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Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV-IX классы)

Акимова О.В.
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Сборник включает в себя ответы к контрольным работам IV-IX классов, составленным В. М. Павлоцким. В сборнике представлены ответы практически ко всем заданиям на грамматику и лексику, а к некоторым творческим заданиям по работе с текстами даны образцы выполнения, чтобы ученик имел возможность на их основе предложить свой вариант. Ключи упростят учителям проверку контрольных работ, а ученикам дадут возможность самостоятельно проверить свои знания и выполнить сложные и творческие задания по предложенному алгоритму.
Акимова, О.В. Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV-IX классы) : метод. пособие / О. В. Акимова. - Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2014. - 160 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-0234-3. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1047375 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.




Для учащихся IV-IX классов гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением


УДК 372.8:802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ-922
       А 38

    Акимова О. В.
А38 Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV-IX классы). — СПб.: КАРО, 2014. — 160 с.

    ISBN 978-5-9925-0234-3.

       Сборник включает в себя ответы к контрольным работам IV-IX классов, составленным В. М. Павлоцким. В сборнике представлены ответы практически ко всем заданиям на грамматику и лексику, а к некоторым творческим заданиям по работе с текстами даны образцы выполнения, чтобы ученик имел возможность на их основе предложить свой вариант.
       Ключи упростят учителям проверку контрольных работ, а ученикам дадут возможность самостоятельно проверить свои знания и выполнить сложные и творческие задания по предложенному алгоритму.
УДК 372.8:802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ-922

ISBN 978-5-9925-0234-3

© КАРО, 2008
Все права защищены


        Grade IV. TEST 1


   1.1.   1 — false; 2 — false; 3 — true; 4 — false; 5 — true; 6 — false; 7 — true; 8 — true

    Use of English

   1.2.   Bob and Sally are from York. John is new in York. He is from Bath. Ron and Betsy are in the 5th grade. Joseph is from the village near York. Ron and Betsy are friends. They are eleven. John is eleven, too. But Bob isn’t eleven. Bob and John are friends, but they aren’t in the same class. Betsy is a lively girl. Sally isn’t lively. She is a very quiet girl.

   1. Peter is not at work at moment.
   2. That is very kind of you.
   3. My shoes are very dirty.
   4. What colour is your car?
   5. Are books expensive in your country?
   6. Finland is not a very big country.
   7. Those plants are very beautiful.
   8. Paris is not the capital of Italy.
   9. How old is your mother?
  10.   The beautiful old church is in the very corner of the street.

   1.4.   1. their 2. your 3. his 4. your 5. their 6. their 7. her 8. our 9. your


   1.5.    1. mother’s, mothers 2. hamsters, hamster’s 3. sisters, sister’s 4. friends, friend’s 5. teacher’s, teachers

   1.6.    1. some 2. any 3. something 4. any/some 5. some 6. any 7. somebody 8. some/any

   1.7.   1 — d; 2 — f; 3 — a; 4 —i; 5 — b; 6 — g; 7 — c;
8 — e; 9 — h

   1.8.    1. autumn 2. terrible 3. bright 4. often 5. weather 6. tomorrow 7. snows 8. season 9. beautiful

        Grade IV. TEST 2


   2.1. 1 — true; 2 — false; 3 — true; 4 — false;
5 — true; 6 — true; 7 — false; 8 — false

    Use of English

   1. Have you got a bike? — Yes, I have.
   2. Has Liz got a sister? — No, she has not.
   3. Has Mike got a school bag? — Yes, he has.
   4. Have the Greens got a new car? — Yes, they have.
   5. Has Colin got my exercise-book? — No, he has not.
   6. Has your friend got a brother? — Yes, he has.
   7. Have you got my pencil case? — Yes, I have.


   2.4. 1. There is 2. There is 3. There are 4. There is
5. There are 6. There is 7. There are 8. There is
9. There are 10. There is

   1. Does Nelly live at the seaside in summer?
     Nelly does not live at the seaside in summer.
   2. Does Peter go to bed late?
     Peter does not go to bed late.
   3. Do you buy vegetables in the market?
     I do not buy vegetables in the market.
   4. Does father swim in the lake?
     Father does not swim in the lake.
   5. Does he take Tom with him?
     He does not take Tom with him.
   6. Do they clean their rooms on Saturdays?
     They do not clean their rooms on Saturdays.
   7. Does he try to do it?
     He does not try to do it.

