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Настоящий учебник английского языка предназначен для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов всех форм обучения. При составлении учебника основной целью являлось подготовить студентов к самостоятельному чтению, пониманию и переводу английской научно-технической литературы, а так же развить у студентов навыки устной речи. Учебное пособие ориентировано на студентов, аспирантов, а также преподавателей вузов, научных работников и всех интересующихся сельхозмашинами на профессиональном уровне.
Хвостовицкая, Т. Т. Сельхозмашины : учебное пособие для студентов вузов / Т. Т. Хвостовицкая. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2019. - 351 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-3998-3. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1862740 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.


Учебное пособие 

Допущено Учебно-методическим объединением 
вузов РФ по образованию в области транспортных 
машин и транспортно-технологических комплексов 
в качестве учебного пособия для студентов в высших 
учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальности 
190206 «Сельскохозяйственные машины и 

2-е издание, стереотипное

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»

УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.432.1я73


© Хвостовицкая Т.Т., 2019
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2019

ISBN 978-5-9765-3998-3


УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.432.1я73

д-р техн. наук проф. В.П. Жаров;
д-р техн. наук проф. Ю.И. Ермольев

Хвостовицкая Т.Т.
      Сельхозмашины [Электронный ресурс]: учеб. пособие 
для студентов вузов / Т.Т. Хвостовицкая. — 2-е изд., стер. — 
М. : ФЛИНТА, 2019. — 351 с.

ISBN 978-5-9765-3998-3

Настоящий учебник английского языка предназначен для 
студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов всех форм обучения. При 
составлении учебника основной целью являлось подготовить 
студентов к самостоятельному чтению, пониманию и переводу 
английской научно-технической литературы, а так же развить у 
студентов навыки устной речи.
    Учебное пособие ориентировано на студентов, аспирантов, а 
также преподавателей вузов, научных работников и всех 


Настоящий учебник предназначен для студентов технических
Учебник состоит из следующих разделов:
Основной курс  (Basic course)
Тексты для самостоятельного чтения (Supplimentary texts)
Краткая грамматика (Reference Grammar)
Список неправильных глаголов(The list of Irregular Verbs)
Cловарь терминов по алфавиту (Index)
Тематический словарь (Thematic dictionary)
Словарь сокращений, относящихся к сельхозмашинам и их
использованию (Abbriviatons)
Уроки учебника строятся по следующему плану:
а) основной текст урока (с переводом отдельных слов)
б) лексические упражнения (Ex-s:2,3,4)
в) упражнения на развитие навыков устной речи (ex-s:1,2)
г) упражнения на развитие письменной речи (ex-s: 3,4,5), из
которых ex.3 направлено на развитие логического мышления, а
ex.5  –  креативного  плана,  направленно  на  развитие
творческого мышления. 
д) грамматические упражнения.
 Тексты  юнитов  взяты   из  оригинальной  американской
литературы.  Они  охватывают  весь  комплекс  машин,
используемых  в  сельском  хозяйстве.  Тексты  снабжены
иллюстрациями   с   расшифровкой  деталей,  изучаемой
конструкции,  что  способствует  более  легкому  усвоению
материала.  В  конце  книги  
 прилагаются  тексты  для
самостоятельного  чтения,  которые  расширяют  знания  по
изучаемому  предмету и дают важную информацию по уходу  и
использованию изучаемых машин.
Главная  цель  учебника  –  развитие  навыков  понимания
английской  и  американской  оригинальной  литературы.  Для
достижения  этой  цели  требуется  практическое  овладение
необходимыми  грамматическими  нормами  и  лексикой.
Грамматические  и  лексические  упражнения  предназначаются
для  закрепления  и  активизации  учебного  материала   и
расширения  словарного  запаса.  Краткий  грамматический
справочник  настоящего  учебника  “Refrence Grammar”  дает


базовые сведения, необходимые для правильного понимания и
перевода оригинальной литературы по специальности.
 При изучении материала  преподавателю предоставляется
возможность  выбора:  начать  с  работы  над  текстом   с
последующим выполнением  упражнений лексического плана,
затем  упражнений на развитие  навыков устной и письменной
речи и, наконец, упражнений  на закрепление грамматического
материала, или можно начать с грамматики, затем перейти  к
текстам  и устной и письменной практике.
Тексты  для  самостоятельного  чтения  (Supplimentary texts)
могут  использоваться  преподавателем  как  для  проведения
контроля знаний  по  изученной теме  в  аудитории, так  и для
домашнего чтения.



