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Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2012, №9 (9) Сентябрь

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Артикул: 452958.0013.99
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2012, №9 (9) Сентябрь-Орел:Редакция журнала RJOAS,2012.-40 с.[Электронный ресурс]. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/429557 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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RRuussssiiaann JJoouurrnnaall

ooff AAggrriiccuullttuurraall aanndd SSoocciioo--EEccoonnoom


№99((99)),, SSeepptteem
mbbeerr 22001122

ISSN 2226-1184, http://www.rjoas.com 

Российский журнал

сельскохозяйственных и социальноэкономических наук 

Russian Journal 
of Agricultural and Socio-Economic 
сентябрь 2012

ГГ.. РРааддж
жооввиичч,, Ж
Ж.. ББууллааттооввиичч 
Some economic-geographic factors development 
of the example rural areas northeastern 

GG.. RRaajjoovviićć,, JJ.. BBuullaattoovviićć 
Some economic-geographic factors development 
of the example rural areas northeastern 

РР..АА.. ЛЛеессттааррииааддии,, РР.. ААннииннддииттаа,, СС.. ТТооннггрраакк 
Efficiency of resource use in small-scale white 
shrimp (PENAEUS VANNAMEI ) production in 
Lamongan regency, East Java province, 

RR..AA.. LLeessttaarriiaaddii,, RR.. AAnniinnddiittaa,, SS.. TThhoonnggrraakk 
Efficiency of resource use in small-scale white 
shrimp (PENAEUS VANNAMEI ) production in 
Lamongan regency, East Java province, 

ОО.. ООяяккххииллооммеенн,, Ю
Ю..ОО.. ООммааддааччии,, РР..ГГ.. ЗЗииббаа 
Cocoa production – agricultural credit guarantee 
scheme fund nexus in Nigeria: a cointegration 

OO.. OOyyaakkhhiilloommeenn,, UU..OO.. OOmmaaddaacchhii,, RR..GG.. ZZiibbaahh 
Cocoa production – agricultural credit guarantee 
scheme fund nexus in Nigeria: a cointegration 

АА..АА.. ЗЗааббррооддккиинн,, АА..СС.. ННооввииккоовваа,,

ВВ..ТТ.. ЛЛооббккоовв,, СС..АА.. ППллыыггуунн 
Мониторинг засоренности посевов 
при современных ресурсосберегающих 
способах основной обработки почвы 

AA.. ZZaabbrrooddkkiinn,, AA.. NNoovviikkoovvaa,,
VV.. LLoobbkkoovv,, SS.. PPllyygguunn 
Monitoring of weed infestation of crops 
at modern resource-saving ways of the main 
soil processing 

АА..ЗЗ.. ККуушшххааббииеевв,, ЛЛ..М
М.. ХХррооммоовваа 
Фузариоз – прогрессирующая болезнь 

AA.. KKuusshhhhaabbiieevv,, LL.. KKhhrroommoovvaa 
Fusarium – progressive disease of sunflower 


G. RAJOVIĆ, J. BULATOVIĆ, College of Textile Design, Technology and Management 


Goran Rajović, Jelisavka Bulatović, Researchers 
College of Textile Design, Technology and Management, Belgrade, Serbia 
Phone: (0038161) 19-24-850, 30-82-651 
E-mail: dkgoran.rajovic@gmail.com, jelisavka.bulatovic@gmail.com 
Received August 14, 2012 


The paper analyzes some of the economic and geographical factors of rural settlements northeastern 
Montenegro. Isolated traffic and geographical position adversely affects their economic and social 
development. Natural characteristics of space indicate that rural economy is not in compliance with 
all the natural conditions. Incompatibility between the available natural and current conditions of the 
rural economy is determined by the overall socio-economic factors of development. The percentage 
decrease in rural population in the municipality of Berane period 1948-2003 amounted to - 0.22%. 
However, the municipalities of Andrijevica and Plav, show significant deviations from these population dynamics. Thus the percentage decrease in population rural the same period was in the municipality Andrijevica - 49.44%, and the municipality of Plav - 26.8%.The main characteristic of the modern development of rural settlements give industrialization and urbanization processes. Age groups, 
due to migration and the reduction of fertility change and take on unfavorable characteristics, reduces 
the proportion of younger and older increases the proportion of the population. . In both cases, the 
disturbed age structure has a reverse effect on the movement of the population (the size of reproductive contingent), but also to all other structures of the population (the size of contingent employment, 
population, compulsory school contingent, contingent dependent population ratio). Rating natural 
conditions aimed at separation of homogenous territorial units with some degree of benefits and limitations for certain types of economic development. 

Northeastern Montenegro; Geographical location; Natural features; Rural settlements; Population; 
Economy; Regions.  

