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Английский язык. 11 класс (углублённый уровень)

Артикул: 815803.02.99
Учебник является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» и предназначен для учащихся 11 класса общеобразовательных организаций (углублённый уровень). Основная задача курса — совершенствование приобретённых ранее знаний и умений и подготовка учащихся к сдаче Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения. Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-afanasieva11-1/
Афанасьева, О. В. Английский язык. 11 класс (углублённый уровень) : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. - 9-е изд., стер. - Москва : Просвещение, 2023. - 256 с. - ISBN 978-5-09-110466-0. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2124987 (дата обращения: 04.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721.6

На учебник получены положительные заключения  
научной (заключение РАО № 468 от 14.11.2016 г.),  
педагогической (заключение РАО № 155 от 05.10.2016 г.)  
и общественной (заключение РКС № 149-ОЭ от 19.12.2016 г.) экспертиз.

Условные обозначения:

— при выполнении задания предполагается использование 

— задание в формате Единого государственного экзамена (
National Examination Format)

— упражнение рекомендуется сделать письменно в тетради

задание в формате ЕГЭ предполагается выполнять  
с аудиозаписью

Афанасьева, Ольга Васильевна.
Английский язык : 11-й класс : углублённый уровень : учебник / 
О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. — 9-е изд., стер. — 
Москва : Просвещение, 2023. — 253, [3] с. : ил.
ISBN 978-5-09-110466-0.
Учебник является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта «
Английский язык» и предназначен для учащихся 11 класса общеобразовательных 
организаций (углублённый уровень). Основная задача 
курса — совершенствование приобретённых ранее знаний и умений и подготовка 
учащихся к сдаче Единого государственного экзамена по английскому 
Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, мета- 
предметных и предметных результатов обучения.
Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-afanasieva11-1/

УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721.6


© АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2014, 2019
© Художественное оформление.
АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2014, 2019
Все права защищены

ISBN 978-5-09-110466-0

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Answer the questions.

1. What role does music play in your life? 2. Music is one of the
fine arts. What other fine arts do you know? Which of them do
you prefer? 3. Can you play any musical instruments, dance or
sing? Do you think one should be able to do these things? Why
(not)? 4. Which of the two traditions in music — classical or pop-
ular — do you prefer? Do you like modern or old music? What
particular kinds of it? 5. When, where and how do you listen to
music? How often do you do it? 6. Do you like to listen to music
when you are alone or when you are with other people? Do you
discuss music with your friends? 7. Do you have any favourite


Music — along with drama and dance — is one of the per-
forming arts. Its history runs further into the past than writ-
ten language, but because it was not written down or recorded,
nearly all music is lost to us.
Today music is everywhere. So it was many centuries ago.
Did you ever walk in a forest and suddenly come upon a little
brook bubbling merrily along its path? Didn’t it sound like
music? When the rain pitter-patters against a roof, or a bird
sings heartily — aren’t these like music?
When man first began to notice his surroundings, there was
a kind of music already there. And then when he wanted to
express great joy, when he wanted to jump and shout and
somehow express what he felt, he felt music in his being, per-
haps before he was able to express it.
Eventually man learned to sing, and this was the first man-
made music. What do you think would be the first thing man
would want to express in his song? Yes, the happiness of love.
The first songs ever sung were love songs. On the other hand,
when man was face to face with death which brought him fear,
he expressed this, too, in a different kind of song, a kind of
dirge1 or chant.
Now we can’t imagine our lives without music. No special
knowledge is required to listen to music, but much study is
required to become a performer. All great musicians combined
talent and hard work to become really famous.

1a dirge [d:] — a slow sad song often sung at a funeral

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performers — musicians, singers or bands? Who are they and why
do you like them? 8. What in your view makes music such a pop-
ular hobby? Do you think it is mostly a hobby for the young? 
9. Can listening to music turn into a kind of addiction? Do you
know people addicted to music? Does music help them or does it
interfere with their lives? 10. Do you think one should develop
their taste in music? How can people do it? 11. What world-
famous composers do you know? What facts about their lives and
work can you mention? 12. Do you know any musical festivals,
competitions? Where and when are they held?

