the journal, the authors of 
the articles tried to compose their own "menu 
of tastes" of tourism, presented their views 
and the results of scientific research of the 
gastronomic component as one of the integral 
parts of the spiritual intangible culture of different peoples, regions and countries. Not all 
gastro brands and dishes were mentioned on 
these pages, it hardly can be done in principle. 
But we have fulfilled the task of showing the 
“taste palette of tourism”, identifying modern 
and advanced technologies for involving the 
gastronomic component in the tourism industry, reflecting its role in the formation of highquality regional tourism products.
And on the eve of the new year 2022, the 
editorial board of the journal wishes all its authors and readers a real, kind, bright, sincere 
and tasty holiday, new achievements, success 
and good health!

Editor-in-chief, Prof.  
Oleg E. Afanasiev

локалЬное в глоБалЬноМ: ФорМУла тУрИЗМа


UDC 332
DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-4-7-16

Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia)
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor; e-mail: olga8011@yandex.ru

Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Bachelor of regional studies; e-mail: julieak@yandex.ru


Abstract. The article analyzes the assortment and other distinctive features of food products produced under the domestic and foreign monastic farms brands. Those of them that act as major 
attraction various types centers of religious tourism at the national and international levels were 
selected for the research. Using various examples, the authors justify existence of close interrelations 
between religious and gastronomic tourism and outline further prospects for strengthening these 
ties. The article emphasizes the relevance and practical significance of the monastic food brands 
development, as mutually beneficial for the tourism industry, consumers of recreational services and 
food products, as well as for the designated religious organizations. It is proposed to consider the 
production and sale of food products in the monasteries conditions as a significant factor in attracting tourists and pilgrims to the destination of religious tourism. The main types of the monastery 
food products are identified, the high quality of which causes demand among tourists and pilgrims 
– cheese, sour milk, alcoholic, confectionery. It is argued that in some cases, the only opportunity 
to taste and purchase food products that are unique in composition and recipe, produced under 
monastic brands, opens only during a visit to the monastery independently or as a tourist trip part. 
Therefore, the production and sale of food products under monastic brands can rightly be considered 
as a factor of attraction for religious tourism objects.

Keywords: religious tourism, gastronomic tourism, the relationship of food consumption and religion, the destination of religious tourism.

Citation: Balabeikina O. A., & Kuznetsova, Ju. A. (2021). Food production as a factor in attracting religious 
tourism destinations. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 15(4), 7-16. doi: 10.24412/1995-04112021-4-7-16. 
Article History
Received 30 September 2021
Accepted 3 December 2021

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by 
the author(s).

© 2021 the Author(s) 
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 
(CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.

Стр. 7–16

УДК 332
DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-4-7-16

БАЛАБЕЙКИНА Ольга Александровна
Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет  
(С.-Петербург, РФ)
кандидат географических наук, доцент; e-mail: olga8011@yandex.ru

КУЗНЕЦОВА Юлия Антоновна
Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет 
(С.-Петербург, РФ)
бакалавр регионоведения; e-mail: julieak@yandex.ru


Анализируется ассортимент и иные отличительные особенности продовольственной 
продукции, выпускаемой под брендами отечественных и зарубежных монастырских 
хозяйств. Выбраны для исследования были те из них, которые выступают крупными 
аттрактивными центрами различных видов религиозного туризма на национальном 
и международном уровнях. На разнообразных примерах обосновывается наличие тесных взаимосвязей религиозного и гастрономического туризма и обозначаются дальнейшие перспективы для укрепления этих связей. Подчеркивается актуальность и 
практическая значимость развития продовольственных монастырских брендов, как 
взаимовыгодная для туристской отрасли, потребителей рекреационных услуг и продовольственных товаров, а также для обозначенных религиозных организаций. Предлагается рассматривать производство и реализацию продовольственной продукции в 
условиях монастырей в качестве значимого фактора привлечения туристов и паломников в дестинации религиозного туризма. Выявлены основные виды продовольственной монастырской продукции, высокое качество которых вызывает спрос у туристов 
и паломников – сыроваренная, кисломолочная, алкогольная, кондитерская. Аргументированно утверждается, что в ряде случаев единственная возможность дегустации 
и приобретения уникальных по составу и рецептуре продуктов продовольственного 
потребления, выпущенных под монастырскими брендами, открывается только в ходе 
посещения обители самостоятельно или в рамках туристической поездки. Следовательно, выпуск и реализацию пищевых продуктов под монастырскими брендами можно справедливо считать фактором привлечения для объектов религиозного туризма.