The research presented in this paper is modern characteristics of the development of the rural 
population of north-eastern Montenegro, in the 
example of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica 
and Plav. Natural indigenous strengths and extremely favorable conditions for colonization (relief and hydrographic openness and permeability, 
fertile land, abundant water, temperate-continental 
climate, diverse plant life) for centuries attracted 
people in the northeastern part of Montenegro. 
Major changes occur in the second half of the 
twentieth century and in accordance with the 
changed policy of socio-economic development, 
which is opposite to the traditional orientation of 
the population in agricultural activities, encourage 
the industrialization of the economy and urbanization of society. The process of land reclamation 
and the transfer of labor in non-agricultural activities accelerated the depopulation of rural areas. 

Age groups, due to migration and reducing birth 
rates will change and take on unfavorable characteristics, reduces the proportion of younger and 
increases the proportion of elderly people. In both 
cases the age structure of a disturbed feedback of 
the movement of the population (the size of reproductive contingent) but also to all other population 
structure (size of contingent employment, population, compulsory school contingent relationship 
maintenance). Negative selection has led to a very 
unfavorable economic structure of the population, 
from the standpoint of labor and productive capacity. Moreover, these uncontrolled demographic 
processes are not accompanied by adequate measures other necessary changes in the rural economy, 
which has been shown that the qualitative properties of optimal favorable population and economic 
structure, now a component in guiding the trans
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, No. 9 (9) / 2012 


formation of space, the decisive factor in the differentiation and polarization of the environment. 
The aim of the research is to show fundamental changes in the total number and spatial distribution of the rural population of the municipality 
Berane, Andrijevica and Plav, and analyze tendencies of social and economic development factors. 
The purpose of the research is to determine how 
much analyzed and displayed differentiated 
processes of social and economic development in 
rural areas, constitute a factor of disturbance for its 
social and economic development of the studied 
area. Rating natural conditions (geographical zoning of rural territory) has shown that rural economies of the considered area is not in compliance 
with all the natural conditions, it is a conflict between the existing natural features and terrain of 
the contemporary rural economy, is determined by 
demographic and economic structure. 
The core of the methodological procedure 
used in this study makes the geographic (spatial) 
method and included the rural settlements of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav. To collect data related 
to basic socio-economic factors of development, 
we used the statistical method. Comparative method allowed us to economic and geographical 
factors, factors of development; we look at the 
northeastern region of Montenegro. Permeated 
through the entire text of the method and integrity, 
thanks to which we were able to identify, define 
and assess possible limitations of the economic 
and geographic development. The scientific explanation of terms, by two methods: analytical and 
synthetic. Analytical methods are considered some 
of the dimensions of the research topic, a synthetic 
whole, the relations between the subject and suggested measures that derive there from. Since 
work has essentially synthetic character, the results published in the international literature. 
Among them this opportunity to emphasize this: 
Clayton, Dent and Dubois (2000), Ankre and 
Emmelin (2006), Janvry and Sadoulet (2007), 
Madu (2007), Liu (2011). 
Of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav are located 
in the northeastern part of Montenegro. They cover an area of 1486 km². In this area, it is in rural 
areas, according to the census of 2003, lived 36 
370 inhabitants, or 24.7 in / km². The territory of 
the observed geographic space, is housed between 
the Municipality of Kolašin in the west of Podgo
rica municipality in the southwest, the Republic of 
Albania to the south, the Republic of Serbia in the 
east and northeastern, Rožaje the east and the Municipality of Bijelo Polje in the north. 
Of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav have a complex geography that is heterogeneous in nature and 
with different degrees of preference for use of 
space. The municipalities except Berane no significant role in the structure of geo-space Montenegro. The geographical position of the Municipality 
Plav and Andrijevica is peripheral in relation to 
the main traffic flows in Montenegro; since that is 
in this region do not cross the road, with bond 
functions in the organization of space. 
Berane have the most significant traffic position, thanks to the main road. Territory of the municipality, Adriatic highway coming from Bijelo 
Polje, northwest of Berane through Tivran the 
gorge into the urban area of Bar and continue east 
to Rožaje. It is a broad highway of regional importance, which connects the neighboring municipality of Bijelo Polje, Berane and Rožaje and also 
makes way for Serbia. Wind from Ribarevine according Mojkovac and Kolašin; go to Podgorica 
and Montenegrin coast. Therefore, the Adriatic 
highway, a very important factor for current and 
future economic activity, the municipality. Another important road is the main road Berane - Andrijevica - Plav, which is the territory of the Andrijevica Most Bandović, provides over Trešnjevik, to 
Podgorica, and the Plav territory, Čakor over the 
stove. Both routes through Trešnjevik (1573 m) 
and Čakor (1849 m) are impassable during the 
winter months. Isolated traffic and geographical 
position adversely affects the economic development of municipalities Andrijevica and Plav. 
Natural terrain features are the basis of existence and progress of each geospatial unit. The 
distribution of natural resources is a measure of 
opportunities for the development of a specific 
territory. The natural resources of rural settlements 
of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav challenging opportunities for understanding the development of 
certain economic activities, particularly agriculture, tourism and construction. 
In terms of geomorphology of the territory 
northeastern of Montenegro's mountainous character. Height difference between the highest (Maja 
Kolata 2528 m) and lowest (bottom valley Berane 
645 m) is 1883 m. 