Do you know these music terms?

1. The cello is a ... instrument.
a) brass
b) string
c) keyboard
2. “Presto” is a tempo marking meaning ... .
a) “very fast”
b) “in moderate time”
c) “slowly”
3. Tenor is ... .
a) higher than soprano
b) higher than bass [beis]
c) the highest of the four pitches (alto, bass, soprano and
4. “Forte” is a dynamic marking meaning ... .
a) “soft”
b) “quiet”
c) “loud” 
5. An octet is a group of ... musicians.
a) six
b) seven
c) eight
6. Do(h) is the ... note on the sol-fa musical scale.
a) first
b) last
c) first and the last
7. Percussion instruments produce sounds by being ... .
a) blown into
b) struck
c) pinched
8. A ... is usually based on a religious text.
a) cantata
b) concerto
c) sonata

Listen to the text “They Want to Make Really Good Music” (No 1) and say if
the statements below are true, false or not mentioned in the text.
1. Kareem and George are from Wales.
2. They are of the same age.
3. They attended one and the same school.


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4. There are eight children in Kareem’s
5. It took Kareem and George some time to
become friends.
6. Their favourite music is hard rock.
7. George thinks Kareem is an interesting
person to talk to.
8. The boys are sure they will make world-
famous musicians in the future.

In the text you have just heard George and Kareem say they want to make
really good music. Say what really good music is for you. Mention these:

· if it is music for some particular instrument or it is orchestral

· if it is music with melody, rhythm and harmony;
· if it is classical music, popular music (folk, jazz, rock’n’roll,
hard rock, etc.);

· if it is any kind of music that can stand the test of time.

Listen to the text “The Greatest Cellist of All Times” (No 2) and complete the
statements below.
1. Mstislav Rostropovich spent his early years in ... .
2. He got his musical education in ... .
3. He studied not only the piano but also ... .
4. ... he was awarded the highest distinction of the Soviet Union.
5. Rostropovich’s support for dissidents led to official disgrace
and as a result he ... .
6. Rostropovich was a huge influence on
... .
7. Rostropovich was a musical director
and conductor of the US National
Symphony Orchestra in Washington 
D.C. from ... to ... .
8. His performance during the fall of the
Berlin Wall was shown  ... .
9. His Russian citizenship was  ... .
10. He received many  ... .
11. Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich
died in Moscow on  ... .


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M. L. Rostropovich had to leave his native country and live in immigration
for many years. It is a known fact that a lot of artists, actors, composers, etc.
often leave the places where they were born to make their careers in other
countries. Work in groups and discuss these:
· why people usually emigrate;
· if it is good for people to live in immigration, especially if they
deal with the world of arts;

· if it is an advantage for the country when
a) its citizens live and work in immigration,
b) when they live and work in other countries being citizens of
their own country;

· how people generally react to immigrants
a) in the country they have left,
b) in their new place of living.

Listen to the information about the British composer Henry Purcell (No 3) and
choose the right item in the statements that follow.
1. Henry Purcell lived in the ... century.
a) 16th
b) 17th
c) 18th
2. As a young boy Henry Purcell began his career by ... .
a) singing
b) writing music
c) singing and writing music
3. The instrument that he played was ... .
a) the violin
b) the flute 
c) the organ
4. Purcell played in ... .
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral 
b) Westminster Abbey 
c) Durham Cathedral
5. Purcell wrote one of the first genuine
English ... .
a) sonatas
b) symphonies
c) operas
6. Te Deum [‘t‘diəm] by Purcell was ... performed in St. Paul’s.
a) regularly
b) sometimes
c) once
7. Orpheus Britannicus is a ... .
a) hymn
b) song
c) number of songs
8. The music form Purcell didn’t work in was ... .
a) odes
b) symphonies
c) cantatas


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Listen to a piece of music by Henry Purcell (No 4) and say what feelings this
music arouses. Would you like to listen to more music by this composer? Why
(not)? Does Purcell’s music sound like the music of any other composers that
you know? What composers?

