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История России: путеводитель по курсу для иностранных студентов

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В данном учебном пособии для иностранных студентов рассматривается краткое содержание учебного курса по истории России. Издание соответствует требованиям историко-культурного стандарта, действующего государственного образовательного стандарта и базовой федеральной программы по дисциплине «История». В пособие включено краткое содержание основных тем учебного курса «История России», а также контролирующие и дополнительные материалы для самостоятельной работы студентов, список рекомендуемой литературы. Учебное пособие адресовано иностранным студентам всех направлений подготовки и всем, интересующимся историей России.
Кущенко, С. В. История России: путеводитель по курсу для иностранных студентов : учебное пособие / С. В. Кущенко. - Новосибирск : Изд-во НГТУ, 2018. - 48 с. - ISBN 978-5-7782-3529-8. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1869447 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации 

Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом университета 
в качестве учебного пособия 

ББК 63.3(2)я73:81.411.2-961 
К 967 
Е.Э. Казаков, д-р ист. наук, профессор,  
ректор Русско-немецкого университета (г. Новосибирск) 
В.В. Демидов, д-р ист. наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой гуманитарных 
основ государственной службы Сибирского института управления – 
Филиала РАНХиГС при президенте РФ (г. Новосибирск)  
Кущенко С.В. 
К 967       История России: путеводитель по курсу для иностранных 
студентов: учебное пособие / С.В. Кущенко. – Новосибирск: 
Изд-во НГТУ, 2018. – 48 с. 

ISBN 978-5-7782-3529-8 

В данном учебном пособии для иностранных студентов рассматривается краткое содержание учебного курса по истории России. Издание соответствует требованиям историко-культурного стандарта, 
действующего государственного образовательного стандарта и базовой федеральной программы по дисциплине «История».  
В пособие включено краткое содержание основных тем учебного 
курса «История России», а также контролирующие и дополнительные 
материалы для самостоятельной работы студентов, список рекомендуемой литературы. 
Учебное пособие адресовано иностранным студентам всех направлений подготовки и всем, интересующимся историей России. 
Работа подготовлена на кафедре истории и политологии 
ББК 63.3(2)я73:81.411.2-961 
ISBN 978-5-7782-3529-8 
© Кущенко С.В., 2018 
© Новосибирский государственный  
технический университет, 2018     

The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation 



ББК 63.3(2)я73:81.411.2-961 
К 967 
E.E. Kozackov, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor,  
rector of the Russian-German University (Novosibirsk, Russia) 
V.V. Demidov, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor,  
head of the Department of humanitarian bases of public service  
of the Siberian Institute of management – Branch RANHiGS  
under the President of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk)  
Kushchenko S.V. 
К 967         The History of Russia: Study guide for foreign students / 
S.V. Kushchenko. – Novosibirsk: NSTU Publisher, 2018. – 48 рр. 

ISBN 978-5-7782-3529-8 

In this tutorial for foreign students is considered a short course on the 
history of Russia. The publication complies with the requirements of the 
Historical and cultural standard, the current State educational standard and 
the basic Federal program for the discipline “History”. The publication includes summaries of the main topics of the training course “History of Russia”, as well as controlling and additional materials for independent work 
of students, list of recommended literature. 
The manual is intended for foreign students and all interested in the history of Russia. 
The work was performed at the Department of history and political science 
ББК 63.3(2)я73:81.411.2-961 
ISBN 978-5-7782-3529-8 
© Kushchenko S.V., 2018 
© Novosibirsk State Technical University, 2018 

Введение .................................................................................................................. 9 
1. Россия сегодня ................................................................................................. 11 
1.1. Территория современной России ............................................................. 11 
1.2. Население современной России................................................................ 11 
1.3. Природные ресурсы современной России ............................................... 11 
2. Россия в древности ......................................................................................... 12 
2.1. Возникновение древнерусского государства .......................................... 12 
2.2. Государство Русь (IX–XII вв.) .................................................................. 12 
2.2.1. Территория ........................................................................................ 12 
2.2.2. Общественный строй ........................................................................ 12 
2.2.3. Экономика ......................................................................................... 13 
2.2.4. Культура ............................................................................................ 13 
3. Русь в XIII–XV вв. .......................................................................................... 13 
3.1. Борьба с монгольским завоеванием ......................................................... 13 
3.2. Борьба с немецкой и шведской агрессией ............................................... 14 
3.3. Объединение русских земель вокруг Москвы ......................................... 14 
4. Россия в XVI–XVII вв. ................................................................................... 15 
4.1. Политика Ивана III .................................................................................... 15 
4.2. Политика Ивана IV .................................................................................... 16 
4.3. Борьба с польской интервенцией ............................................................. 16 
4.4. Политика Алексея Михайловича .............................................................. 17 
5. Русская культура в XIII–XVII вв. ............................................................... 18 
6. Политика Петра I ............................................................................................ 19 
7. Дворцовые перевороты середины XVIII в. ................................................ 21 
8. Политика Екатерины II ................................................................................. 22 
9. Культура России в XVIII в. ........................................................................... 23 