G. RAJOVIĆ, J. BULATOVIĆ, College of Textile Design,


Figure 1 − The geographical position of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav

on the map of Montenegro. Source: (

So, landforms and configurations height, the 

slope and under the influence of different substrate 
properties (forests, meadows, litsolli, fields, or
hards), consists of a diverse natural basis, and 
which may be of importance for the development 
of agriculture and tourism. The most prevalent and 
most significant geomorphologic travel motive of 
this part of north-eastern Montenegro, are the 
mountains, and tourist areas: Bjelasica, high 
mountain massif Komovi, Beranska spatial zones 
and mountain Prokletija system. Namely, the 
North-Eastern part of Montenegro, are mountain 
ridges: Prokletije (2372 m), Čakor (1,849 m), M
kra Mountains (1933 m), Cmiljevica (1963 m), 
Kruščica (1,192 m), Bjelasica (2122 m) and K
movi (2461 m). In the considered area there are 
two major valleys: Beranska and Plav
less: Andrijevička, Polimska and over the mou
tain parishes (Šekular, Large, Under Komovi, U
per Village). Mountain ranges split and cut a nu
ber of river valleys, which are deep passages their 
beds, building locally and make the gor
most important is certainly gorge Sutjeska.

College of Textile Design, Technology and Management



he geographical position of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav

on the map of Montenegro. Source: (www.nasme.me) 

configurations height, the 

slope and under the influence of different substrate 
properties (forests, meadows, litsolli, fields, orchards), consists of a diverse natural basis, and 
which may be of importance for the development 

he most prevalent and 

most significant geomorphologic travel motive of 

eastern Montenegro, are the 

mountains, and tourist areas: Bjelasica, high 
mountain massif Komovi, Beranska spatial zones 
and mountain Prokletija system. Namely, the 

Eastern part of Montenegro, are mountain 

Čakor (1,849 m), Mo
kra Mountains (1933 m), Cmiljevica (1963 m), 

ica (1,192 m), Bjelasica (2122 m) and Ko
movi (2461 m). In the considered area there are 

ska and Plav-Gusinjska 

ka, Polimska and over the moun
tain parishes (Šekular, Large, Under Komovi, Upper Village). Mountain ranges split and cut a number of river valleys, which are deep passages their 
beds, building locally and make the gorge. The 
most important is certainly gorge Sutjeska.

Thanks to the geological structure in Berane 

basin contains significant reserves of brown coal 
and lignite (total reserves amount to 176 231 197 
tons). Program development of coal production in 
Berane basin, would cause intense regrouping and 
integration of industrial companies and caused the 
need for capacity expansion (Beran Selo, Dolac). 
If we add to all this in Miocene coal series
basin sediments are priceless and marl reserves, 
which by its quality meets the requirements of the 
cement industry and the only reserves Jasikovac, 
could provide production for two hundred years, 
should be annually produced 80 000 tons of c
ment (Boričić, Lutovac, Petrić
ity of Berane and Andrijevica are ore metals: lead, 
zinc, copper, iron and pyrite. From non
mineral deposits occur in building materials: gr
vel, sand and decorative stones. Numerous dep
sits of gravel and sand are found in the bed of the 
river Lim (Plav, Andrijevica, and Be
Bandović Most, the amount of gravel and sand, 
available for an annual extraction is estimated at 
approximately 100-120000 m³. Žoljevica on the 
hill, not far from the urban settlements Andrijev

Technology and Management

he geographical position of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav

Thanks to the geological structure in Berane 

basin contains significant reserves of brown coal 
and lignite (total reserves amount to 176 231 197 
tons). Program development of coal production in 

in, would cause intense regrouping and 

integration of industrial companies and caused the 
need for capacity expansion (Beran Selo, Dolac). 
If we add to all this in Miocene coal series Berane 
basin sediments are priceless and marl reserves, 

lity meets the requirements of the 

cement industry and the only reserves Jasikovac, 
could provide production for two hundred years, 
should be annually produced 80 000 tons of ce
Lutovac, Petrić, 1967). In the vicin
a are ore metals: lead, 

zinc, copper, iron and pyrite. From non-metallic 
mineral deposits occur in building materials: gravel, sand and decorative stones. Numerous deposits of gravel and sand are found in the bed of the 
river Lim (Plav, Andrijevica, and Berane). Only in 

