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Предпереводческий анализ текста

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Методическая разработка основана на произведениях англоязычной прозы XX в. Она включает список слов и выражений к каждому разделу и упражнения для обогащения лексического запаса читателя, а также задания на понимание смысла художественного текста. Издание предназначено для занятий по аналитическому чтению в языковых вузах, также может быть использовано широким кругом читателей.
Бим, М. М. Предпереводческий анализ текста : учебное пособие / М. М. Бим. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2020. - 120 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-4179-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1863169 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.

М.М. Бим


Учебное пособие

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»

УДК 811.111'25(075.8)
ББК 81.432.1-8я73

Рекомендовано кафедрой теории и практики английского языка 
факультета «Высшая школа перевода» протокол № 2 от 28.12.2018 г.

Печатается по решению ученого совета Высшей школы перевода
(факультета) МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,
протокол № 48 от 13 февраля 2019 г.

Ре це нзе нты:
кафедра германской филологии
Уральского Гуманитарного Института УрФУ
(зав. кафедрой, д-р филол. наук, проф. О.Г. Сидорова,
канд. пед. наук, доц. Н.А. Дерябина);
канд. филол. наук, доцент Е.М. Мешкова (факультет «Высшая школа 
перевода» МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова)

Бим М.М.
Б61      Предпереводческий анализ текста [Электронный ресурс]: учеб. 
пособие / М.М. Бим. — М. : ФЛИНТА, 2020. — 120 с.
     ISBN 978-5-9765-4179-5

Методическая разработка основана на произведениях англоязычной прозы XX в. Она включает список слов и выражений к 
каждому разделу и упражнения для обогащения лексического запаса читателя, а также задания на понимание смысла художественного текста.
Издание предназначено для занятий по аналитическому чтению в языковых вузах, также может быть использовано широким 
кругом читателей.
УДК 811.111’25(075.8)
ББК 81.432.1-8я73

ISBN 978-5-9765-4179-5 
© Бим И.И., 2020
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2020


Предисловие  ....................................................................................................4


H.G. Wells. THE DOOR IN THE WALL  ..................................................5
J. Galsworthy. THE BROKEN BOOT  .....................................................12
G. Green. PROOF POSITIVE  .................................................................17
K. Mansfi eld. A CUP OF TEA  .................................................................21
A. Christie. THE ADVENTURE OF THE EGYPTIAN TOMB  .............25
A. Christie. STRANGE JEST  ..................................................................30
A. Christie. ACCIDENT  ..........................................................................37
V. Woolf. THE LEGACY  .........................................................................42
W.S. Maugham. A CASUAL AFFAIR  .....................................................46
W.S. Maugham. THE LOTUS EATER  ....................................................50
W.S. Maugham. MR. KNOW-ALL  .........................................................55
G.K. Chesterton. THE FLYING STARS ..................................................60


F.S. Fitzgerald. THE GREAT GATSBY  ..................................................65


Пособие предназначено для студентов языковых вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение» в 
рамках дисциплины «Практический курс первого иностранного 
языка», и составлено на материале рассказов английских писателей XX в. (часть 1), а также романа Ф.С. Фицджеральда «Великий Гэтсби» (часть 2).
Основной целью пособия является подготовка студентов к 
адекватному пониманию художественного текста для проведения предпереводческого анализа, что в будущем поможет им 
определять пути осуществления перевода.
Каждый раздел имеет определенную структуру: лексическая 
часть включает словарь для активного усвоения лексики текста, 
упражнения различного типа. При составлении упражнений 
уделено большое внимание повторяемости лексических явлений, что позволяет лучше усваивать материал, стимулировать 
обогащение словарного запаса.
Еще один тип заданий включает в себя речевые упражнения. 
Студенты должны объяснить или перефразировать выбранные 
из текста цитаты, вспомнить и пересказать ситуацию или эпизод, в которых они употребляются, раскрыть подтекст.
Далее идут вопросы, составленные таким образом, что направляют внимание читателя на существенные детали и факты, 
позволяют проникнуть в смысл произведения, сформировать 
собственное отношение к событиям и героям.
Задания сформулированы так, что обучающиеся могут работать самостоятельно.