10. Политика Александра I ............................................................................... 23 
10.1. Реформы Негласного комитета ............................................................... 23 
10.2. Борьба с французской агрессией ............................................................ 24 
10.3. Движение декабристов ............................................................................ 24 
11. Политика Николая I ..................................................................................... 25 
12. Политика Александра II .............................................................................. 26 
13. Политика Александра III ............................................................................ 27 
14. Культура России в XIX в. ............................................................................ 27 
15. Россия в первой четверти XX в. ................................................................. 27 
15.1. Экономика ................................................................................................ 27 
15.2. Русско-Японская война ........................................................................... 28 
15.3. Россия в I Мировой войне ....................................................................... 28 
15.4. Великая Русская революция первой четверти XX в. ............................ 28 
16. Советская Россия в 1920–30-е гг. ............................................................... 30 
16.1. Гражданская война................................................................................... 30 
16.2. Образование СССР .................................................................................. 31 
16.3. Новая экономическая политика (НЭП) .................................................. 31 
16.4. Индустриализация, коллективизация, культурная революция ............ 32 
17. СССР в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–45 гг. ............................... 33 
18. СССР в 1960–80-е гг. ..................................................................................... 35 
18.1. Реформы Н.С. Хрущева ........................................................................... 35 
18.2. Реформы А.Н. Косыгина ......................................................................... 37 
18.3. Реформы М.С. Горбачева ........................................................................ 37 
18.4. Распад СССР ............................................................................................. 38 
19. Россия в 1990-е гг. ......................................................................................... 38 
20. Россия в начале XXI в. ................................................................................. 39 
Контролирующие и дополнительные материалы  
для самостоятельной работы иностранных студентов ................................ 40 
Рекомендуемая литература .................................................................................. 47 

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 9 
1. Russia today....................................................................................................... 11 
1.1. The Territory of modern Russia ................................................................... 11 
1.2. The Population of modern Russia ................................................................ 11 
1.3. Natural resources in modern Russia ............................................................. 11 
2. Russia in ancient times ..................................................................................... 12 
2.1. The Emergence of the ancient Russian state ................................................ 12 
2.2. State of Rus (IX–XII centuries) ................................................................... 12 
2.2.1. Territory .............................................................................................. 12 
2.2.2. Social system ...................................................................................... 12 
2.2.3. Economy ............................................................................................. 13 
2.2.4. Culture ................................................................................................ 13 
3. Russia in XIII–XV centuries ............................................................................ 13 
3.1. The Struggle with the Mongol conquest ...................................................... 13 
3.2. The Fight against German and Swedish aggression ..................................... 14 
3.3. The Unification of Russian lands around Moscow ...................................... 14 
4. Russia in XVI–XVII centuries ......................................................................... 15 
4.1. The Policy of Ivan III ................................................................................... 15 
4.2. The Policy of Ivan IV................................................................................... 16 
4.3. The Fight against Polish intervention .......................................................... 16 
4.4. Policy of Alexei Mikhailovich ..................................................................... 17 
5. Russian culture in the XIII–XVII centuries ................................................... 18 
6. Policy of Peter I ................................................................................................. 19 
7. Palace coups of the mid XVIII century ........................................................... 21 
8. Policy of Catherine II ........................................................................................ 22 
9. Culture of Russia in the XVIII century ........................................................... 23 