 Most, the amount of gravel and sand, 

available for an annual extraction is estimated at 

120000 m³. Žoljevica on the 

hill, not far from the urban settlements Andrijevi
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, No. 9 (9) / 2012 


ca, there is a deposit - architectural building stone. 
Resource estimates of gray marble B + C1 category, amount to 2.223 million m³, a reserve of white 
marble and gray-white belonging to C1 category is 
60,000 m³. When it comes to the exploitation and 
processing of marble and ornamental stone, it 
should be noted that there are multiple sites of different architectural building stone and marble, the 
most significant: the site Trebačka river, Seoce, 
Žoljevica (www.andrijevica.me). 
Northeastern Montenegro has a moderate 
continental climate, with some elements of the 
Sub Mountain and mountain. As the measurement 
of meteorological elements is performed only in 
Berane, so on the basis of these findings are performed on the state of the climate and the municipality Andrijevica. The mean annual air temperature ranges from 7.3ºC in the blue to 8.0ºC in Berane and Andrijevica. According to a vertical gradient with the increase of altitude, mean annual air 
temperature is lower and amounts to 1000 m elevation 7.0°C at 1200 m above the sea level 6.4°C 
at 1400 m above the sea level 5.8° C, at 1600 m 
elevation 5.2° C at 1800 m above the sea level 
4.6° C at 2000 m above the sea level 4.0ºC. Absolute maximum temperature in July and is 32.6ºC in 
Berane and Andrijevica, respectively, 31.3ºC in 
Plav. Absolute minimum in January and range 
from -19.4ºC in Berane and Andrijevica to - 
20.7ºC in Plav. The mean annual relative humidity 
is 67% in Berane and Andrijevica and 68% in 
Plav. Let (July and August) monthly mean relative 
humidity in the afternoon (14h) is below 45%, and 
in April below 63%. Cloudiness has an average 
annual value of 9.0 / 10 in Berane and Andrijevica, and Plav 9.1 / 10 The lowest average coverage 
of the sky during the summer and ranges from 5.1 
/ 10 in Berane and Andrijevica to 5.2 / 10 in Plav. 
Mean annual precipitation ranges from 863 mm in 
Berane, 1152 mm to 1209 mm Andrijevica in 
Plav. The least amount of precipitation in July - 50 
mm in Berane, 65 mm in Andrijevica and 64 mm 
in the Plav. Most precipitation is related to the period from October to December and amounted to 
Berane of 69 mm to 75 mm, in Andrijevica of 99 
mm to 107 mm in the Plav of 119 mm to 141mm. 
Prevailing winds in the winter months the northwest and north, south and in other months. North 
and northwest winds, bringing dry and stable time, 
perfect for tourism during the summer and winter. 
Winds from the south direction are diversified in 
the winter, when making significant amounts of 
snow per year precipitation. To values of the frequency of wind direction and quiet, with the highest incidence of silence - 410 beloved put (Berane 

and Andrijevica) beloved put and 520 (Plav). The 
direction of the Lima valley from south to north 
caused the domination of northern wind Berane 
140 per thousand in the southern Plav 140 parts 
per thousand. Strength of winds between 1.6 and 
2.6 in the Plav, not a limiting factor for the development of tourism, but it can not be said of Berane, where the wind strength is between 1.9 and 
3.7. (Rajović, 2010). 
Hydrographic features a profile of a very diverse and important water resources, as well as 
natural wealth. In hydrographic terms northeastern 
Montenegro, belongs to the highly developed hydrographic network. In this sense, in the municipality, there are obvious power potential of the 
river Lim and its tributaries (Zlorečica Kraštica, 
River Šekular, Bistrica, Ljuča, Komarača ...). Besides these, there are numerous smaller streams, 
especially in rural areas: Velika, Murino, Vinicka, 
Dapsića, Gnjili Potok, Ulotina, Upper Luge.... 
That elevation position of rural settlements, with 
valorization aspect emphasizes the importance of 
water management and groundwater. In other 
words, the use of groundwater for water supply of 
rural heritage is of crucial importance. Thus, from 
the source "Dapsićki hot" water supply rural villages Berana: Polica, Upper Budimlja, Dapsiće, 
Petnjik. With spring "Krkori", located in the area 
of rural settlements Kuti (Andrijevica) are supplied with water by urban and rural settlements 
Andrijevica: Djuliće, Bojoviće, Seoce, Božiće, 
Prisoja, Slatina, Zabrđe and Trešnjevo. The municipality of Plav feel chronic water shortages in the 
summer, in the domains of rural communities located at higher elevations. Insufficient water 
supply of the population follows: Prnjavor, Brezojevica, Kruševo, Martinovići ... Water, natural resources, have a range of options from the point - 
hydropower potential, market valuation and ecology. The economic use, protection and rational 
approach to water resources, can have very positive effects in the future development of rural settlements northeastern of Montenegro. 
In the area of northeastern Montenegro 
represented between the two types of two types of 
land cover lines and automorphic to hydromorphic 
soil and its variations. The first class includes land 
automorphic undeveloped and underdeveloped 
land (A - S profiles): litisoli, regosols and colluvial 
deposits. For the second class (A - S profile) automorphic soil characteristic is continuously developed and conspicuous morphological humus 
horizon. This class consists of four types: mountain soil, land on marl, limestone and dolomite, 
rankers and vertisols. The third class consists of 
land automorphic land (A - (V) - S) and (A - (V) - 