Grammar: The Noun. The Article.
The Possessive Case.

I. “Ploughs”
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

A typical plough is illustrated in Fig. 1. The main components are:

The Share. The share makes a horizontal cut under the furrow slice
and  starts  the  turning  movement  which  is  continued  by  the
mouldboard. Shares may be made of cast iron or steel.
For  very  hard  or  rocky  conditions  bar-point  shares  are  more
efficient. The point of the share is a chisel-shaped steel bar which
projects through from the rear of the body, where it may be spring
loaded. The steel bar is stronger than cast iron. It can be moved forward
to compensate for wear and it will bend rather than break if a rock or


tree root is struck; when the steel bar can be straightened  easily.
However, the bar-point share does not leave such a tidy furrow bottom
as does the normal share and the plough body is more expensive than
the usual type.
The bottom or frog. This is the casting or pressing to which the share,
mouldboard and landside are attached The frog is bolted to the beam
and on some ploughs provision is made at this point to allow the frog
to  be  tilted,  thus  altering  the  pitch,  the  inclination  vertically
downwards, to compensate for slight distortion in the beam or for
very hard conditions. 
      The mouldboard. The mouldboard turns over the furrow slice to 
bury surface vegetation and to leave the slice in a suitable condition for 
weathering or for the following cultivation. There are different types of

(a) General purpose.
Surface: almost flat and twisted along its length. 
Type of work produced: an almost unbroken furrow slice: this means
that unless there has been appreciable weathering a lot of cultivation
may be needed to produce a seed bed.

Depth: up to about two-thirds of the width being ploughed. 
Uses: 1. Winter ploughing: the alternate wetting and drying,
              freezing and thawing produces a frost tilth. 
2. Ploughing land where there is only c shallow layer of top
soil or  when preparing a seed bed for grass or cereal
 (b) Semi-digger.
Surface: concave and twisted along its length: the mouldboard
may have a renewable shin.
Depth: up to about three-quarters of the width being ploughed.
Type of work produced: a broken furrow slice: this reduces the
amount of cultivation which is needed to produce a seed bed.  On
soils which do not drain very easily the broken furrow may cause
waterlogging  if  a  semi-digger  plough  is  used  for  winter  work;
whereas  the  almost  unbroken  furrow  produced  by  the  general
purpose plough gives better surface “run off” for the winter rain.
The semi-digger plough buries surface trash very well.


Uses: 1. Deep ploughing, e.g. for root crops.
2. Ploughing-in farmyard manure.
3. Spring ploughing when a quick seed bed is needed.
4. Winter ploughing in some soils where there is ready

(c) Digger.
Surface: very concave and twisted along its length. The mouldboard often has a renewable shin and the share may be made up
of a point and a wing; both of which can be renewed separately.
Type of work produced: a very broken furrow. Surface trash is
efficiently buried.
Depth: up to a depth equal to the width being ploughed.
Uses: 1. Very deep ploughing, e.g. for root crops.
2. Ploughing-in farmyard manure.
3. Land reclamation.

The disc coulter. The disc coulter makes a vertical cut in the soil to
separate the furrow slice from the unploughed land and to enable the
share and mouldboard to turn a clean furrow slice. It should be set
by twisting and raising and lowering the stem so that the centre line
of the disc is approximately above the share point and about three
fingers' width above the share and about one finger's width to the
landside of the share when lying in a fore and aft position.
In very hard ground the disc may act as a wheel and tend to carry
the plough thus preventing proper penetration; in these conditions
it is advisable to raise the disc and to move it rearwards.
Disc coulter setting faults:

Ragged  furrow  wall:  the  disc  is  set  too  close  to  the
and is thus not making a vertical cut just to the landside of the share.
Alternatively, the disc may be worn out or not set deep enough.

Stepped furrow wall; the disc is set too far away from
ploughing and is thus cutting a far wider slice than the share can


The skim coulter. The skim coulter takes a small furrow from the
landside of the furrow slice and turns it into the furrow bottom
before the main slice is completely turned. This prevents any surface
trash from poking out from between the furrow slices. The skim
coulter should be set to turn a furrow about 1 1/2 in. deep and about
1 1/2 in. wide. The point should be as close as possible to the disc
and the rear should be slightly away from the disc.

