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Контрольные работы по английскому языку : V класс

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Пособие включает контрольные работы для проверки усвоения материала пятого класса с ориентацией на учебник И. Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой (V). Книга построена так, чтобы педагогам было максимально удобно составлять контрольные работы для школьников.
Павлоцкий, В. М. Контрольные работы по английскому языку : учебное пособие для учащихся V класса / В. М. Павлоцкий. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2013. — 112 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-0453-8. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1047379 (дата обращения: 15.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
УДК 372.8 : 802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ922

Павлоцкий В. М.
Контрольные работы по английскому языку: Учебное
пособие для учащихся V класса. — СПб.: КАРО, 2013. —
112 с.

ISBN 9785992504538.

Пособие включает контрольные работы для проверки усвоения
материала пятого класса с ориентацией на учебник И. Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой (V). Книга построена так, чтобы педагогам
было максимально удобно составлять контрольные работы для
УДК 372.8:802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ922

ISBN 9785992504538

©  В.М. Павлоцкий, 2002
©  КАРО, 2002
Все права защищены

От авторасоставителя

Вы держите в руках пособие, предназначенное
учащимся, изучающим английский язык по учебнометодическому комплексу И.Н. Верещагиной и
О.В. Афанасьевой “English V” для гимназий и школ
с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Данное пособие включает в себя 14 контрольных
работ, которые помогут учащимся  проверить, усвоили ли они изученный в классе материал.
Выполнение каждой контрольной работы рассчитано на два аудиторных урока. Каждая работа включает в себя три основных аспекта: чтение, письмо и
использование языка. Весь лексический и грамматический материал пособия основан на учебнике
“English V”. Пособие поможет учителю проверить
уровень подготовки группы, а учащимся — убедиться в надежности своих знаний. Им предлагается
ряд заданий, требующих не только автоматических
навыков, но и определенной смекалки в их выполнении.
Для подготовки к такого рода контрольным работам учителю следует заранее изучить текст работ и
предложить учащимся для тренировки упражнения,
аналогичные предложенным в пособии.
При выполнении контрольных работ необходимо
учить школьников грамотному чтению инструкций и
соблюдению формата в разделе “Письмо”. Подготовка и выполнение заданий потребует творческого подхода в обучении учащихся, столь необходимому сегодня. Такой вид работ — необходимое звено в системе постепенной подготовки учащихся к
сдаче международных экзаменов и итоговой аттестации выпускников. Необходимо помочь учащимся адаптироваться к новым требованиям, приучая

их к мобильному использованию полученных на уроках знаний в любых жизненных ситуациях. Данное пособие помогает проверить достижения учащихся и
наметить пути к преодолению пробелов в знаниях.
После каждой работы необходимо объяснить
учащимся их ошибки и выполнить тщательную работу по их исправлению.


1. The leaders of the Greeks came back to Troy
at night.
2. The Greek ships were not far from Troy.
3. The Trojans did not burn the horse.
4. The Greeks attacked Troy many times.
5. The Trojan soldiers fell asleep at night after
the holiday.
6. The Greeks thought of an unusual plan.
7. The Greek soldiers took Troy.
8. The Greeks built a big wooden horse and the
leaders of the army hid inside it.
9. The Trojans had to bring the wooden horse
into the city.
10. The Trojans thought the horse would help
them to win the war.


1. I ……………….  a new watch.
2. London ………………… beautiful public gardens.
3. His office ………………. three computers.
4. Yesterday we ………………….  a new English
5. Betty …………………. (not) eyes as green as
6. He …………………… a strong foreign accent.
7. Last week the winning horse ………………… a
red tail.
8. Hurry up! We …………………….. (not) much
9. We …………………… time to finish our work
last night.

1. you / credit card?
2. both children / bicycles?
3. we / a new teacher?
4. Bob / a good time at yesterday’s picnic?
5. we / a new dictionary?
6. the ancient Romans / telephones?
7. the twins / not/breakfast yesterday morning?

1. I didn’t talk to Bob but I ……………….  to John.
2. They didn’t go to the cinema but they …………
to the restaurant.
3. Sally didn’t wear her new clothes; she ……….
her old jeans.

4. He didn’t give her his book, he …………….  her
some flowers instead.
5. He didn’t drive slowly; he …………….  too fast.
6. We were not ready to write a composition; we
…………. ready to read the text.
7. Alison didn’t spend her summer in London;
she ………….. her summer in Spain.
8. They didn’t climb the mountain; they only
……………..  that hill.