G. RAJOVIĆ, J. BULATOVIĆ, College of Textile Design, Technology and Management 


R) profile is characterized by the appearance of the 
horizon (V), which sits on the loose substrate or on 
a compact system. Within this class is representing 
by three types of land: eutric camisoles, district 
cambisol and calc-camisoles. The fourth class 
consists of eluvia soil - soil illuvials (A - E - V - S, 
or A-E - V - R) profile: luvisol, podsol and brown 
podsol soil. As a special class of automorphic 
anthropogenic land set aside the land that, the 
treatment has changed its original status. Second 
row (row B) is hydromorphic soil: epigley, hypogley, alluvial soil and peat. The first category consists 
represented pseudogley and stagnogley. The 
second class of hydromorphic soils is represented 
by land: hipogley, enegley, and semigley and amfigley land. The third class consists of hydromorphic soil fluvisol, hums fluvisol. Fluvisol is the 
most important agricultural production value and 
type of soil is mostly prevalent along the river valleys. Hums fluvisol as independent genetic type of 
soil has a profile (A-S-G). The fourth class of hydromorphic soil makes one type of land - lowland 
required. Relief formed in depressions in which 
water constantly stagnates above the ground. It is 
located about: Plavskog, Ridskog, Ursulovačkog, 
Šiškog, Pešića and Bukumirskog lakes (Rajović, 
For the appearance of the landscape of northeastern Montenegro, is of particular importance 
biogeography characteristics. Flora consists of 
forest and grass vegetation. In the lower parts of 
trees are represented hydrophilic willow, poplar, 
alder, hornbeam, oak, oak, beech, birch, maple. 
The belt of beech is most common in the form of 
four regions: mountain beech (at lower altitudes), 
mountain beech forest at height 1000 - 1300 m 
above sea level, sub alpine beech forest at altitudes 
greater than 1800 m spruce dominated by forests. 
With some of the mountain, high mountain forests 
stretch, molike and white bark pine. Above this 
band is representing by white space and black 
pine. Some forest stands and makes the dwarf 
pine, whose propagation exceeds 2000 m, and juniper pine, which ends above 2200 m. Share of 
total area of forests in northeastern Montenegro is 
62 432 ha or 42.02%. Regarding the breeding categories, arranged dominated (high, low and protective). Of the total forest area of regulated waste 
56 643 ha or 85.76 %, on a rough 9075 ha or 
14.24%. The total density is estimated at 
13,882,516 m³ of which are arranged in an 
11,515,912 m³ or 82.92% of the timber, and disordered 2,367,934 m³. 
Taking into account the habitat conditions 
and photos sociological composition, grass cover 

