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Интеграция образования, 2018, том 22, № 3 (92)

научный журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 715378.0001.99
Интеграция образования : научный журнал. - Саранск : ФГБОУ ВПО "МГУ им. Н.П. Огарёва", 2018. - Т. 22, № 3 (92). - 182 с. - ISSN 2308-1058. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/1034399 (дата обращения: 15.05.2024)
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Научный журнал

Учредитель и издатель:

федеральное государственное  
бюджетное образовательное  
учреждение высшего  
образования «Национальный  
исследовательский Мордовский  
государственный университет  
им. Н. П. Огарёва»

430005, россия, республика Мордовия,  
г. Саранск, ул. Большевистская, 68/1

адреС редакции:

430005, россия, республика Мордовия,  
г. Саранск, ул. Большевистская, 68/1
телефон, факс: +7 (834-2) 48-14-24 

издается с января 1996 года
Периодичность издания – 4 раза в год

Подписной индекс в каталоге  
агентств «роспечать»  
и «Мк-Периодика» – 46316

ISSN 1991-9468 (Print), 2308-1058 (Online)
Vol. 22, no. 3. 2018
(July — September)
Continuous issue – 92

Scholarly journal

Founder and PubliSher:

Federal State 
budgetary educational 
of higher education 
“national research  
ogarev Mordovia 
State university”

68/1 bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, 
republic of Mordovia, russia

editorial oFFice:

68/1 bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, 
republic of Mordovia, russia
telephone, fax: +7 (834-2) 48-14-24

Published since January 1996
Publication frequency: quarterly

Subscription index in catalogue  
of agencies “rospechat”  
and “MK-Periodiсa” – 46316

e-mail: inted@mail.ru, inted@adm.mrsu.ru

© ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», 2018

При цитировании ссылка на журнал  
«интеграция образования integration of education» обязательна.
Полное или частичное воспроизведение в СМи материалов, опубликованных  
в журнале, допускается только с разрешения редакции

ИнтеграцИя образованИя  
IntegratIon of educatIon

doI: 10.15507/1991-9468

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.092.022.201803
Том 22, № 3. 2018
(июль — сентябрь)
Сквозной номер выпуска – 92


научный журнал «Интеграция образования» публикует научные материалы по совершенствованию и распространению опыта интеграции региональных систем образования 
на территории российской Федерации и за рубежом. В журнале публикуются материалы 
по проблемам формирования региональных систем образования, управления, вертикальной 
и горизонтальной интеграции, истории систем и учреждений образования, прикладным 
проблемам образования и воспитания, информатизации и технического обеспечения учебно-воспитательного процесса.
Наименование и содержание рубрик журнала соответствуют отраслям науки и группам 
специальностей научных работников в соответствии с Номенклатурой специальностей 
научных работников.
Журнал осуществляет научное рецензирование («двустороннее слепое») всех поступающих в редакцию материалов с целью экспертной оценки по следующим специальностям:

19.00.00 ПСиХОлОГиЯ
13.00.00 ПедаГОГика
22.00.00 СОциОлОГиЯ

Все рецензенты являются признанными специалистами по тематике рецензируемых 
материалов. рецензии хранятся в издательстве и редакции в течение 5 лет.
редакция журнала направляет авторам представленных материалов копии рецензий или мотивированный отказ.
редакция журнала направляет копии рецензий в Министерство образования и науки 
российской Федерации при поступлении соответствующего запроса.
Журнал придерживается стандартов редакционной этики в соответствии с международной практикой редактирования, рецензирования, изданий и авторства научных публикаций 
и рекомендациями комитета по этике научных публикаций.
точка зрения редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов.

Журнал входит в Перечень российских рецензируемых научных журналов, в которых 
должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание 
ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук, и международный справочник научных  
изданий ulrichsweb Global Serials directory

Журнал индексируется и архивируется в: 
российском индексе научного цитирования (риНц) 
erih PluS
SherPa / romeo

Журнал является членом directory of open access Journals (doaJ), комитета по этике 
научных публикаций, ассоциации научных редакторов и издателей (аНри) и crossref  
и международного сообщества Publons

Материалы журнала доступны по лицензии creative commons “attribution”  
(«атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная

IntegratIon of educatIon. Vol. 22, no. 3. 2018

“Integration of education” scholarly journal is devoted to improvement and dissemination 
of experience of integration of regional educational systems across the russian Federation and 
other countries. the journal welcomes materials exploring the following problems: formation of 
regional educational and administrative systems, vertical and horizontal integration, historical 
development of the above systems and academic institutions, applied aspects of education and 
upbringing, informatization and technical provision of academic process.
titles and contents of sections correspond to branches of science and groups of specialties 
of scientists according to nomenclature of specialties for scientists.
For complex expert evaluation all manuscripts undergo “double-blind” review.
the journal accepts articles in the following specialties for publication:

19.00.00 PSYcholoGY
13.00.00 PedaGoGY
22.00.00 SocioloGY

all reviewers are acknowledged experts in areas they are responsible for. reviews are stored 
in the publishing house and publishing office during 5 years.
editorial staff sends to the authors of the submitted materials copies of reviews or a substantiated refusal.
editorial staff of the journal forwards copies of reviews in Ministry of education and Science of the  
russian Federation by request.
“integration of education” journal is registered in russian index of Scientific citations and 
submits information about the published articles to russian index of Scientific citations.
the opinions expressed by authors in the journal do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial Staff.

the journal is listed in the catalogue of peer-reviewed academic journals and publications 
for publishing of principal scientific findings of dissertations and ulrichsweb Global 
Serials directory

the journal is indexed and archived by:
russian index of Scientific citations
erih PluS
SherPa / romeo

the journal is a member of directory of open access Journals (doaJ), crossref and aSeP 
and the international community of reviewers Publons

all the materials of the “integration of education” journal are available under creative 
commons “attribution” 4.0 license


редакцИонная коллегИя

вдовин Сергей Михайлович – главный редактор, ректор ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», 
кандидат экономических наук, доцент, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7363-1389, rector@adm.mrsu.ru 
(Саранск, россия)
Полутин Сергей викторович – заместитель главного редактора, директор Нии регионологии 
ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», доктор социологических наук, профессор, orcid: http://
orcid.org/0000-0003-0399-4154, polutin.sergei@yandex.ru (Саранск, россия)
гордина Светлана викторовна – ответственный секретарь, кандидат педагогических наук, 
orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-418X, inted@adm.mrsu.ru, inted@mail.ru (Саранск, россия)
буквич райко Миланович – профессор Географического института «Jovan cvijic» Сербской 
академии наук и искусств, доктор экономических наук, профессор, r.bukvic@mail.ru (Сербия, Белград)
варгас-Эрнандес Хосе гуадалупе – доктор философии в области государственного управления исследовательского центра экономических и управленческих наук университета Гвадалахары, 
jvargas2006@gmail.com (Гвадалахара, Халиско, Мексика)
гафуров Ильшат рафкатович – ректор ФГаОУ ВО «казанский (Приволжский) федеральный 
университет», доктор экономических наук, профессор, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7744-2067, 
public.mail@kpfu.ru (казань, россия) 
загвязинский владимир Ильич – заведующий академической кафедрой методологии  
и теории социально-педагогических исследований ФГаОУ ВО «тюменский государственный 
университет», научный руководитель тюменского научно-образовательного центра раО, доктор 
педагогических наук, профессор, академик раО, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6223-6356,  
v.i.zagvyazinskij@utmn.ru (тюмень, россия)
камильо aнджело – доктор философии, ассоциированный профессор менеджмента Школы 
бизнеса Университета Вудбери, angelo.camillo@woodbury.edu (Бербанк, СШа)
кириллова ольга владимировна – председатель российского экспертного совета, представитель рЭС в Scopus cSab, президент ассоциации научных редакторов и издателей, кандидат 
технических наук, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0785-6181, ovkir@list.ru (Москва, россия)
кумар Сагар лалит – вице-канцлер (президент) Гималайского университета, доктор философии, 
профессор, dr_lksagar@yahoo.co.in (Нью-дели, индия)
Макаркин николай Петрович – президент ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», доктор экономических наук, профессор, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3952-5811, makarkin@mrsu.ru (Саранск, россия)
Маралов владимир георгиевич – профессор кафедры психологии ФГБОУ ВО «череповецкий 
государственный университет», доктор психологических наук, профессор, orcid: http://orcid.org/ 
0000-0002-9627-2304, vgmaralov@yandex.ru (череповец, россия)
Мерзлякова галина витальевна – ректор ФГБОУ ВО «Удмуртский государственный университет», доктор исторических наук, профессор, rector@udsu.ru (ижевск, россия) 
Мишра камлеш – вице-канцлер Университета ансал, доктор экономики, misra1957@gmail.com 
(Гургаон, Харьяна, индия)
Маврудеас Ставрос – профессор департамента экономики Университета Македонии, доктор 
философии, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2230-7479, smavro@uom.edu.gr (Фессалоники, Греция)
Саранцев геннадий Иванович – заведующий кафедрой методики преподавания математики  
ФГБОУ ВО «МГПи им. М. е. евсевьева», доктор педагогических наук, профессор, orcid: http://
orcid.org/0000-0002-1571-5100, gisarancev@mail.ru (Саранск, россия)
Сингх кадьян джагбир – почетный президент института управления стрессом и прикладных 
наук, ассистирующий профессор департамента коммерции колледжа им. Свами Шраддхананда Университета дели, доктор философии, dr.jskadyan@gmail.com (Нью-дели, индия)
Стриелковски вадим – профессор Пражской бизнес-школы, директор Пражского института 
повышения квалификации, научный сотрудник калифорнийского университета Беркли (СШа), доктор 
наук, профессор, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6113-3841, strielkowski@berkeley.edu (Прага, чехия) 
Фёльдeш Чаба – заведующий кафедрой германского языкознания факультета гуманитарных наук Эрфуртского университета, доктор филологических наук, профессор, foeldes@foeldes.eu (Эрфурт, Германия)
Хамуда Самир – профессор физического факультета университета Бенгази, dr.hamouda@gmail.com 
(Бенгази, ливия)
Холяйль Ханафи – президент Университета азМ в триполи, доктор философии, профессор, 
hholail@azmuniversity.edu.lb (триполи, ливан)
Чошанов Мурат аширович – профессор кафедры математических наук и подготовки учителя техасского университета, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, mouratt@utep.edu (Эль-Пасо, техас, СШа) 
Чупрунов евгений владимирович – ректор ФГаОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский 
Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н. и. лобачевского», доктор физико-математических 
наук, профессор, rector@unn.ru (Нижний Новгород, россия) 
Шафранов-куцев геннадий Филиппович – научный руководитель ФГаОУ ВО «тюменский государственный университет», доктор философских наук, профессор, академик раО, orcid: http://orcid.org/ 
0000-0001-7823-0525, g.f.kucev@utmn.ru (тюмень, россия)
Юсофф Сазали – директор института педагогического образования tuanku bainun campus (iPGKtb), 
Министерство образования Малайзии, доктор философии, sazali@iab.edu.my (Пенанг, Малайзия) 
янчук владимир александрович – декан факультета профессионального развития специалистов 
образования ГУО «академия последипломного образования», доктор психологических наук, профессор, 
orcid: http://orcid.org/00000-0002-4524-8371, yanchuk1954@gmail.com (Минск, республика Беларусь)