PA R T  1

H.G. Wells


1) to recall;
2) to be stripped of smth. (stripped of the glamour, to strip the 
truth of the secret for me);
3) to convey;
4) to resort to (explanations);
5) to throw light;
6) reticent;
7) apparition;
8) to confi de in smb., confi dential (evening);
9) tedious (job, man);
10) not to care a rap;
11) to repel (“I was drawn and repelled”);
12) woe, woefulness;
13) to go astray = to wander;
14) toilsome life (toil);
15) remorse (to fi ll with ~).


1. Afterwards as I sat up in bed and sipped my morning tea, 
I found myself trying to account for the fl avour of reality that 
perplexed me in his impossible reminiscences, by supposing 

they did in some way suggest, present, convey — I hardly 
know which word to use — experiences it was otherwise 
impossible to tell.
2. He left me behind him long ago; he soared up over my head, 
and cut a fi gure in the world that I couldn’t cut — anyhow.
3. All that had faded among the incurable blurs of memory.
4. As I realized the fullness of what had happened to me, I gave 
way to quite ungovernable grief.
5. Carnaby became outrageously virtuous, and said I’d have 
to — and bear out my words or suffer.
6. The fi rst time was on the night of the snatch division on the 
Tenants’ Redemption Bill, on which the Government was saved 
by a majority of three... I and Hotchkiss were dining with his 
cousin at Brentford; we were both unpaired, and we were called 
up by telephone, and set off at once in his cousin’s motor.
7. The question of my place in the reconstructed Ministry lay 
always just over the boundary of the discussion. Yes — yes. 
That’s all settled. It needn’t be talked about yet, but there’s 
no reason to keep a secret from you... Yes — thanks! thanks!
8. “...A thousand inconceivable petty worldlinesses weighed 
with me in that crisis.”


1. Colleagues today recall with humor how meetings would 
crawl into the early morning hours.
2. He conveys a great sense of religious devotion in his poetry. 
They use illustrations to convey their message.
3. Because of the pollution, the trees are almost completely 
stripped of bark. When the athlete was found to have taken 
drugs before the race, she was stripped of her gold medal.
4. When she didn’t answer the telephone I resorted to standing 
outside her window and calling up to her.
5. When it comes to looking for money from the government, 
technology business people are no more reticent than 
farmers, fi shermen or teachers.

6. Some ten per cent of the population claim to have seen 
a ghost or some other apparition that seems completely 
invisible to others.
7. They held champagne glasses and leaned together, talking in 
confi dential whispers.
8. Climbing down the side of the cliff looked far too tedious 
and slow for his likes.
9. Who cares a rap?
10. Boots with good-quality leather uppers to repel moisture.
11. The extra money will do little to address the problem of 
Auckland’s transport woes.
12. Better to ask the way than go astray. (proverb)
13. After six and a half years of toil and sweat, I was fi nally 
14. She did not even feel the slightest bit of anger or remorse as 
she felt her hands lift up the gun.


1. He stood spell-bound, gazing at them the way one would at a 
ghostlike image suddenly materialising out of the blue.
2. He admitted killing the man but showed no sign of deep 
regret or guilt.
3. He was fi lled with shame and regret after hitting the child.
4. Michael is very secretive about his past.
5. I can still vaguely remember being taken to hospital.
6. Machines and technology are here to make our lives easier, 
not to do boring, monotonous tasks for us.
7. Turner was famously reserved regarding his private life.
8. She doesn’t care at all for what her father says.
9. John spent all night looking for three of his sheep that had 
become lost.
10. His rank and property were taken away from the lieutenant.
11. She accused them of leaking personal information about her 
private life.

12. Her books express philosophical issues in a clear and 
digestible form.
13. One has sometimes to turn to these little devices.
14. Government units managed to drive back the rebels.
15. And to compound the great sorrow, his father Thomas lost 
his battle with lung cancer.
16. He and his wife worked extremely hard almost round the 
clock for seven years to make a success of their business.


1. Мне пришлось прибегнуть к угрозам, чтобы вернуть 
2. Будучи экономистом, ему удалось пролить некоторый 
свет на эту проблему.
3. Она милая и добрая девушка, но я не думаю, что могу ей 
4. Разве ты не видишь, что ей наплевать на тебя?
5. В своих стихах он сумел передать тончайшие оттенки 
6. Он признал, что был груб, но совесть его за это не мучила.
7. После долгой и утомительной поездки я, наконец, прибыл к месту проведения конференции.
8. В результате принятия этого закона народ лишили его 
гражданских прав.
9. В случае угрозы нападения приходится прибегать к дипломатии.
10. Несколько моих наиболее важных документов пропали.
11. Их выступление одновременно сдержанное и эмоциональное.
12. В этой истории рассказывается о явлении двух ангелов 
13. Письмо начиналось в доверительном тоне.
14. Правительственные войска отразили атаку восставших.