Read six texts about Russian composers (A–F) and match them with the phras-
es (1–7) below. There is one phrase you don’t need to use.
1. This composer belonged to the nobility.
2. This composer didn’t have brothers or sisters.
3. This composer used to study legal systems of different coun-
tries before becoming a composer.
4. This composer was born into a wealthy family with a strong
military background.
5. This composer wrote music that helped people to struggle and
6. This composer spent the last years of his life in Germany.
7. This composer didn’t like to spend his time with those who
wrote music.

A. Glinka was the first Russian composer to gain wide recognition
outside his country, and is often regarded as the father of
Russian music. Glinka was the son of a wealthy merchant. He
spent much of his youth being schooled in many countries
across Europe where he soaked up the culture of the more
artistically advanced European countries. His education in
music theory was minimal and he chose instead to associate
himself with the poets and artists of the time instead of fellow
composers. During this period there was little to no Russian
national music. Instead the aristocracy imported their music from
the major musical countries such as Germany, France and Italy.
B. Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov was a Russian composer and teacher
of classical music. His most famous composition is The Flight
of the Bumblebee. Born in Tikhvin, near Novgorod, to an aris-
tocratic family, Nikolai showed musical ability from an early
age, but studied at the Russian Imperial Naval College in Saint
Petersburg and then joined the Russian Navy. In 1871, despite
being largely self-taught, Rimski-Korsakov became professor 


Russian Composers

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of composition and orchestration at the St. Petersburg
C. Sergei Prokofiev was a Russian composer who mastered nume-
rous musical genres and came to be admired as one of the great-
est composers of the 20th century. He was born in the village
of Krasnoye in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine. He was an only child.
His mother was a pianist and his first music teacher. By the
age of nine he had composed his first opera. His other composi-
tions got praise for their originality. For some time he lived
abroad — the USA, France, Germany. In 1934, he moved back
to the Soviet Union.
D. Alfred Schnittke was a Russian and Soviet composer. He was
born in the city of Engels on the Volga. He began his musical
education in 1946 in Vienna where his father, a journalist and
translator, had been posted. Schnittke’s early music shows the
strong influence of Dmitri Shostakovich. Then he moved on to a
new style which has been called “polystylism”, where music of
different styles is mixed. The composer once wrote: “The goal of
my life is to unify serious music and light music, even if I
break my neck in doing so.” In 1990, Schnittke left Russia and
settled in Hamburg. His health was poor, and he suffered sever-
al strokes before his death on August 3, 1998 in Hamburg.
E. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born to a middle-class family in
Votkinsk, Russia in 1840. Like Schumann [‘ʃmən], a composer
who had a strong influence on him, Tchaikovsky dutifully stud-
ied law before following his true calling by entering the St.
Petersburg Conservatoire where he studied from 1863 to 1865.
Among his teachers was Anton Rubinstein with whom he studied
composition. One of the greatest composers ever lived, he wrote
music ultimately deeply Russian. As Stravinsky wrote, his
“music is quite as Russian as Pushkin’s verse or Glinka’s song”.
F. Dmitri Shostakovich was born on September 25, 1906 in St.
Petersburg, Russia. He stood out as a musical prodigy after
taking piano lessons at the age of nine. In 1919, he enrolled in
classes at the Petrograd Conservatoire. After finishing school,
he started working as a concert pianist for money, but also
wrote compositions. His 5th Symphony was a great success and
remains one of his most liked works. In 1941, Shostakovich
began working on his 7th Symphony and continued, even after
the Great Patriotic War with Germany broke out. The sympho-


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ny proved to be popular and inspiring to the Russian people. It
depicted heroic fighting against aggression and became a sym-
bol of Russian resistance to Germany.

10. Choose one of the Russian composers from ex. 9 and prepare a short talk on
his life and work. Mention these:

· time of birth, place of birth, early years;
· education received;
· main compositions;
· end of the career.


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