IntegratIon of educatIon. Vol. 22, no. 3. 2018

edItorIal Board

Sergey М. Vdovin – editor in chief, rector of national research Mordovia State university, Ph.d. 
(economics), associate Professor, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7363-1389, rector@adm.mrsu.ru 
(Saransk, russia)
Sergey V. Polutin – deputy editor in chief, director of research institute of regional Studies 
of national research Mordovia State university, dr.Sci. (Sociology), Professor, orcid: http://orcid.
org/0000-0003-0399-4154, polutin.sergei@yandex.ru (Saransk, russia)
Svetlana V. gordina – executive editor, Ph.d. (Pedagogy), orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-418X, 
inted@adm.mrsu.ru, inted@mail.ru (Saransk, russia)
rayko M. Bukvich – Professor of Geographic institute “Jovan cvijic” of Serbian academy of Sciences 
and arts, dr.Sci. (economics), Professor, r.bukvic@mail.ru (belgrad, Serbia)
angelo a. camillo – Ph.d., associate Professor of Management, School of business, Woodbury university, angelo.camillo@woodbury.edu (burbank, uSa)
evgeniy V. chuprunov – rector of lobachevsky university, dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor,  
rector@unn.ru (nizhniy novgorod, russia)
csaba földes – Professor of Germanic linguistics, Faculty of humanities, university of erfurt,  
foeldes@foeldes.eu (erfurt, Germany)
Ilshat r. gafurov – rector of Kazan (Volga region) Federal university, dr.Sci. (economics), Professor, 
orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7744-2067, public.mail@kpfu.ru (Kazan, russia)
Samir Hamouda – Professor, department of Physics, university of benghazi, dr.hamouda@gmail.com 
(benghazi, libya)
Hanafy Holail – university President, aZM university, Ph.d., Professor, hholail@azmuniversity.edu.lb 
(tripoli, lebanon)
Jagbir Singh Kadyan – President of international institute of Stress Management & allied Sciences, 
new delhi, india, asst. Professor, dept of commerce, Swami Shraddhanand college, university of delhi, 
india, M.com (PiMr & Marketing); M.a (eco); MMS (Fin); Gdc&a; MiMa;  doctor of Philosophy 
(Ph.d.), dr.jskadyan@gmail.com (new delhi, india)
olga V. Kirillova – President of the russian expert council (rec), representative of the rec in Scopus 
Scab, President of association of Scientific editors and Publishers, Ph.d. (engineering), orcid: http://orcid.
org/0000-0002-0785-6181, ovkir@list.ru (Moscow, russia)
Sagar lalit Kumar – Vice chancellor (President) of himalayan university, Ph.d. (education) & d.litt. 
(education), Professor, dr_lksagar@yahoo.co.in (new delhi, india)
nikolay P. Makarkin – President of national research Mordovia State university, dr.Sci. (economy), 
Professor, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3952-5811, makarkin@mrsu.ru (Saransk, russia) 
Vladimir g. Maralov – Professor of Psychology chair, cherepovets State university, dr.Sci. (Psychology), honored Scientist of the russian Federation, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9627-2304, 
vgmaralov@yandex.ru (cherepovets, russia)
Stavros Mavroudeas – Professor of Political economy, department of economics, university of Macedonia, Ph.d., orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2230-7479, smavro@uom.edu.gr (thessaloniki, Greece)
galina V. Merzlyakova – rector of udmurt State university, dr.Sci. (history), Professor, rector@udsu.ru 
(izhevsk, russia)
Kamlesh Misra – Vice chancellor, ansal university, Ph.d. (Philosophy), misra1957@gmail.com 
(Gurgaon, india)
gennady I. Sarantsev – Professor, chair of teaching Methodology for Mathematics, Mordovian State 
Pedagogical institute named after M. e. evseviev, dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-00021571-5100, gisarancev@mail.ru (Saransk, russia)
gennady f. Shafranov-Kutsev – research Supervisor, tyumen State university, dr.Sci. (Philosophy), 
Professor, Member of the russian academy of education, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7823-0525, 
g.f.kucev@utmn.ru (tyumen, russia)
Wadim Strielkowski – Professor of Prague business School, director of Prague institute for 
Qualification enhancement, Visiting Professor of university of california, Ph.d., Professor, orcid: http://
orcid.org/0000-0001-6113-3841, strielkowski@berkeley.edu (Prague, czech republic)
Mourat a. тchoshanov – Professor, departments of Mathematical Sciences and teacher education, 
university of texas at el Paso, texas, uSa, Ph.d., mouratt@utep.edu (el Paso, texas, uSa)
José g. Vargas-Hernández – Member of the national System of researchers of Mexico. research 
professor at university center of economic and Managerial Sciences, university of Guadalajara, M.b.a.; 
Ph.d., jvargas2006@gmail.com (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México)
Vladimir a. Yanchuk – dean of Faculty of development for Specialists in Sphere of education 
of academy of Postgraduate education, dr.Sci. (Psychology), Professor, orcid: http://orcid.org/ 
00000-0002-4524-8371, yanchuk1954@gmail.com (Minsk, belarus)
Sazali Yusoof – director at institute of teacher education tuanku bainun campus, Ministry of education of Malaysia, Ph.d., sazali@iab.edu.my (Pinang, Malaysia)
Vladimir I. Zagvyazinsky – head of the academic department for Methodology and theory of Social 
and Pedagogical research, tyumen State university, Scientific supervisor of tyumen Scientific and educational 
center of russian academy of education, dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, academician of russian academy 
of education, orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6223-6356, v.i.zagvyazinskij@utmn.ru (tyumen, russia)