10. The Policy of Alexander I ............................................................................... 23 
10.1. Reform of a secret Committee ................................................................... 23 
10.2. The Fight against French aggression .......................................................... 24 
10.3. The movement of the Decembrists ............................................................ 24 
11. The Policy of Nikolay I ................................................................................... 25 
12. Policy of Alexander II ..................................................................................... 26 
13. The policy of Alexander III ............................................................................ 27 
14. Culture of Russia in the XIX century ............................................................ 27 
15. Russia in the first quarter of the XX century ............................................... 27 
15.1. Economy .................................................................................................... 27 
15.2. The Russo-Japanese war ............................................................................ 28 
15.3. Russia in I World war ................................................................................ 28 
15.4. The Great Russian revolution the first quarter of the XX century ............. 28 
16. Soviet Russia in the 1920–30s ......................................................................... 30 
16.1. Civil war .................................................................................................... 30 
16.2. The formation of the USSR ....................................................................... 31 
16.3. The New economic policy (NEP) .............................................................. 31 
16.4. Industrialization, collectivization, cultural revolution ............................... 32 
17. The USSR in the Great Patriotic war 1941–45 ............................................. 33 
17.1. The causes of the war ................................................................................. 33 
17.2. The Main battle .......................................................................................... 34 
17.3. The outcome of the war ............................................................................. 35 
18. The USSR in the 1960–80s ............................................................................. 35 
18.1. Reforms of N.S. Khrushchev ..................................................................... 35 
18.2. Reforms of A.N. Kosygin .......................................................................... 37 
18.3. Reforms of M.S. Gorbachev ...................................................................... 37 
18.4. The Collapse of the Soviet Union .............................................................. 38 
19. Russia in the 1990s .......................................................................................... 38 
20. Russia in early XXI century ........................................................................... 39 
Test questions and correct answers to each section of the textbook ................. 40 
Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 47 

В учебное пособие включено краткое содержание основных тем 
учебного курса по истории России с древнейших времен до наших 
дней, адаптированное для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в Новосибирском государственном техническом университете, и написанное на английском языке. 
Пособие написано в соответствии с требованиями культурно-исторического стандарта, утвержденного в октябре 2013г., действующего 
государственного образовательного стандарта и федеральной программы учебной дисциплины «История».  
Структура учебного пособия состоит из 20 глав, в которых раскрыто основное содержание всех этапов истории России. К каждой главе 
предлагаются контролирующие и дополнительные материалы, наглядные пособия для самостоятельной работы студентов, а также список 
рекомендуемой литературы. 
Учитывая, что иностранные студенты не изучали ранее историю 
России, к контролирующим вопросам автор учебного пособия дает 
правильные ответы. 
Автор данного учебного пособия – Кущенко Сергей Владимирович – доктор философских наук, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, 
заведующий кафедрой истории и политологии НГТУ (написание всех 
разделов текста на английском языке, составление контрольных вопросов и ответов, списка литературы). 

Readers study guide includes summaries of the main topics of a course 
on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day, adapted for 
foreign students studying in Novosibirsk state technical University. 
The manual is written in accordance with the requirements of the Cultural-historical standard, approved in October 2013, the current State educational standard and Federal program for academic discipline “History”. The 
structure of this textbook consists of 20 chapters, in which are disclosed the 
main content of all phases of Russian history. Each Chapter offers regulatory and supplementary materials, visual AIDS for students independent 
work, as well as a list of recommended literature.  
Given that foreign students have not previously studied the history of 
Russia, to regulatory issues, the authors of the textbook give the correct answers.  
The author of this textbook – Kushchenko Sergey Vladimirovich – doctor of philosophical Sciences, candidate of historical Sciences, Professor, 
head of Department of history and political science, NSTU. 



The total length of Russia's borders is the longest in the world, because 
Russia is the largest country on the planet. 1/9 of the land area of the globe. 
The total length of land and Maritime borders of Russia – more than 62,000 
miles. Russia's borders have access to 13 seas. Russia borders with 18 countries of the world.  


As of January 1, 2017, the resident population of Russia was over 146 
800,000 people. By population Russia ranks 9th in the world after China, 
India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria and Bangladesh. 
Russia is home to over 180 nationalities, including Russians make up 
81%, Tatars – 4%, Ukrainians – 1.4%, and the Bashkir 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, 
Chechens 1%, Armenians – 0,9%, etc. 


Reserves of natural resources, Russia ranks first in the world. In Russia 
there are 25% of the world's natural resources. Second place is occupied by 
the United States of America, which is 15-20% of the world's resources. On 
the territory of Russia in the world natural gas, coal, oil, nonferrous metals, 
diamonds, iron ore, etc. On the timber reserves, Russia takes the first place 
in the world, 65% of Russian territory is occupied by forests. Russia can 
itself provide the necessities of life. 



The old Russian state emerged as a result of the unification of EasternSlavic tribes who have attained a high level of economic and militarypolitical development. Eastern Slavs is one of the three groups of Slavic 
peoples: South, West and East. The Eastern Slavs are modern peoples – 
Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. In ancient times they constituted a 
single ancient Russian nationality. 
The Slavic peoples belong to the group of Indo-European peoples, along 
with Iranian, Greek, Germanic and others. From original settlement of the 
Eastern Slavs came to Europe and colonized the territory from the Baltic sea 
to the Black sea. (Read more about the ancient Slavs see Kushchenko S. V. 
Ancient Slavs/ History of Russia from ancient times... NSTU, 1995, pp. 4–7. 
See a list of additional literature [2]). 


