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Английский язык для студентов юристов. Часть 1

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Артикул: 622415.01.99
Пособие предназначено для студентов первого курса юридического факультета, мо- жет быть использовано на аудиторных занятиях и для самостоятельной работы, а также юристами-практиками, самостоятельно изучающими английский язык.
Ванина, Т. О. Английский язык для студентов юристов: в 2-х ч. Часть 1 : учебное пособие / Т. О. Ванина ; под ред. проф. Л. С. Бурдина. - Москва : РАП, 2008. - 168 с. - ISBN 978-5-93916-128-2. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/517088 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Т.О. Ванина 
под редакцией профессора Л.С. Бурдина 
Часть 1 

УДК 340 
ББК 67 
В 14 



Ванина Т.О. – ст. преподаватель кафедры гуманитарных,  

социально-экономических и естественнонаучных дисциплин  
Уральского филиала Российской академии правосудия, к. п. н. 


Санникова С.В. – преподаватель Лингвистического центра  

Южно-Уральского государственного университета, к. п. н., доцент. 
Демакова Г.А. – доцент кафедры иностранных языков Челябинского  

государственного педагогического университета, к. п. н. 

Научный редактор 

Бурдин Л.С. – зав. кафедрой иностранных языков  

Российской академии правосудия, канд. филол. наук, доцент 

Ванина Т.О. 
Английский язык для студентов юристов: Учебное пособие. В 2-х ч. Часть 1 / 
Под ред. проф. Л.С. Бурдина – М.: РАП, 2008. 168 с. 

Пособие предназначено для студентов первого курса юридического факультета, мо
жет быть использовано на аудиторных занятиях и для самостоятельной работы, а также 
юристами-практиками, самостоятельно изучающими английский язык. 

ISBN 978-5-93916-128-2 

Ваши пожелания и предложения можно направлять 

в ГОУ ВПО «Российская академия правосудия» по адресу: 

117418, Москва, Новочеремушкинская ул., д.69А 

© Ванина Т.О., 2008 
© Российская академия правосудия, 2008  

От автора 
Цель представленного пособия – совершенствование уже имеющихся и 
формирование новых языковых умений и навыков, обеспечивающих практическое овладение студентами английским языком как средством общения в 
разговорном и профессиональном аспектах. Учебное пособие поможет студентам овладеть основными видами коммуникативной деятельности: говорением, чтением, аудированием и письмом. 
Пособие состоит из двенадцати уроков, рассчитанных на 140 аудиторных 
часов. Нечетные уроки включают текст по юридической тематике с лексическим минимумом по теме, речевые упражнения, грамматический материал и 
лексико-грамматические упражнения к нему.  
Фонетические упражнения необходимы для совершенствования произношения и овладения основными интонационными моделями и ритмом английского предложения.  
Четные уроки содержат тематические диалоги и речевые упражнения к 
ним. Активный тематический словарь и речевые упражнения способствуют 
более эффективному усвоению речевых образцов, фразеологизмов, клише и 
лексико-грамматических структур, характерных для разговорной речи, и их 
адекватному использованию в беседе. 
Каждый урок рекомендуется усваивать в течение 14 (четный) и 8 (нечетный) часов аудиторных занятий.  
Объем активного лексического минимума составляет примерно 2000 лексем. 

Т.О. Ванина 


От автора ...............................................................................................................3 

LESSON 1...............................................................................................................8 
Vocabulary ..........................................................................................................8 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................10 
About myself ................................................................................................11 
Curriculum Vitae (СV).................................................................................14 
1. Present continuous (Настоящее продолженное время) .........................15 
2. Objective case of personal pronouns (Объектный падеж личных 
3. Tag questions (Разъединительные вопросы) .........................................19 
4. Negative form of imperative mood (Отрицательная форма 
повелительного наклонения)..........................................................21 
5. Present simple  (Настоящее простое время) ..........................................22 
Speech patterns..................................................................................................25 
I. Time ..........................................................................................................25 
II. S + like(s) + Ving (to + Infinitive) ..........................................................27 

LESSON 2.............................................................................................................29 
Conversation: Getting acquainted......................................................................29 
Vocabulary ........................................................................................................29 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................31 
Speech patterns..................................................................................................32 
Dialogue ............................................................................................................33 