Международный опыт интеграции образования

з. Хорватова, а. Чайкова. Социально-экономические аспекты политики европейского 
Союза в области образования ...................................................................................... 412

И. к. разумова, а. Ю. кузнецов. Мировые и отечественные тенденции  
информационного обеспечения университетов ........................................................... 426

Модернизация образования

С. М. вдовин, о. И. аверина, н. а. горбунова, е. г. Москалева. Финансовая 
грамотность населения в аспекте развития непрерывного образования .................... 441

М. Ш. Минцаев, И. е. Ильина, С. л. Парфенова, в. н. долгова, е. н. Жарова,  
е. в. агамирова. Оценка обеспеченности кадровым, научно-технологическим  
и инновационным потенциалом в разрезе приоритетов научно-технологического 
развития российской Федерации .................................................................................. 460

в. а. тестов. интеграция дискретности и непрерывности при формировании 
математической картины мира обучающихся .............................................................. 480

Психология образования

в. г. Маралов, в. а. Ситаров. раздражительность к людям: типология и механизмы ... 493

академическая интеграция

И. Ю. бедорева, М. д. казакова, С. в. Соколов, о. а. латуха.  
Фабрика процессов как интеграционная форма образования  
в устойчиво развивающейся медицинской организации ............................................... 508

н. И. наумкин, г. а. кондратьева, е. П. грошева, в. Ф. купряшкин.  
Обучение студентов вузов технологиям быстрого прототипирования как  
завершающий этап их подготовки к инновационной деятельности ............................ 519

П. С. Черемухин, а. а. Шумейко. Образовательная робототехника как фактор  
развития сетевого взаимодействия в системе уровневой инженерной подготовки ... 535

е. а. Макарова. Обучение говорению на иностранном языке с наставником-ровесником .................... 551

т. в. Машарова, в. а. Сахаров, л. г. Сахарова. роль социальной  
микросреды в духовно-нравственном воспитании молодежи как предмет  
осмысления в педагогике русского зарубежья (1920–1930-е гг.) ................................ 569

Информация для авторов и читателей .......................................................................... 582