The landside. This fits to the plough frog and presses against the
furrow wall taking the thrust produced by the mouldboard as it turns
the furrow slice. On some ploughs the landside is made in two parts,
a fixed part attached to the frog and a rolling part which looks like a
wheel. The latter can turn as it presses against the furrow wall thus
cutting down wear. Due to the fact that it can move vertically
against spring pressure, as the plough is entering the ground at the
headland, the plough attains a working depth sooner than it would if
fitted with a fixed landside.

Words on the text:
колея, звено гусенечной   

Furrow slice
почвенный пласт
выдвижное долото
прямолинейность (рядков)
башмак (стойки рабочего 
балка, брус
поперечный наклон
землеройная машина


Skim coulter
предплужник, дерносним
стенка плужной борозды

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

What type of cut does the share make?
What metal are shares made of?
What are bar – point shares? Where are they used?
What is the difference between the normal share and the bar –
point share?
What is the bottom? What is it bolted to? How does it function?
What is the mouldboard? Where is its place in a plough?
What type of the mouldboard do you know?
What does each type of a mouldboard depend on?
Give  detailed  description  of  each  type  of  mouldboards:  a)
general, purpose, b) semi-digger and c) digger!
10. Where is the disc coulter in a plough? How does it function?
11. Speak about disc coulter setting faults.
12. How does the skim coulter act?
13. How should the skim coulter be set to turn a furrow about 1,5
inch deep and about 1,5 in wide?
14. What is the place of a landside in a plough?
15. Explain why the landside is made in two parts on some plough?
16. With what landside does the plough attain a working depth
sooner (fixed or rolling)? Why?

Exercise 3. Finish the sentences filling in the missing 

The share makes ... furrow ... turning movement ... mouldboard.
Shares ... made of ... .
For very ... or ... conditions bar-point shares ... .
... steel bar ... from the ... of the ..., where it ... be ... loaded.
The ... is ... than ... .
... forward to ... for wear ... it will ... rather than ... if a ... or ... is
struck; when the ... easily.
..., the bar-point share ... the normal share ... is more ... than the ... .
This ... the ... or ... to which the ... and ... are attached.


... bolted to ... on some ... is made at this ... to ... to be tilted, thus
altering the ..., the ... downwards, to ... for slight ... in the ... or for
very ... conditions.
10. The mouldboard ... the ... to bury ... and to ... in a ... for ... or for
the ...
11. There ... of ... .
12. Type of work produced: an ... slice: this ... that unless there  ... a
lot of ... to produce a seed bed.
13. ...: concave ... its length: the mouldboard ... a ... shin.
14. ...: a broken furrow slice: this reduces the ... which is needed
to ... a ... bed.
15. On soils which ... easily the ... may cause ... if a ... plough is ...
for ... work; whereas the ... produced by the general purpose
plough ... ‘run off’ for the winter rain.
16. The ... plough ... trash ... well.
17. ... mould-board ... has a ... shin and the ... made up of ...; both of
which ... renewed separately.
18. The ... coulter ... a ... cut in the ... to ... the ... from the ... and
to ... the ... and ... to turn a ... slice.
19. It ... be set by ... and ... the stem so that the ... of the ... is ... above
the ... and ... width above the share and about ... to the ... of the ...
when lying in ... and ... position.
20. In very hard ground the ... as a ... and ... to ... the plough thus ...
penetration; in these ... it is advisable to ... and to ... rearwards.
21. ... : the ... is set too ... to the ... and is thus not ... cut ... to the ...
of the share.
22. . ..., the ... worn out or ... enough.
23. …, the … be worn out or …enough.
24. Stepped furrow wall; the…too far away form the…and is thus …
a … slice than the… turn.
25. The skin coulter; the … takes a … from the … of the … and
turns … into … before the … is … turned.
26. This … any … trash from … out from between … .
27. … should be set to … a furrow … 1Ѕ in deep … 1Ѕ in wide.
28. The …be as … as … to the … and the … slightly … from the
29. The landside; This … to the … and … against the furrow well
… the …produced  by the … as it turns … slice.


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