Ключевые слова: религиозный туризм, гастрономический туризм, взаимосвязи продовольственного потребления и религии, дестинация религиозного туризма.

Для цитирования: Балабейкина О.А., Кузнецова Ю.А. Производство пищевой продукции как фактор 
привлечения дестинаций религиозного туризма // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2021. Т.15. №4. 
С. 7-16. DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-4-7-16.
Дата поступления в редакцию: 30 сентября 2021 г.
Дата утверждения в печать: 3 декабря 2021 г.

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№ 4/2021  Том 15


Religious tourism, both pilgrimage and 
sightseeing educational, is a sphere of recreational economy, by which demand is maintained and supply is expanding in Russia [1, 
2, etc.] and on the foreign countries territory 
[3]. Specialists record the dynamic development of this direction, despite obvious secular trends in society, especially in Europe [4]. 
If we turn to the peculiarities of the tourism 
sector functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic [5], it becomes obvious that the significant role of domestic Russian tourism, 
and therefore routes of Orthodox themes, in 
conditions of limited opportunities for crossing interstate borders. The same applies to 
other countries that have a developed religious infrastructure, a high historical, cultural 
and sacred potential of the territory, as well 
as a population that can demand this kind of 
recreational service [6]. The current events 
related to the COVID-19 pandemic contribute to the actualization of the appeal to the 
theoretical foundations development and the 
solution of practical issues of the religious 
tourism functioning as one of the domestic 
tourism types. For this reason, it has become 
almost impossible to travel abroad in order to 
fulfill the needs for recreation. The reality is 
that in order to maintain and even more so to 
strengthen their positions in the sales market, 
firms offering the implementation of thematic routes need to look for compliance with 
high quality standards of services provided, 
expand the range of products offered, search 
and implement various factors to attract 
tourists. In religious tourism, these primarily 
include thematic attractions, sacred and cult 
values, i.e. temple buildings that are eventfully and hagiographically associated with 
church history and the names of canonized 
saints; revered miraculous icons, holy springs, 
etc. – that is, objects whose visit contributes 
to the satisfaction of spiritual [7, p. 35] and 
ritual and cult needs. The pilgrimage as such 
is primarily attracted by the possibility of performing religious practices.
While meeting spiritual needs is a priority for users of religious tourism services, other factors that are standard for the recreation 
industry remain important for the implementation of such routes – the possibility of re
laxation, the acquisition of new impressions, 
the expansion of the communication and the 
general outlook circle. That is why natural and 
historical and cultural objects-museums, art 
exhibitions, concert halls, parks – are widely 
involved in the content of religious tourism 
routes. It is also often offered a diverse range 
of additional services – cruise trips, visits to 
SPA complexes, souvenir shops, etc.
Food products that are produced in 
monasteries, at temple farms or produced 
under their brands can also act as a combination of factors for attracting tourists, mainly 
due to the high quality and natural raw materials used in cooking. Moreover, this may 
concern both the assortment of alcoholic and 
non-alcoholic beverages, herbal preparations, 
different varieties of honey, confectionery, 
fermented milk products offered for sale, and 
original dishes that are contained in the monastery refectory menu.
Theory review
The problems outlined in the presented 
article are built around the following key concepts: religious tourism, gastronomic tourism, 
the relationship of food consumption and religion. The degree of tourist and religious issues 
development in general is very high [8]. A large 
number of research results devoted to fundamental [9, 10] and narrow, practical [11] issues 
of the religious tourism functioning have been 
introduced into domestic and foreign scientific 
circulation. Specialists also consider in some 
detail certain factors of recreational services 
attracting consumers to increase demand in 
the designated tourist economy sub-sector 
[12]. The results of reserches reflecting the 
influence of food products religiously conditioned consumption on the region economy 
have been introduced into scientific circulation [13, 14]. But the analysis of the existing 
sources at the moment allows us to state that 
specialists rarely focused their attention on the 
gastronomic component of religious tourism. 
As an exceptional example of a detailed study 
devoted to this problem, we can cite the work 
of Italian specialists. In its content, based on 
the results of a specially designed survey, the 
main motives for tourists to visit monasteries 
and temples are analyzed. As a result, a close 
relationship between religious and gastronomic tourism is revealed, and the possibility of 