Информация для авторов и читателей (на англ. яз.) .................................................. 584

doi: 10.15507/1991-9468.092.022.201803
iSSn 1991-9468 (Print) 
iSSn 2308-1058 (online) 

IntegratIon of educatIon. Vol. 22, no. 3. 2018


International experience in the Integration of education 

Z. Horváthová, a. Čajková. Social and economic aspects  
of the eu’s education Policy ........................................................................................ 412

I. K. razumova, a. Yu. Kuznetsov. World and national trends  
in university libraries acquisition .................................................................................. 426

Modernization of education

S. M. Vdovin, o. I. averina, n. a. gorbunova, e. g. Moscaleva. Financial literacy  
in the context of the lifelong education .................................................................... 441

M. Sh. Mintsaev, I. e. Ilina, S. l. Parfenova, V. n. dolgova, e. n. Zharova,  
e. V. agamirova. evaluation of availability of human, Scientific,  
technological and innovative Potential in the context of Priorities  
in Scientific and technological development of the russian Federation ....................... 460

V. a. testov. integration of discreteness and continuity  
in Forming Mathematical World View among Students ................................................. 480

Psychology of education

V. g. Maralov, V. a. Sitarov. irritability to People: typology and Mechanisms ............... 493

academic Integration

I. Yu. Bedoreva, M. d. Kazakova, S. V. Sokolov, o. a. latuha. learning Factory as 
integration Form of education in Sustainably developing healthcare organisations .... 508

n. I. naumkin, g. a. Kondratieva, e. P. grosheva, V. f. Kupryashkin.  
training higher School Students in rapid Prototyping technology  
as a Final Stage of their Preparation for innovative activities .................................... 519

P. S. cheremukhin, a. a. Shumeyko. educational robotics as a Factor in the  
development of network interaction in the System of engineering training ............... 535

e. a. Makarova. teaching Foreign language Speaking Skills through Peer-tutoring ....... 551

t. V. Masharova, V. a. Sakharov, l. g. Sakharova. the role of Social  
Microenvironment in Spiritual and Moral upbringing of Young People  
as a Subject of reflection in Pedagogy of russian Émigrés  
in the 1920s-1930s ........................................................................................................ 569

Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal ........................................................ 582

Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in English) ................................... 584

doi: 10.15507/1991-9468.092.022.201803
iSSn 1991-9468 (Print) 
iSSn 2308-1058 (online) 


Social and economic aspects  
of the eu’s education Policy

Z. Horváthováa, A. Čajkováb* 

a Metropolitan University, Prague, Czech Republic 
b University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Trnava, Slovakia,  
* andrea.cajkova@ucm.sk 

Introduction. the issue of education policy is very topical throughout the entire spectrum of society and undoubtedly throughout the european space. at the same time, this policy must be taken into account in any period 
of a civilized human history. by investing in education, we invest in the human population and participate in 
the formation of future generations. this article aims to study and analyse the current state of implementation 
of innovative approaches to the development of education and eu education policy, to identify the key aspects 
of the eu education Policy at the present time. We focus mainly on the analysis of the range of the process of 
implementation of the Strategy europe 2020 in this field with the particular impact on incorporation of new 
approaches into the current education policy system as such in the modern 21st century education system based 
on determining the tools necessary to implement the key strategies.
Materials and Methods. the authors address individual approaches of the eu Member States in the field of 
the education and education policy, which can be beneficial for later incorporation of improving innovations 
into national education systems using the traditional methods of empirical analysis as description and classification, induction and deduction, content analysis, comparison and syntheses. the empirical basis of this study 
includes the results of a secondary analysis of the research data covering the problems of education policies.
results. there is a pragmatic focus on the issue of education in society, which also results, in terms of the 
macroeconomic indicators, in raising the standard of living of the population. based on our conclusions, where 
we identified the real need of in-depth analysis of the situation in the education sector and a strategy to achieve 
effective change in mainstream educational thinking, policy and practice. We should not only determine where 
the sector is at present, but also engage as many institutions as possible in the review process, making sure 
that it is driven by their needs and to set key determinants of the education policies of the individual Member 
States in order to achieve the eu’s objectives in terms of education, competitiveness and social cohesion. 
the results of the study have practical significance: the mechanisms can be reproduced in the field of defining 
the instruments of the harmonization in the eu education policy with the competences of the Member States
discussion and conclusions. the attention is drawn to the socio-economic context that affects the education 
policy, and despite the pursuit for a kind of harmonization in the eu, the education policy remains substantially 
within the competence of the Member States. our results suggest that the use of integrative mechanisms allows 
to improve the efficiency of eu education policy and at the same time the Member States education policies. 
the main directions for further research in this field and questions for discussion and another positive move 
remain: what are the challenges facing education policies eu and Member States in the context of globalisation, the expansion of the european union and the imperative of sustainable development.