LESSON 3.............................................................................................................35 
Vocabulary ........................................................................................................35 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................37 
The political system of the UK.....................................................................38 
1. Modal verbs  (Модальные глаголы) .......................................................41 
2. Indefinite pronouns / adjectives (Неопределенные местоимения / 
прилагательные) ..............................................................................44 
3. Imperative sentences (Побудительные предложения)...........................45 
4. Ordinal numerals (Порядковые числительные).....................................46 

5. No article before the names of streets, squares, parks, underground  
stations and airports (Отсутствие артикля перед названиями  
улиц, площадей, парков, станций метро и аэропортов)...............50 
Word-building ...................................................................................................50 
Composition (Словосложение) ...................................................................50 
Polysemy ...........................................................................................................51 

LESSON 4.............................................................................................................53 
Conversation: Asking the way (Asking for directions) .....................................53 
Vocabulary ........................................................................................................53 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................55 
Asking the way .............................................................................................56 
Asking for directions (on the phone) ............................................................57 
Polysemy ...........................................................................................................62 

LESSON 5.............................................................................................................64 
Vocabulary ........................................................................................................64 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................65 
The English legal system..............................................................................66 
1. Gerund (Герундий) ..................................................................................69 
2. Past simple  (Простое прошедшее время)..............................................75 
3. Present perfect  (Настоящее завершенное время)..................................79 
Speech patterns..................................................................................................83 
1. S + need(s) + Ving ...................................................................................83 
2. S + succeeded in + Ving ..........................................................................83 

LESSON 6.............................................................................................................85 
Conversation: Riding a bus................................................................................85 
Vocabulary ........................................................................................................85 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................86 
Polysemy ...........................................................................................................87 
At a bus stop .................................................................................................90 
On a bus........................................................................................................90 

LESSON 7.............................................................................................................93 
Vocabulary ........................................................................................................93 
Phonetic exercises .............................................................................................94 

The court system of the UK..........................................................................95 
1. Future simple  (Простое будущее время)...............................................98 
2. Ways of expressing future actions (Способы выражения  
действий в будущем).....................................................................102 
3. Equivalents of modal verbs  (Эквиваленты модальных глаголов)......103 
4. Ways of expressing necessity (Способ выражения  
необходимости совершения действия)........................................107 
Word-building .................................................................................................110 
Conversion (Конверсия)............................................................................110 

LESSON 8...........................................................................................................111 
Conversation: At a hotel..................................................................................111 
Vocabulary ......................................................................................................111 
Phonetic exercises ...........................................................................................113 
Speech patterns................................................................................................114 
morning, day, evening, night .....................................................................114 
At a hotel ....................................................................................................116 

LESSON 9...........................................................................................................120 
Vocabulary ......................................................................................................120 
Phonetic exercises ...........................................................................................120 
The government of the USA.......................................................................122 
1. Complex sentences (Сложноподчиненные предложения)..................125 
2. Attributive clauses (Определительные придаточные предложения)....126 
3. Clauses of time and condition (Придаточные предложения  
времени и условия)........................................................................131 
World-building ................................................................................................133 
Affixation  (Аффиксация) .........................................................................133 
Speech patterns................................................................................................134 

LESSON 10.........................................................................................................136 
Conversation: Taking a taxi.............................................................................136 
Vocabulary ......................................................................................................136 
Phonetic exercises ...........................................................................................137 
Speech patterns................................................................................................138 
Taking a taxi...............................................................................................139 

LESSON 11.........................................................................................................143 
Vocabulary ......................................................................................................143 
Phonetic exercises ...........................................................................................144 
The federal judiciary of the USA................................................................145 
1. Future continuous ...................................................................................148 
2. Past continuous.......................................................................................151 
3. Impersonal “it” as subject.......................................................................153 
Speech patterns................................................................................................155 
It is (was) … that … ..................................................................................155 
Word-building .................................................................................................156 
Affixation: -ion (-tion, -ation, -sion)...........................................................156 

LESSON 12.........................................................................................................157 
Conversation: At a restaurant ..........................................................................157 
Vocabulary ......................................................................................................157 
Phonetic exercises ...........................................................................................159 
Speech patterns................................................................................................161 