tasting and purchasing monastic food products 
during a thematic religious and educational 
route is positioned as one of the main interests 
of tourist demand [15].
It is the small scale of research on this 
issue, its relevance and practical significance 
for users of recreational services, the management of tourist and pilgrimage organizations, 
as well as for specialists who are entrusted 
with the function of developing the concept 
of tourism development at the regional and 
national levels, that determined the purpose 
of the presented article. It consists in identifying the peculiarities of the food production 
produced in monasteries and temple complexes or under their brands, as well as analyzing its impact on the development of religious tourism.
Data and Methods
The primary data that reflect the assortment, the peculiarities of manufacturing and 
the raw materials used for it, as well as the 
cost of food products produced by large monastic farms, are contained on their official 
electronic websites. As a rule, such monasteries are large attractive centers of religious 
tourism. In addition, in order to collect information for its further processing, the authors 
of the presented article in the period from 
2008 to 2019. They have repeatedly taken 
personal part in various tourist routes of a religious orientation within Russia and foreign 
European countries. The latter allows us to 
assert that the work uses not only methods 
of information analysis and synthesis, but 
also the method of included observation. The 
basis for the study in this regard was the Novo-Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery 
(Finland), the Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky 
Stavropol Monastery (Russia, Karelia), etc.
From the early nineties onwards, the 
sphere of religious tourism has been expanding and developing with the increasing interest among Russians in the religious environment that has become accessible for contact 
and immersion in it. The existing routes of 
the designated topic are constantly becoming more complicated and new ones appear, 
opening objects of visiting and showing are 
involved in them. Moreover, this applies not 
only to temples and monastery complexes. As 

part of the religious orientation tourist routes 
implementation, a whole range of additional services is offered – visits to museums, 
parks, even SPA complexes. The package of a 
multi-day religious and educational trip may 
include a beach holiday or fishing. Almost always, meals are offered on the route, and the 
organization of it at the monastery refectory 
is positioned as an advantage.
Simultaneously with these processes, enterprises began to open on the basis of some 
monasteries and temple complexes, where 
food industry products are produced – bakery, confectionery, cheese-making, fermented milk, etc. Moreover, it is sold under trademarks, in the name and / or logo of which the 
affiliation of a religious organization is traced.
In this way, a few years ago, the dairy 
production founded at the end of the XIX century was revived in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery on the Valaam island, where 
cheeses and other types of dairy products are 
produced and sold under the brand “Valaam 

The production of soft, semi-hard and 
hard cheeses, yoghurts,pasteurized milk, sour 
cream based on its own raw materials is carried out directly on the territory of the Valaam 
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Stavropol Monastery. 
The product range is positioned and evaluated as high-quality, and sales are focused both 
on pilgrims and tourists visiting the monastery, and on a wide range of buyers through 
the online store on the official monastery 
website, as well as through sales in grocery 
stores and in the markets of St. Petersburg.
We can talk about a double economic effect as a result of the production of food products on the example of the Valaam monastery 
production. On the one hand, the opportunity 
to try and buy it on the monastery territory 
can serve as one of the factors for visiting it, 
or at least an element of attraction for tourists. At the same time, high-quality products 
with a colorful thematic logo can arouse interest in the place where it is produced and, 
accordingly, stimulate the desire to visit it, including in order to eat your favorite cheeses 
and sour cream in the monastery refectory 
In fact, the products sale based on milk 
produced on the monastery farm is an exam
Стр. 7–16