Keywords: education, social and education policy, education principle, eu strategy, literacy

© horváthová Z., Čajková а., 2018

Удк 37.014(4)

doi: 10.15507/1991-9468.092.022.201803.412-425

ISSn 1991-9468 (Print), 2308-1058 (online)

МеЖдународный оПыт ИнтеграцИИ 
образованИя / InternatIonal exPerIence  
In tHe IntegratIon of educatIon

this is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons  
 attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted 
reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited. 

IntegratIon of educatIon. Vol. 22, no. 3. 2018

InternatIonal experIence In the IntegratIon of educatIon

Acknowledgement: this publication is the outcome of research project no. 57-03 “Public administration, law 
and industrial property” implemented by Metropolitan university Prague and funded by the institutional Support for long-term Strategic development of research organisations in 2018.

For citation: horváthová Z., Čajková a. Social and economic aspects of the eu’s education Policy. 
Integratsiya obrazovaniya = integration of education. 2018; 22(3):412-425. doi: 10.15507/19919468.092.022.201803.412-425

Социально-экономические аспекты политики 
европейского Союза в области образования

З. Хорватова1, А. Чайкова2* 
1 Метропольный университет Праги, Прага, Чешская Республика 
2 Университет Св. Кирилла и Мефодия в Трнаве, Трнава, Словакия,  

введение. Вопросы образовательной политики весьма актуальны во всех слоях общества на протяжении 
всего европейского пространства. В то же время эта политика должна внимательно рассматриваться 
применительно к каждому периоду истории человеческой цивилизации. цель статьи – описание анализа 
современного состояния реализации инновационных подходов в образовательной политике европейского 
Союза и определение ключевых аспектов в образовательной сфере. 
Материалы и методы. авторы рассматривают индивидуальные подходы государств-членов европейского Союза в области образования и образовательной политике, используя традиционные методы 
эмпирического анализа, такие как описание, классификация, индукция и дедукция, контент-анализ, 
сравнение и синтез. данное исследование включает результаты вторичного анализа исследовательских 
данных из области  образовательной политики. 
результаты исследования. Основываясь на результатах исследований, мы выявили реальную потребность в углубленном анализе ситуации в образовательной сфере и разработке стратегии для достижения позитивных изменений в подходах к осмыслению образовательной политики и практики. Следует 
принять во внимание, насколько развитие образования зависит от потребностей общества, и определить 
ключевые факторы, влияющие на политику отдельных государств, входящих в европейский Союз, с 
целью повышения качества образования, его конкурентоспособности и социальной сплоченности населения. авторы обращают внимание на социально-экономический контекст образовательной сферы. 
Несмотря на стремление к гармонизации стран европейского Союза, политика в области образования 
по-прежнему находится в компетенции государства. 
обсуждение и заключения. Понимание механизмов формирования образовательной политики будет 
способствовать согласованию общей стратегии евросоюза с компетенциями отдельных государств, 
входящих в него. использование инструментов интеграции позволяет повысить эффективность образовательной политики евросоюза в целом и в то же время улучшить качество образования на национальном 
уровне. Основные направления для дальнейшего исследования в области образовательной политики 
находятся в сфере глобализации, расширении европейского Союза и парадигме устойчивого развития.

Ключевые слова: образование, социальная и образовательная политика, принцип образования, стратегия 
европейского Союза, грамотность

Благодарности: данная публикация является результатом исследовательского проекта № 57-03 «Государственное управление, право и промышленная собственность», осуществляемого Метропольным 
университетом в Праге при финансовой поддержке Фонда институционального долгосрочного стратегического развития исследовательских организаций в 2018 г.

Для цитирования: Хорватова з., чайкова а. Социально-экономические аспекты политики 
европейского Союза в области образования // интеграция образования. 2018. т. 22, № 3. С. 412–425.  
doi: 10.15507/1991-9468.092.022.201803.412-425

educated people enjoy a higher level 
of confidence among others. higher education leads not only to an economically 
successful society but also to a healthier 
democracy that is based on a feeling of 

general confidence as well as on the possibility of influencing what happens within 
their state. the education is also an effective policy tool. in a society based on 
democracy, educated people are involved 
in decision-making processes and are po


litically engaged. therefore, the education 
has a positive connection with the healthy 
democracy. legislative anchoring of education policies can be achieved through legal 
norms where the constitutional law is of the 
highest importance. Furthermore, there are 
laws, directives and regulations that focus 
on this area of the social policy. it is not, 
however, the rule for each state to have 
the education constitutionally anchored. 
So its evaluation has an important place in 
the education policy, too. this term means 
the evaluation of various pedagogical phenomena and processes in order to eliminate 
undesirable phenomena, avoid them in the 
future and to put forward a proposal for 
possible changes in the future.