15. Эта картина и привлекает, и отталкивает меня одновременно.
16. Так год отмечен был печатью скорби.
17. Его мозолистые (callous) руки свидетельствовали о годах 
тяжелого труда.


1. Who is the main character of the story? Who is the narrator? 
Had they known each other for long?
2. Under what circumstances did Wallace tell Redmond his story?
3. Did Redmond believe it? How did Redmond’s attitude to the 
story change?
4. Lionel Wallace confessed that he had been haunted. What did 
he mean by saying so? Did it have anything to do with ghosts 
and apparitions?
5. What career did Wallace make for his short life? Was it a 
6. Was Wallace happy as a child? Prove your point by the 
examples from the text.
7. When did Wallace come upon the green door in the wall for 
the fi rst time? What feelings did he have when he fi rst saw 
the green door?
8. What did the boy see in the garden?
9. What did Wallace see in the book the somber woman showed 
10. Where did the boy fi nd himself after he had turned the last 
page of the book? How did he return to the real world? What 
did he feel?
11. Who took care of Lionel when he was a child? How did the 
family react to the boy’s story about the door in the wall?
12. What was the idea of the game “North-West passage”? Why 
did the boy play it?
13. How did Wallace’s school fellows learn about the enchanted 
garden? What was their reaction?

14. How many times in his life did he see the green door? How 
frequently did he see it? What circumstances prevented him 
from entering the enchanted garden?
15. Did he eventually fi nd the green door? What happened to 

VII. GET READY TO RETELL THE EXTRACT (“Then he turned on me... 
for a door, for a garden”).


1. Wallace’s childhood
2. The secret garden behind the green door
3. Wallace’s career
4. Wallace’s mysterious death


1. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator. What 
advantages and disadvantages are there in telling the story in 
the fi rst person? How does this particular presentation affect 
the reader’s perception of the story?
2. What can you say about the personality of the narrator on the 
basis of the story?
3. The story opens with Redmond’s refl ections about Lionel 
Wallace and the story the latter told him. Why does the 
author introduce this passage? What words and phrases lead 
the reader to the idea that there is something mysterious in 
Wallace’s story?
4. What kind of relationship existed between Wallace and Redmond?
5. Are there any indications that Redmond was prejudiced in 
telling Lionel’s story or was he quite impartial in presenting 
the events? Is it possible to trace Redmond’s attitude towards 

6. What kind of person was Lionel Wallace as a child? Speak 
about the atmosphere in his family.
7. Discuss the way the author shows the clash of two worlds: 
the grown-up world and the child’s world. What were the 
things about Wallace that his family didn’t understand? What 
was the child deprived of? Observe the words, phrases and 
passages that reveal the child’s inner world. Comment on the 
image they create.
8. What words and phrases does the author use to convey the 
dominant atmosphere of the enchanted garden. How do they 
contrast with the description of the things Wallace came 
across in real life?
9. Does the description of the garden suggest anything 
mysterious, symbolic? Does the description of a sombre 
woman give rise to any associations? Who or what do you 
think she symbolizes?
10. Do you think the reaction of Wallace’s family to his story 
was right? How would you behave if you were in their place?
11. Does Wallace’s story seem true to you or do you think it was 
just the boy’s imagination that played a trick on him? What 
role did the “Door in the Wall” play in Wallace’s life?
12. Comment on the several episodes when Wallace had a chance 
of entering the green door. What mattered to him more at 
those moments? Did he miss the chances because he himself 
had changed and was disciplined and responsible or because 
the world he lived in “was so bright and interesting”?
13. What is your attitude towards Wallace? Does the character 
appeal to you? What do you think of his death?
14. Comment on Redmond’s estimation of the events.
15. Make a character sketch of Wallace.
16. What is the theme of the story?
17. What’s the main confl ict of the story: Wallace and society; 
Wallace and his family; inner confl ict?
18. What is the message of the story?

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