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№ 4/2021  Том 15


ple of restoring the historical tradition. Even 
before the revolution of 1917, the Valaam 
Monastery was known for the successful organization of agriculture, aimed primarily at 
full self-sufficiency. This also applied to the 
dairy cattle breeding. The excess milk, which 
inevitably formed during the periods of Orthodox fasts, was used for the production of 
butter, the main market for which was in St. 
Petersburg. This fact is usually mentioned in 
the content of the sightseeing tour of the Valaam Monastery. In addition, during it, tourists and pilgrims are exposed to the details of 
the organization and technology of modern 
cheese and fermented milk production, which 
stimulates interest and, accordingly, demand 
for the products purchase.
In the post-Soviet period, the Valaam 
Monastery economy gradually began to recover, and it itself, among other things, acts as 
one of the largest attractive religious tourism 
centers in Russia, attracting a significant tourists number from foreign countries.
The production of cheeses and dairy 
products in Valaam has recently acquired industrial significance. In the period from 2013 
to 2015, the purchase and foreign equipment 
installation for the primary processing and 
temporary storage of dairy raw materials 
(“DeLaval”, Sweden), as well as equipment 
for the production of ready-made cheeses 
(“Sfoggia”, Italy) was carried out.
Several people from among the monastic brotherhood, who are directly entrusted 
with the responsibility for this production, 
passed a 2-week internship in Italy under the 
guidance of the director of the equipment 
The Valaam Farm brand products range 
was gradually expanded. At first, soft cheeses of well-known varieties were produced – 
“Caccotta”, “Ricotta” and “Mozzarella”. The 
products of “Valaam farm” in a short time 
gained popularity among consumers, despite 
the rather high cost. Soon, a recipe for making 
a unique variety of hard cheese called “Monastico” was patented, which is produced exclusively at the cheese factory of the Valaam 
monastery. Accordingly, one of the opportunities to try it and other types of cheeses for 
connoisseurs of this product type opens when 
visiting the monastery.

On the official website of the Valaam 
monastery in the section “Online store Valaam farm” there is a fairly detailed description of each of the goods types offered.

“Monastico” is positioned there as a 
unique Russian brand, one of the analogues 
of Italian Montasio cheeses (Montasi), the algorithm and the ingredients list for the preparation of which was developed by Catholic 
monks on the territory of Mojo-Udenese-Friuli-Venezia Giulia region at the end of the XII 
As of September 2021, the following 
products of Valaam Farm are offered to customers at prices1:
1. Bottled kefir (0.5 liters) – 70 rubles.
2. Bottled yogurt without flavoring additives (0.5 liters) – 100 rubles.
3. Sour cream, fat content of 20% (capacity 0.360 kg) – 100 rubles; (capacity 0.250 kg 
– 70 rubles);
4. Cottage cheese (1 kg) – 350 rubles. It 
is possible to hang and pack in plastic containers with a capacity of 300 to 550 g.
5. Soft cheese “Ricotta”, 8% (1 kg) – 900 
rubles. It is possible to hang and pack in plastic containers with a capacity of 300 to 550 g.
6. Semi-hard cheese “Kachotta”, 40% (1 
kg) – 1500 rubles.
7. Hard cheese “Monastiko” (3 months), 
(1 kg) – 1900 rubles.
8. Hard cheese “Monastiko” (6 months), 
(1 kg) – 2300 rubles.
9. Hard cheese “Monastiko” (9 months), 
(1 kg) – 2600 rubles.
9. Hard cheese “Monastiko” (1 year), (1 
kg) – 2900 rubles.
10. Hard cheese “Pastoral” (9 months), 
(1 kg) – 1900 rubles.
11. Hard cheese “Valaam Gruyere” (6 
months), (1 kg) – 2300 rubles. For all types of 
cheeses, we offer weighing and packaging in 
vacuum containers of a products volume from 
200 to 650 g.
It should be noted that despite the 
seemingly quite high cost of the Valaam 
Farm’s cheese products, it quite stands up 
to price competition, since similar types of 
elite cheeses are offered on the market much 
more expensive by about one and a half to 

1  Valaam farm. URL: http://www.valaamferma.ru/
ferma/tseny (Accessed on September 5, 2021)