Список используемой литературы................................................................167 




academy [ə'kædəmi] – академия  
justice ['djʌstis] – правосудиe  
to be a student at Russian Academy of Justice – учиться в Российской 
академии правосудия 
to be a first-year student – учиться на первом курсе 
to train [trein] judges ['djʌdjiz] – готовить, выпускать судей 
court [ko:t] – суд 
law [lo:] – 1) право; 2) закон 
law enforcement [in'fo:smənt] organs ['o:gənz] – правоохранительные органы 
law enforcer [in'fo:sə] – работник правоохранительных органов 
day department [di'pα:tmənt] – очное (дневное) отделение 
correspondence [͵kori'spondəns] department – заочное отделение 
such as – такие, как 
special ['spe∫(ə)l] subjects ['sʌbdjikts] – специальныe предметы 
socio-political subjects – общественно-политические дисциплины 
theoretical [Өiə'retikl] subjects – теоретические дисциплины 
сriminal ['krimin(ə)l] law – уголовное право 
civil ['siv(ə)l] law– гражданское право 
international [͵intə'næ∫(ə)n(ə)l] law – международное право 
criminology [͵krimi'nolədji] – криминология 
criminalistics – криминалистика 
history of the country – история Отечества 
philosophy [fi'losəfi] – философия  
economics [i:kə'nomiks] – экономика 
theory ['Өiəri] of state and law – теория государства и права  
besides [bi'saidz] – помимо, кроме того 
lecture ['lekt∫ə] – лекция 
seminar ['seminα:] – семинар 
twice [twais] a year – дважды в год  
to take tests and exams – сдавать зачеты и экзамены 
to study hard – учиться усердно, старательно 
in order to … – чтобы 
after graduation [grædju'ei∫(ə)n] from … – после окончания… ( к-л. вуза) 
to get up (got, got) – вставать, подыматься 
as a rule – как правило 
first of all – прежде всего 
to do one’s morning exercises to music – делать зарядку под музыку 

to do one’s bed – заправлять постель 
to wash one’s hands and face – умываться 
to clean one’s teeth – чистить зубы 
to take a cold shower [∫auə] – принимать холодный душ 
while [wail] – во время; в то время, как…  
to switch on the radio ['reidiəu] – включить радио  
to listen ['lis(ə)n] to the latest news – слушать последние известия 
to put one’s clothes on – одеваться 
to leave (home) for … – выходить из дома (на работу, в школу и т.д.) 
to go by bus/tram/underground (metro, tube, subway) – ехать на … 
to walk – идти пешком 
to have some spare [spεə] time – иметь свободное время 
as a matter of fact – собственно говоря, вообще-то 
it takes me 20 minutes to get to ... – мне требуется 20 минут, чтобы добраться … 
at 8 o’clock sharp [∫α:p] – ровно в 8 часов  
to fly (flew, flown) – летать 
quickly – быстро 
studies = classes – занятия 
to return home = to come back home – возвращаться домой 
to be through [Өru:] with smth. – закончить что-либо 
in fact = really – на самом деле, действительно 
to be as hungry ['hʌŋri] as a hunter ['hʌntə] – быть голодным, как волк 
that’s why ['ðæts'wai] – поэтому 
to prefer [pri'fə:] – предпочитать 
substantial [səb'stæn∫(ə)l] meal [mi:l] – существенная, плотная еда 
for the first [fə:st] course [ko:s] – на первое … 
soup [su:p] – суп 
cabbage ['kæbidj] soup – щи 
broth [broӨ] – бульон 
chicken – цыпленок, курица (блюдо) 
chop [t∫op] – отбивная котлета 
beefsteak ['bi:f'steik] – бифштекс 
roast [rəust] beef – ростбиф 
fried [fraid] fish – жареная рыба 
mixed [mikst] salad ['sæləd] – салат (блюдо) 
mashed [mæ∫t] potatoes [p(ə)'teitəuz] – пюре 
rice [rais] – рис 
macaroni [͵mæk(ə)'rəuni] – макароны 
to be tired ['taiəd] – быть усталым 
to have (take) a rest – отдыхать 
to get ready ['redi] for smth. – готовиться к чему-либо 
to take a light supper – ужинать неплотно 

to take a small walk – прогуляться 
to spend time with one’s friends – проводить время с друзьями 
to help one’s parents ['pεər(ə)nts] about the house – помогать родителям по дому  
before going to bed – перед сном  
to go to bed – ложиться спать 
to rise [raiz] – вставать, подыматься 
healthy ['helӨi] – здоровый 
wealthy ['welӨi] – богатый 
wise [waiz] – мудрый 