The development of agriculture and crafts has led to the development of 
trade, the emergence of cities and the formation of large tribal unions of 
Eastern Slavs. At the head of the tribal Union was the Prince. The Prince 
had a combat squad, which participated in military battles. So gradually 
formed the ancient Russian state. By the ninth century a new era in East 
Slavic tribal unions created the Rus state with two big centers – Novgorod 
and Kiev. (Read more about the old Russian state, see Kushchenko S. V. 
Kievan Rus/ History of Russia from ancient times... NSTU, 1995, pp. 7–10. 
See a list of additional literature [2]). 


The ancient Russian state in IX–XII centuries was a major state Association of Eastern Slavs with a population of about 5 million people. The old 
Russian state occupied the territory from the Baltic sea in the North to the 
Black sea in the South and from the river Western Bug in the West to Volga 
river in the East. 


Old Russian state was a early-feudal monarchy. The head of state was 
the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke was subordinate to the Senior squad, 

which included the rich feudal lords and senior retainers. It was the legislature. The Grand Duke and the Senior subordinated squad Junior squad – 
Executive management personnel. In the cities power was princely governors – mayor. The unified troops in the old Russian state was not. 

2.2.3 ECONOMY 

Leading industries were agriculture and craft. The basis of agriculture 
was cultivated land. Craft production consisted of dozens of species. Russian craft at that time was not inferior to Western Europe, and Russian 
swords, chain mail, jewelry was in high demand. 

2.2.4 CULTURE 

In the old Russian state was developed legal system and culture. The 
first all-Russian code of laws called “Russian Truth”. “Russian Truth” was 
created in the beginning of XI century during the reign of Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise and is valid until the end of the XV century. Russian art, 
architecture, literature reached high level of development. 


In the beginning of XIII century in Central Asia formed Mongol state 
led to Chenghis Khan. Chenghis Khan organized a strong army and invaded 
the neighbouring States – China, Korea, Khorezm, Samarkand, Bukhara and 
others. After this, Chenghis Khan sent troops to Russia. The first battle of 
Russian and Mongolian troops took place on the Kalka river in 1223, the 
Russian troops fought bravely, but were defeated because they did not have 
a unified command. The Mongolian army suffered heavy losses and 
Chenghis Khan returned it to Mongolia. After the death of Chenghis Khan 
in 1227 the campaign of the Mongol army in Russia was headed by the 
grandson of Chenghis Khan Batu. 
In 1237–41. Batu Khan had conquered all the Russian lands, except for 
Novgorod. The Mongols destroyed and burned many Russian cities, killing 
After the capture of the Russian lands, Batu Khan led his army into 
Western Europe. With the Russian principalities, Batu Khan ordered to collect tribute (taxes) in the amount of one tenth of all that was the Russian 

people. Russian people refused to pay tribute to the Mongols, began to kill 
tax collectors – Baskakov. 
 Resistance to the Russian people of Mongolian invaders increased. For 
this reason, Batu Khan was forced to return its army from Western Europe 
to the Russian land. In the Russian lands, Batu Khan created a new state – 
the Golden Horde with the capital Sarai on the Volga river. The collection 
of tribute Batu Khan began to charge one of the Russian princes, who had to 
bring tribute to the Golden Horde of Batu Khan. In the Russian lands began 
the domination of the Golden Horde, which lasted 250 years. 


At the same time, when the East into Russian land came the Mongols, 
from the West to the Russian land began to attack the Swedes and the Germans. In 1240 a Swedish army attacked Novgorod, but in the battle on the 
river Neva, Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich defeated the Swedes. 
For the victory over the Swedes Novgorod became known as the Prince Alexander Nevsky.  
In 1242, Novgorod began the offensive of the German knightscrusaders. Alexander Nevsky won a victory over the Germans in the battle 
of lake Chudskoe.  
 The victory of Russian troops over the Swedes and the Germans retained the Novgorod land free from occupation, their aggressors-invaders. 


During the rule of the Golden Horde on the Russian lands was formed 
about 20 of principalities, independent of each other. The most powerful 
was the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and Novgorod Republic. In Novgorod 
the city authorities of the people's Assembly – weche – was more important 
than the power of the Novgorod Prince, so called the Novgorod Republic. 
 Gradually began to strengthen the Principality of Moscow. The first 
Prince of Moscow was Daniel, the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky. Daniel's son, Ivan I, was granted the right to collect tribute from the Russian 
principalities to the Golden Horde. During the reign of Ivan I of Moscow 
became the administrative and religious centre of the Russian lands. The 
sons and grandsons of Ivan I strengthened the Principality of Moscow, retaining it as the centre of Russian lands. The reasons for the unification of