of northeastern Montenegro can be divide into the 
damp valley meadows habitats, mountain (mountain) meadows and pastures mainly related to the 
belt of oak forests and mountain pastures that 
reach the highest peaks of the mountains. Flora of 
forests and pastures enriched with various kinds of 
herbs and edible fungi. Most of them occupy a 
high place in folk medicine, pharmaceutical production, which is very important for the tourism 
development. Herbs rich in its diversity, physiological and pharmacological action, and a healthy 
quantity of raw materials, offers unimagined possibilities in the development of health and educational tourism. The most important species of medicinal plants from the commercial aspects are 
yarrow, thistle, birch, hawthorn, horsetail, cranberry, gentian, wild thyme, omen, blueberries, mint, 
blackberry, raspberry, dandelion, thyme, and nettle. From the forest products: hawthorn, juniper, 
strawberry, cornelian cherries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, saffron, rose hip, a mushroom: 
mushroom, black trumpet mushrooms. However, 
the most important product makes blueberries, 
which reaches its annual purchase of about 500 
tons. Thanks to the widespread forests, pastures 
and meadows are diverse landscapes and picturesque, which provides significant environmental and 
tourism values and makes an attractive area of northeastern Montenegro. Meadows and pastures 
covered with succulent grass and mountain meadow flowers, so that together with forests, providing a unique landscape-decorative value. The belt 
of forests is particularly interesting as living space 
varied wildlife, birds, fish and insects that are. Is 
the pearl of the unique natural beauty and a spoilt 
nature? From the aspect of tourism resources and 
has considerable potential for developing different 
types of tourism such as hunting, fishing, adventure, adrenaline (Rajović, 2010). 
The administrative territorial structure of the 
northeastern Montenegro, in the example of the 
municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav comprises 109 rural settlements and 92 cadastral municipalities (1,486 km²), where 88 villages with 
their domains of form category of rural geographic 
space, but the cadastral municipalities (hereinafter 
referred to as C.M ). Azanje belongs village 
Vrševo , C.M. Budimlja - vilage: Zagrađe i 
Tmušići, C.M. Vrbica -village: Gornja Vrbica, 
Donja Vrbica i Lazi, C.M. Dolac - village Beran 
Selo, C.M. Zaostro - village: Gornje Zaostro, 
Donje Zaostro i Crljevine, C.M. Javorovo - vilage: 
Dašča Rijeka i Murovac, C.M. Petnjica - village: 

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, No. 9 (9) / 2012 


Godočelje, Jahovica i Pahulje, C.M. Polica - village Babino, Goražde, Dragosava i Mašte, C.M. 
Radmanci - village: Lagatori, Ponor i Poroča, 
C.M. Savin Bor - village: Bor i Orahovo, C.M. 
Crni Vrh - village Veliđe, C.M. Šekular - village: 
Jašovići, Madzgalji, Orah i Radmužovići, C.M. 
Slatini I and Slatini II belongs village - Prisoja, 
C.M. Kruševo I and II  belongs village: 
Kolenovići and Višnjevo, while the three village 
and C.M. - Berane, Andrijevica and Plav belong to 
the urban environment, and CM Gusinje small 
town. Within the cadastral municipality Andrijevica are mentioned in addition to urban and two rural villages - Andzelati and Božiće. In addition, the 
latest statistical classification of settlements, 
changes were made in a number of places in the 
municipality Andrijevica, so that the town Andzelati got its new name Andželati, and while there is 
a new rural settlement Navotina. Changes were 
made in a number of places in the municipality of 
Plav. So they formed new village: Babino Polje, 
Budojevice, Hakanje, Jara, Jasenica, Komarača, 
Korita and Pepiće. 
Area rural village is different and is in the 
range of 2.59 km² (C.M. Skič) to 84.72 km² (C.M. 
Šekular). According to the size of the territory can 
be divided into three groups: up to 10 km² (Bastahe, Bubanje, Vinicka I, Vinicka II, Glavica, 
Dapsići I, Dobrodole, Dolac, Donje Luge, Zagorje, 
Zagrad, Lušac, Petnjik I, Petnjica, Praćevac, 
Pešca, Rovca, Rujišta, Skakavac, Štitar, Kralje, 
Trepča I, Trepča II, Trešnjevo I, Slatina I, 
Sjenožeta, Zabrđe I, Gornje Luge, Gnjili Potok, 
Bojovići, Brezojevica I, Vojno Selo I, Dosuđe I, 
Dosuđe II, Đurička Rijeka, Kruševo I, Martinovići 
I, Mašnica, Novšiće, Skič), of 10 km ² to 20 km ² ( 
Azanje, Budimlja, Buče II, Vuča, Dapsići II, Donja Ržanica, Zaostro, Kaludra, Petnjik II, Radmanci, Tucanje, Gornji Vrh, Andrijevica, Gračanica, 
Dulipolje, Đulići, Košutići, Kuti, Marsenić Rijeka, 
Oblo Brdo, Seoca, Slatina II, Trešnjevo II, Ulotina, Bogajići, Brezojevica II, Vojno Selo II,Gornja 
Ržanica, Kruševo II, Martinovići II and more than 
20 km ²  (Vrbica, Javorovo, Kurikuće, Lubnice, 
Polica, Savin Bor, Trpezi, Šekular, Cecune, 
Jošanica and Zabrđe II, Velika, Vusanje, Grnčar, 
Donji Meteh, Dolja, Murina, Prnjavor, Hoti).  
These groups differ in a number of relevant 
spatial and demographic characteristics. So in 
2003, the first group of up to 10 km² in Berane 
covers an area of 158.2 km² and includes 21 rural 
districts (C.M.), in which lived the rural population of 44.23% of the total rural population of the 
municipality. The municipality Andrijevica first 
group of up to 10 km² encompassed an area of 
64.74 km², and included the 10 rural districts 