literature review
the research is based on official documents adopted by the european union on 
education and innovation. increased support for innovative activities and, above 
all, innovative entrepreneurship has been 
visible in the european union since the 
1980s. an important milestone reflecting 
the need to focus attention on the field of 
science, research and innovation is the lisbon Strategy. When trying to define current 
situation in education policy at the european 
level it is necessary to deal with the results of 
studies addressing, for example, the process 
of the implementation of Knowledge Strategy in the eu from the lisbon Strategy to 
europe 2020 addressed by Çolak et all [1] 
and cristina et all present in their study 
the main directions on action regarding the 
financing of higher education in line with 
the “europe 2020” strategy. they also show 
the priorities, objectives and key actions, 
respectively the projects to be developed 
through the “europe 2020” Strategy1, 
Gajewski highlights innovation policy as 
a link between research and technological 
development policy and industrial policy 
and makes it possible to create conditions 
conducive to bringing ideas to the market. 

it is also closely linked to other eu policies 
regarding e.g. employment, competitiveness, environment, industry and energy 
[2]. hervás Soriano and Mulatero also 
through the concept of knowledge triangle 
highlight the importance of jointly fostering research, education and innovation, 
and of paying due attention to the linkages between them [3]. G. rappai in his 
study empirically proved that a successful 
cohesion policy is essential fulfilling in the 
growth expectations set for a decade [4] and 
Volante and ritzen through examination 
the influence of prominent international 
education surveys on education governance 
within the eu – particularly those administered by the organization for economic cooperation and development (oecd), outlining the key characteristics of the oecd 
surveys and the most salient eu findings 
discussed the contribution of emerging eu 
governance for the quality of education 
while looking at the challenges ahead [5], 
but also with policies supporting innovation 
or european employment guidelines and 
development goals, which are addressed 
by tvaronavičienė et all, udrea, or Vagač 
[6–8]. in particular, lifelong learning, adult 
education and the need to implement their 
specificities and policies are dealt with, for 
example, by bočáková and Kubíčková [9], 
and butoracová Šindleryová [10], Formosa discusses the strengths and lacunae 
in the european union’s policy on older 
adult learning, what is in truth deemed as 
a productive investment on the basis that 
it not only engenders positive returns of 
economic growth but also improves the 
quality of life and social development of 
older persons [11] and heyneman agreed 
with the conclusion that the age cohort attending higher education is higher today 
than at any time in human history [12]. We 
must not forget either the sustainable future 
or the social cohesion for economic growth, 
which are dealt with, for example, by calder and clugston, they focus to the real 

1 Cristina F. I., Elena C. S., Mihaela A. D. the analysis of the european public policy implemented 
within the higher education system in line with the 2020 Strategy for sustainable growth // Proceedings of 
the 29th international business information Management association conference – education excellence 
and innovation Management through Vision 2020: From regional development Sustainability to Global 
economic Growth, 2017. Pp. 2294–2303.

IntegratIon of educatIon. Vol. 22, no. 3. 2018

InternatIonal experIence In the IntegratIon of educatIon

need to review the situation in the sector 
and a strategy to achieve effective change 
in mainstream educational thinking, policy 
and practice [13]. We should not only determine where the sector is at present, but 
also engage as many institutions as possible 
in the review process, making sure that it is 
driven by their needs. M. a. and a. camilleri in their study point out at the interventions in the realms of education which 
can play a significant role in shaping key 
performance indicators for laudable social 
outcomes. it suggests that education leadership may contribute to create a fair, just 
and equitable society for all. this article 
discusses how education fosters social cohesion [14]. Mihalik and Klimovsky deal with 
the specifics of the school decentralization 
development with the particular impact on 
local self-government and regional school 
system [15], Poorova2 and Průcha [16] also 
deal with the regional specificities of the 
impact of the european union educational 
Policy on the higher education Students.

Principles of the european  
education policy
the education policy of developed 
countries is based on several generally 
recognized basic principles. the first is 
the principle of equal opportunities for 
education. everyone has a right to education. every citizen should have the same 
opportunity to learn. an education policy 
based on this principle seeks to ensure 
equal opportunities for all citizens, without 
exception, in access to education, or to 
give all citizens of a given state the same 
opportunity to achieve education. the way 
in which the citizens themselves will grasp 
that opportunity only depends on them and 
the education policy does not concern this. 
democratic countries seek to fulfil the 
principle of equal opportunities by providing and sponsoring a variety of programs 
to support groups that are disadvantaged 