1. I ………………….. (go) swimming yesterday.
After I ……………(get out) of the water, I couldn’t
find my watch. Suddenly I ………………….(see) it
on the sand. I ……………….(be) very happy.
2. When she ……………….(wake up), she
………………….(tell) Bob about her dream. He
…………………(laugh) and ……………………(say)
that he …………………..(think) it ……………… (be)
rather funny.
3. Mum ………………… (put) fresh flowers on the
table, ……………….. (make) an apple pie and
………………….. (invite) everybody to join her in the
4. Last summer the Greens …………………. (go)
to Spain. They …………… (do) a lot of interesting
things there. They …………………. (swim) in the sea,
…………(go) sightseeing and ………………… (have)
much fun.
5. Lucy …………………… (spend) last year in
Australia. She …………….. (fly) there by plane. She

……………… (learn) much about this wonderful
country and even …………….. (begin) to understand the aborigines’ customs and traditions.


1. I usually buy bread at the corner ……………. .
2. We went to the ………………. to buy some vegetables. (grocer)
3. My grandfather was a …………… when he was
young. (sale)
4. I’d like to be a ………………. . (type)
5. What is your ………………..? (occupy)
6. She is not ………………… .(marry)
7. The …………….. usually brings newspapers
early in the morning. (post)
8. The …………………. usually delivers dairy
products early in the morning. (milk)


1. A b er is a person who sells meat.
2. A greeng r is a person who sells fruit
and vegetables.
3. A n e is a person who works in hospitals
and helps doctors.
4. A pol n is a person whose job is to
catch criminals.
5. A sa r is a person who works on a ship.
6. A t r is a person who makes men’s clothes.
7. A b r is a person who makes bread.

1. A typist is a person who ………… letters and
other papers.
2. A person who works in an office and helps his/
her boss with the papers is a ………………….. .
3. She is not ………………. She doesn’t have any
children and lives alone.
4. My young brother likes playing ……….. games.
5. My father is fond of ……………….. Russian
6. My mother is a greengrocer. She sells
………………….  and vegetables.
7. What do you ………….? I’m a student.
8.  What is your …………? Smith.



1. Tim often goes to Portsmouth.
2. It was sunny every day.
3. The boys went to the beach every day.
4. It was boring in rainy weather.

1. ………………………….. there was a bad storm.
2. ………………………….. the boys went to the

1. They could / couldn’t go in the water / carry
the boat / read the name / hear the old man.
2. The boat disappeared last night / on a stormy
night / many years ago.

1. Mrs Hunt usually cooks the dinner on Sunday,
but today Mr Hunt ………………it.
2. He usually goes to work by bus, but today he
…………………… in the car.

3. He usually works in the garden on Saturday,
but today he ……………….. television.
4. They usually swim on Saturday, but today they
……………………… tennis.
5. The cinema usually starts at two o’clock, but
today it ………………… at half past one.
6. They usually have tea at five o’clock, but today they ………………… it at six.
7. She usually comes home at 4.00, but today
she ……………….. at 4.30.
8. She usually leaves at five o’clock, but today
she ……………… late.

1. Lessons (start) at 8.30 in the morning.
2. We (eat) our sandwiches now.
3. Be careful! Miss Gibson (come).
4. The boys (play) football on Saturday.
5. They (wear) blue jeans.
6. Listen! Sir John (arrive).
7. He always (come) at twelve o’clock.
8. He usually (wait) some minutes in the bedroom.
9. Listen! He (pass) the door now.
10. Look! The door (open).
1. She lives in Peggy’s street.
2. She always gets up early.
3. She lives in another town.
4. She wants six.

5. She has got two rabbits.
6. They like sweets.
7. He buys a newspaper every day.
8. They do their homework together.
9. She gives them a piece of cake.
10. She takes it in before breakfast.
11. She needs one bottle.

1. Sir John sleeps in the day.
2. He comes at twelve o’clock.
3. He stays in the living room for some minutes.
4. He opens that door.
5. Oh dear! That’s wrong. He opens the door.

1. He (walk) now. He (like) walking every evening.
2. The woman who (sit) at the table (want) to tell
you something important.
3. I (not/know) what she (do).
4. She (say) she (see) nothing.
5. He (not/understand) what he (sing).

1. Marian and David / usually / stay / London /
holidays / this year / go / Lake District
2. Ducks / usually / swim / now / winter / sleep
3. Marian and David / often / talk / friends / today
/ go / Lake District
4. Aunt Susan / often / watch / television / today
/ go shopping

5. Children / often / walk / canal / today / watch /
6. John / usually / go fishing / today / watch / birds


1. I don’t have ……………… water at my country
house. (run)
2. My mother usually uses her ………………….
machine when she has dirty clothes. (wash)
3. I clean the carpets with the vacuum ………..
4. All the houses in our city have got modern
…………………. .(convenient)
5. When it is cold …………….. heating is usually
on. (centre)
6. Indian ……………….. don’t have electricity and
running water. (settle)
7. Modern flats are large and ………………. .
8. His house is too large. I can’t even find a
……………………… In it. (bath)
9. The …………………. In the corner is very beautiful. (fire)

1. It is too light in the room. Please, …………..the
light …………. .
2. …………………. lights our flats when it is dark.
3. We’ve got all the modern …………. in our flats.

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