Phonetic exercises 

Exercise 1. Read the words, expressions and sentences. Pay your 
attention to the sound [dʒ]. 
a) just 
January – in January 
special subject  
June – in June 
 to escape justice  
socio-political subject  
July – in July 
theoretical subject  
 to be a judge  
cabbage soup 
b) I am a first-year student at Russian Academy of Justice. 
 I am going to be a judge. 
 Our Academy trains judges for courts. 
 We study special and socio-political subjects. 
 Twice a year, in January and in June, we take tests and exams. 

Exercise 2. Read the words, expressions and sentences. Pay your 
attention to the sound [t∫]. 
a) chicken 
to switch  
 chicken soup 
such as  
to switch on the radio 
such subjects as 
French teacher 
to switch off the radio 
to teach 
to watch  
 chops with rice  to lecture 
to teach French very much 
b) Do you like cheese? – Yes, I do. I like cheese very much. 
 Does she like watching TV? – Yes, she does. She likes watching TV very much. 
 Do you have lectures on maths? – No, we don’t. We have lectures on civil law. 
 Switch off your mobile phone and listen to the lecture, please! 
 Is your brother an English teacher? – No, he isn’t. He is a French teacher. 

Exercise 3. Read the words, expressions and sentences. Pay your 
attention to the sounds [dʒ] and [t∫]. 
a) such a fair judge  
such a cold January 
lectures on criminology 
 such an interesting subject 
such a warm June 
lectures on psychology 
 such a tasty cabbage soup  
such a hot July  
lectures on special subjects 
b) Does John like cabbage? – Yes, he does. He likes cabbage very much. 
 Does Jane watch TV much? – Yes, she does. Jane watches TV very much. 
 We have lectures on criminology. 
 We study such subjects as criminology and psychology. 
 Do you take the test in French in June? –  
 Yes, we do. We take the test in French in June. 
 Does your lecturer in French literature give the exam in June or in March? 
 Is Richard a fair judge? – Yes, he is. Richard is a fair judge. 
 Is your textbook on psychology on the chair? – No, it isn’t. My textbook on 
psychology is in the armchair. 


About myself 
My name is Ann. I am 17 years old and I am a first-year student at Russian 
Academy of Justice. Our Academy trains judges for courts and workers for law 
enforcement organs. I’m a student of the day department.  
We study such subjects as criminal law, civil law, international law, criminalistics, criminology and others. Besides special subjects, we also study some sociopolitical and theoretical subjects such as history of the country, philosophy, economics, theory of state and law and others.  
We usually have three or four lectures and seminars. Twice a year, in January 
and in June, we take tests and exams. I study hard in order to know laws well. After graduation from Academy I am going to be a judge.  
My working day is very hard. I get up at 7 o’clock. First of all I do my morning 
exercises to music. Then I do my bed and go to the bathroom where I wash my 
hands and face and clean my teeth. As a rule, I take a cold shower in the morning.  
For breakfast I usually have bacon and eggs, cheese, mixed salad and a cup of 
coffee to finish. While I’m having breakfast, I switch on the radio to listen to the 
latest news. After breakfast I put my clothes on and leave home for my Academy. 
I usually go to the Academy by bus or by tram or, if I have some spare time, I 
walk there. As a matter of fact, it takes me 20 minutes to get to the Academy. Our 
classes begin at 8 o’clock sharp. We usually have three lectures. The time flies 
quickly, and in 5 hours I am through with my studies. 

I return home at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. In fact, I am as hungry as a hunter 
after my classes. That’s why I prefer a substantial meal for my dinner. I have 
chicken soup, broth or cabbage soup for the first course. For the second course I 
usually have chops, beefsteaks, roast beef, chicken or fried fish with mashed or 
fried potatoes, rice, or macaroni.  
I don’t like doing my homework just after classes because I am really tired. So 
I have a rest and then I do my homework. Usually it takes me two hours to get 
ready for my lectures and seminars. At 7 o’clock I take a light supper.  
In the evening I watch TV, read books, spend time with my friends or help my 
parents about the house. I usually take a small walk before going to bed. As a rule, 
I go to bed at eleven o’clock. As they say, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a 
man healthy, wealthy and wise”. 