in some way, such as disabled people or 
national minorities. Within this principle, 
so-called positive discrimination can be 
used to increase the participation of disadvantaged groups in the education process. 
another example is the possibility of loans, 
scholarships or the number of vacancies reserved for disadvantaged groups of people.
the second principle of education policy is the principle of lifelong learning. 
this principle perceives the education as  
a complex gathering of all educational subjects. the lifelong learning should provide 
people with the opportunity to be educated 
at all stages of their life, and also provide 
a concord between the possibilities of  
a human-being and his interests. the lifelong learning is therefore a continuous, 
never-ending process. this idea of lifelong 
learning grew in intensity in the early 1970s 
due to the economic and political changes 
as well as the changes in technology and 
engineering in general. there is a predominant opinion that raising the standard of living can be achieved through education, and 
so the need for more highly skilled people 
is growing. an important role in lifelong 
learning plays a proactive approach and an 
individual’s own motivation.
the third principle materializes in 
individualization and differentiation. this 
principle is based on the assumption that 
individuals who are being educated require 
an individual approach. the individuals 
have different knowledge, abilities and 
skills. not everyone has the same options 
and it is also necessary to respect them. the 
needs of the educated can thus be fulfilled 
by offering individual approach. natural 
differentiation arises, for example, between 
the fourth principle is internationalization. the level of education is usually related 
both to democracy and economic development of the country. an important part of 
the economy in developed countries stems 

2 Poórová E. the impact of the european union educational policy on the assessment of higher education students in Slovakia // Sprachkompetenz in der Wissenschaft = language competence in the Science : 
Sammelband wissenschaftlicher arbeiten / book of scientific articles ; trnava university, Faculty of health 
and Social Work, 2015. - 1 cd-roM (192 p.). Pp. 154–162.
3 Strategie vzdělávací politiky České republiky do roku 2020 [Электронный ресурс]. url: http://www.
vzdelavani2020.cz (дата обращения: 02.02.2018). 



out from the international relations and 
trade. For a trouble-free functioning of such 
models, there is a need for partners on both 
sides to understand and know each other as 
well as to respect mutual needs. therefore, 
supranational institutions (for example, the 
eu) are launching various education support programmes. these programmes allow 
for study abroad, while students can obtain  
a grant for a stay abroad and, thanks to the 
credit recognition system, they do not have 
to worry about the fact that their foreign 
study will not be counted. 
the last principle is a principle of differentiation of educational activities. the 
differentiation here means that not only the 
state should have the duty and the ability 
to provide the education. in addition to the 
state, other subjects should be involved 
in education area and offer opportunities 
for the education. those examples include 
private schools, whether primary or high, 
or churches [9; 17].
the above-mentioned principles are 
among the most important ones in the 
education policy. democratic countries 
place great emphasis on education, the 
education takes an irreplaceable place in 
every citizen’s life, and it is therefore in 
the highest interest of the states to produce  
a quality education policy that is, of course, 
the result of a broad consensus among the 
general public.
the eu policy on education and training is based on the cooperation between the 
Member States. the eu should contribute 
to the development of the first-rate education and training by promoting cooperation 
between the Member States. the Member 
States remain responsible for the content of 
teaching and the organization of the education and training system as well as their 
cultural and linguistic diversity [2; 18].
on the basis of the lisbon Strategy 
adopted in 2000, the eu Member States’ 
ministers of education and training adopt
ed, in the first half of 2002, the education 
and training strategic guidelines, together 
with the targets for the european union. 
these should make the eu the most advanced knowledge economy in the world. 
this approach was called the education 
and training 2010 Work Programme. 
as the programme was approaching its 
end, the ministers of education of all the 
eu countries adopted, during the czech 
Presidency, a follow-up document called 
the Strategic Framework for european 
cooperation in education and training. 
in addition to a vision for the development of the education in europe by 2020, 
it outlines four strategic objectives that 
correspond to a comprehensive focus on 
lifelong learning:

– implement lifelong learning and mobility;

– improve the quality and effectiveness 
of education and training; 

– promote equity, social cohesion and 
active citizenship;

– improve creativity and innovation, 
including entrepreneurship, at all the levels 
of education and training4. 
the europe 2020 Strategic Framework 
also defines the so-called european benchmarks. these are the target values for the 
average results of all the eu countries in 
the common priority areas to be achieved 
by 20205 [19], namely:
– by 2020, at least 15 % of adults should 
be involved in different forms of lifelong 
– by 2020, the proportion of 15-yearolds having reading, math and science 
problems should make no more than 15 %;
– by 2020, the proportion of people 
aged between 30 and 34 with completed 
tertiary education should be at least 40 %;
– by 2020, the share of early schoolleavers should be less than 10 %;
– in 2020, at least 95 % of the children aged between 4 and the age of the 

4 lisabonská strategie [Электронный ресурс]. url: https://www.euroskop.cz/8742/sekce/lisabonska
-strategie (дата обращения: 02.02.2018). 
5 european commission. europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth [Электронный ресурс] // communication from the commission, coM (2010) 2020, brussels, 3. 2010. url: 
http://www.buildup.eu/en/practices/publications/europe-2020-strategy-smart-sustainable-and-inclusivegrowth-communication (дата обращения: 02.02.2018).