(C.M.) in 2003 which was 55.41% lived in rural 
population in relation to the total rural population 
of the municipality. In the municipality of Plav 
first group of up to 10 km² encompassed an area of 
57.17 km ² that included the 10 rural districts 
(C.M.) in which he lived 14.88% of rural population in relation to the total rural population of the 
municipality. Another group of 10 km² to 20 km², 
Municipality included the 12 rural districts (C.M.) 
with an area of 164.74 km ² and in 2003 this territory was 30.26% lived in rural population. The 
municipality Andrijevica, another group of 10 km² 
to 20 km², comprised of 12 rural districts (C.M.) 
with an area of 171.48 km² and in this territory 
lived 39.39% of the total rural population of the 
municipality. In the municipality of Plav, size 
second group is characterized by an area of 85.52 
km², six rural districts (C.M.) and the total percentage of rural population of 41.40%. And the third 
group size in Berane with more than 20 km ² and 
an area of 336.97 km and the number of 8 rural 
districts (C.M.) lived in rural 21.49% compared to 
the total population of the municipality. The municipality Andrijevica size same group, comprised 
an area of 103.78 km with 3 rural districts (C.M.) 
and 5.2% of the rural population. Plav municipality comprises eight rural districts (C.M.) with size 
group of more than 20 km² and an area of 334.11 
km in the territory, and lived in rural 43.72% 
compared to the total rural population of the municipality. "If the current negative trends in the 
development of the rural population continue in 
the future, and socio-economic facts point to this 
conclusion, one can expect a significant violation 
spatial and demographic balance between the 
group of rural territories and distribution of the 
population ...." (Stamenković and Milinčić, 1998). 
General population density is one of the basic 
demographic characteristics that indicate the spatial distribution of population. It is in the range of 
17.0 in / km² in rural areas of Andrijevica, 17.8 in / 
km² in the C.M. Plav in the rural area of Plav, to 
35.4 c / km² in rural areas of Berane. Thus, the 
settlement of this geographic part of a group rarely 
populated rural areas. 
From the established density, we can conclude, that this arrangement of the rural population 
had its causes in the economic underdevelopment 
of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav. 
The basis for their diversion is adequate rural policy, rural planning and special project plan for the 
revitalization of rural settlements and territories. 

G. RAJOVIĆ, J. BULATOVIĆ, College of Textile Design, Technology and Management 


Table 1 − Groups of rural municipality districts Berane, Andrijevica and Plav on the surface of and 
participation in the total rural geographic (km²) and population in 2003 

The majority group
Number C.M.
Surface C.M.


To 10 km²

Of 10 km² to 20 km²

More than 20 km ²


To 10 km²

Of 10 km² to 20 km²

More than  20 km²


To 10 km²

Of 10 km² to 20 km²

More than 20 km²

Source: Bakić et al and Statistical Office of Montenegro, Census of Population (appropriate year), calculations by 
True picture of the disposition of the rural 
population in the northeastern part of Montenegro, 
it is difficult to assess. It is useful to ask why the 
border in rural areas to 500 inhabitants. This is the 
minimum number of inhabitants will assure the 
development of certain central functions, which 
will serve a wider area (Simonović and Ribar, 
1993). Although in this population, rural settlements are divided into two groups (0 - 100 and 
100 -500 people), for both can be said to belong to 
a group of rural settlements, which are substantially flat. In this first, size group (18 villages) has 
further depletion trend of space, a second group 
(63 villages), this trend is mitigated. 
Today is very unevenly distributed network of 
settlements in limited geographic space making the 
rural areas with small populations? Most of them 
are from 100 - to 500 and 28 in Berane, Andrijevica 
17 in the municipality and 13 in the municipality of 
Plav. The total number of rural settlements from 0 
to 100 residents in the municipality of Berane is 17, 
in the municipality Andrijevica 4 in the municipality of Plav second From 500 to 1000 population in 
Berane 10 rural village in the municipality Andrijevica 2, in the municipality of Plav 6. Over 1000 
people are 5 to the village and the municipality Berane. It is noticeable lack of settlements with over 
1000 inhabitants in the municipalities Andrijevica 
and Plav. Only in this settlement, we can talk about 
the real potential for the development of central 
functions, and this size appears as other important 
Joints in numerical terms. 
The existing network of rural settlements in 
the area under consideration is the consequence of 
uneven population density and population concentration. A large number of rural villages and 500 
residents (83 settlements) are not suitable for 
modern vital flow of economic development in 
municipalities Berane, Andrijevica and Plav. 
Namely, there is a lack of rural villages with rural 