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text 

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for these word 
Перед сном; правоохранительные органы; время летит быстро; дважды в 
год; на второе; общественные дисциплины; возвращаюсь домой; после занятий; теория государства и права; действительно усталый; как правило; если у 
меня есть немного времени; слушать последние известия; готовиться к лекциям и семинарам; жареная рыба с пюре; на дневном отделении.  

Exercise 3. Quote the sentences in which the following words and 
word combinations are used 
Workers for law enforcement organs; mixed salad; I am through with my studies; a cold shower; to get to the Academy; a substantial meal; a small walk; early to 
rise; to know laws well; Russian Academy of Justice; about the house; at 8 o’clock 
sharp; with my friends; after classes; morning exercises; after breakfast. 

Exercise 4. Divide the dishes’ names given below into 3 columns:  
a) for breakfast; b) for dinner; c) for supper. Divide the expressions chosen 
for dinner once again: a) for the first course; b) for the second course. 
Cheese, chicken with mashed potatoes, milk, omelet(te) ['omlət], mixed salad, 
soup, roast beef, butter, boiled sausage ['sosidʒ], chops with rice, broth, coffee, 
cabbage soup, beefsteak with fried potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, fried fish with 
mashed potatoes, orange juice, macaroni with cheese, fried eggs, toast, jam, tea, 
bacon and eggs, summer sausage, soft-boiled eggs. 

Exercise 5. Read and translate the word combinations in the third 
column. Make up sentences using the table 

to be a student at Russian Academy of Justice 

to study at the day department 

to study special subjects 

to study socio-political and theoretical subjects 

am going 
to have lectures and seminars every day 

My friend 
is going 
to take tests and exams twice a year 

His sister 
are going 
to study hard 

Her brother 
to know laws well 

This student 
to be a judge 

Mr. Black 
to be a law enforcer 

Our friends 
to take a cold shower 

to get ready for one’s seminar 


Exercise 6. Answer the questions using active words 
1. What are you? 2. Who does your Academy train? 3. What subjects do you 
study? 4. How many lectures and seminars do you usually have? 5. How often do 
you take tests and exams? 6. Do you study hard? 7. What are you going to be?  
8. When do you get up? 9. Do you do your morning exercises to music? 10. You 
don’t take a cold shower in the morning, do you? 11. What do you prefer for breakfast? 12. When do you listen to the latest news? 13. When do you leave home for 
your Academy? 14. When do you return home? 15. What meal do you prefer for 
dinner and why? 16. What do you prefer for the first course? 17. You prefer 
chicken with macaroni for the second course, don’t you? 18. Why don’t you like 
doing your homework just after classes? 19. How long does it take you to get ready 
for your lectures and seminars? 20. What do you do in the evening? 21. You don’t 
take a small walk before going to bed, do you? 22. When do you go to bed? 

Exercise 7. Give a summary of the text 

Exercise 8. Make up a story about yourself 

Exercise 9. Read and translate the Curriculum Vitae (CV) using a 

Curriculum Vitae (СV)  
Boris Ivanov 
Date of birth: 25.08.1988 
Place of birth: Chelyabinsk 
Citizenship: Russia 
Marital Status: single  
Sex: male  
Driver’s license: no 
Own apartment: no 
E-mail: www@rap.ru 
Mobile: 89082515467 
Address: 38 Gorky Street, Ap. 50, Chelyabinsk, Russia 

A position as a lawyer in a bank or trust company. 

3 years experience in a commercial bank and in 
every routine work in this field.  
Perfect knowledge of banking law and computers. 

Legal issues of banking. 

June 2003 –  
July 2005 

Chelindbank, Chelyabinsk 
Lawyer. In charge of preparing legal papers and legal guaranteeing bank operations. 

Russian Academy of Justice, Moscow, Russia,  
Jurisprudence diploma, specialist degree. 

Arrived in the USA January 2006. 
Languages: Russian is my native, English and 
German beginner level. 
Personal characteristics: social, disciplined, initiative, hard-working, independent, can stand critics, 
responsible, able to travel. Good oral and written 
communication skills and administrative abilities. 
I don’t smoke and I also don’t take strong drinks. 

Exercise 10. Write down (using a dictionary) some extra words and 
word combinations that can be used for additional information 

Exercise 11. Make up your own CV