center of over 1000 inhabitants (municipalities 
Andrijevica and municipalities Plav) as a category 
that would link the primary rural settlement municipality, with the center of the region - Berane. 
Beginning of the seventies of the twentieth 
century was the crucial years of the moment. That 
in this period to start with small businesses, build 
roads faster electrification of rural villages, rural 
settlements of today Berane, Andrijevica and Plav, 
might not provide the typical image of a good part 
of rural settlements of Montenegro, which is 
treated and considered underdeveloped. 
The appearance of depopulation of rural villages in the municipalities of Berane, Andrijevica 
and Plav is the result of reducing their overall 
population. The percentage decrease in rural population of Berane amounted in the period 19482003 - 0.22%. 
However, the municipalities of Plav and Andrijevica, show significant deviations from these 
population dynamics. Thus, the percentage reduction rural population during the same period 
amounted municipality Andrijevica - 49.44%, and 
the municipality of Plav - 26.8%.So, until sixty 
years ago in a rural area northeastern of Montenegro, there is human life in full force, but today that 
same area, a rural territory that is empty. Remain 
in them, almost exclusively elderly households 
whose life expectancy is low. 
The population issue, in addition to the rural 
exodus and population concentration in urban 
areas, came to the fore negative natural increase. 
The birth rate in 2003 shows that for every 1,000 
residents born 11.1 Andrijevica children in the 
municipality, the municipality Berane 12.5 and 
12.9 in the municipality of Plav. 

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, No. 9 (9) / 2012 


Table 2 − Distribution of the population to population in rural village 

Municipality Berane
Municipality  Andrijevica
Municipality  Plav

Rural areas to 100 inhabitants 

Bastahe                  70
Velidje                   29 
Vuča                       26 
Zagrad                    55 
Jašovići                  33 
Lješnica                 60 
Murovac                43 
Lazi                        99 
Kruščica                 97 
Orah                       90 
Pahulje                   89 
Ponor                     65 
Tmušići                  36 
Skakavac                83 
Rujišta                   59 
Praćevac                 43 

Kuti                        49                                                                                               
Cecuni                    77 
Oblo Brdo              69 
Sjenožeta                95 

Novšići          82
Višnjevo           86 

Rural areas from 100 to 500 people 

Crljevine              116
Lagatori               420 
Tucanje                378 
Radmanci             313 
Štitari                   282 
Crni Vrh               144 
Savin Bor             261 
Rovca                   105 
Radmudzevići      106 
Orahovo               130 
Kurikuće              115 
Kalica                   146 
Kaludra                267 
Jahovica               148 
Javorovo              117 
Zagorje                 317 
Zagradje               280 
Dragosava            171 
Donje Zaostro     149 
Donja Vrbica       406 
Dobro Dole         134 
Dašča Rijeka        115 
Gornje Zaostro    236 
Godočelje            229 
Glavica                126 
Vrševo                 267 
Bubanje               213 
Medzgalji            207 
Mašte                   206 
Lubnice               245 
Bor                      213 
Babino                 436 
Azanje                 136 


Božići                   250 
Bojovići                128 
Gnjili Potok          111 
Gornje Lige          150 
Gračanica              307 
Dulipolje               134 
Đulići                    130 
Zabrđe                  302 
Jošanica                162 
Košutići                143 
Kralje                    228 
Prisoja                   348 
Marse. Rijeka        353    
Seoca                     117 
Trepča                   238 
Ulotina                  243 

Koljenovići       157
Hoti                   169 
Mašnica            299 
Grnčar               191 
Dolja                 126 
Skič                   302 
Kruševo             342 
Bogojevići         427 
Gornja Ržanica 266 
Meteh                452 
Đurička Rijeka  274 
Dosuđe              265 
Velika                417 

Rural areas from 500 to 1000 people 

Gorazde              560
Gornja Vrbica     536 
Dapsići               728 
Donja Ržanica    810 
Lužac                  823 
Petnjik                669 
Vinicka               607 
Petnjica              565 
Trpezi                 773 


Slatina               405 

Brezojevica      947
Martinovići      689 
Prnjavor           944 
Vojno Selo       639 
Vusanje            866 
Murino             545 

Rural areas with more than 1000 people 

Donje Luge  

Pešca                 1.721 
Dolac                1.293 
Budimlja           1.694 
Beran Selo   

Source: Statistical Office of Montenegro, Census of Population (appropriate year), calculations by