   2.6. 1. do 2. have 3. go 4. am sitting 5. is washing
6. is reading 7. visit 8. play 9. are going

   1. is practicing
     Is he still playing ...?
   2. am using
   3. Are you sleeping?
     am reading
     Do you often read ...?
   4. is shining, are singing
   5 are they doing?
     is learning ...
     is tidying ...
   6. . does your husband work?
   7. sit, am sitting


   2.8.    1. meals 2. dinner 3. potatoes, tomatoes 4. porridge 5. juice 6. hungry, bread, butter 7. soup 8. ice-cream
   2.9.    1. breakfast 2. bread, salt 3. hungry 4. apple 5. juice 6. meals 7. ice-cream 8. cup 9. pass 10. thirsty
   2.10.    1. some 2. I had porridge 3. How much... is 4. How many 5. much 6. an apple/some apples 7. I had soup 8. is

        Grade IV. TEST 3


  3.1. 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 9, 1

    Use of English

   3.2.  1. this 2. that 3. these, These, those 4. this
5.  these, this 6. this, these 7. these, Those 8. this, this

Adjective   Comparative      Superlative         
interesting more interesting the most interesting
good        better           the best            
tall        taller           the tallest         
small       smaller          the smallest        
bad         worse            the worst           
beautiful   more beautiful   the most beautiful  
expensive   more expensive   the most expensive  
bright      brighter         the brightest       


   1.  old, older
   2.  good, better, better, better, the best
   3.  warmest, warm, warmer, warm
   4.  hotter, the hottest, hot
   5.  beautiful, the most beautiful, beautiful

   1....had, last Saturday.
   2....went, last Sunday.
   3....went, yesterday morning.
   4    . Did, last summer.
   5....went, that winter.
   6....was, that autumn.
   7....had, yesterday.
   8....got up, yesterday morning.
   9    . Did, yesterday evening.
  10    did not, last Sunday.

   1.  Did it snow a lot last week?
      It did not snow a lot last week.
   2.  Did she travel a lot last year?
      She did not travel a lot last year.
   3.  Did the shop close at 6 yesterday?
      The shop did not close at 6 yesterday.
   4.  Did she help her Mum with the festive dinner?
      She did not help her Mum with the festive dinner.
   5.  Did he write a lot of postcards yesterday?
      He did not write a lot of postcards yesterday.
   6.  Did she sing a lot of popular songs yesterday?
      She did not sing a lot of popular songs yesterday.
   7.  Did he walk all day long yesterday?
      He did not walk all day long yesterday.


   3.7.    1. go 2. likes 3. celebrated 4. Did, did 5. walked, was 6. doesn’t rain 7. go, come/went, came 8. writes
   3.7.    1. puppy 2. mice 3. tortoise 4. domestic 5. beautiful 6. mouth 7. tail 8. wolves 9. grew 10. quickly
   3.8.    1. neck 2. ears 3. legs 4. fingers, toes 5. nose/ hair 6. teeth 7. eyes 8. slowly 9. quickly 10. happy

        Grade IV. TEST 4


  4.1.   1. to the coast 2. at the weekend 3. never 4. having fun out doors 5. Scotland 6. at the seaside 7. Italy 8. France 9. road 10. in the tent

    Use of English

  4.2.   1. much, many 2. many, much 3. many, many 4. many 5. much, many 6. many, much 7. much 8. much, much
  4.3.   1. How old 2. What 3. Who 4. Where 5. Who 6. How many 7. Where 8. Where 9. How many 10. What 11. How old
  Ben won’t wash up at the weekend.
  Ben will relax at the beach at the weekend.
  Ben won’t cook supper at the weekend.
  Ben will do sports at the weekend.
  Ben won’t read a new book at the weekend.


   Ben won’t go to the country at the weekend.
   Ben won’t sleep late at the weekend.

   4.6.   1. couldn’t, can 2. couldn’t 3. could 4. Could 5. can’t 6. Can, can’t 7. could/couldn’t 8. can/can’t 9. Could

   4.7.   1. mountains 2. forest 3. fields 4. basketball 5. swimming 6. busy 7. week

   4.8.   1. before 2. Where 3. clean my teeth 4. goes to bed 5. Yes, I will 6. weekend 7. carry my bag 8. afternoon

        Grade IV. TEST 5


  5.1.   1 — false; 2 — true; 3 — false; 4 — false; 5 — false; 6 — false; 7 — true; 8 — false; 9 — false; 10 — false; 11 — true; 12 — false

    Use of English

  5.2.   1 — c; 2 — b; 3 — a; 4 — b; 5 — c; 6 — c; 7 — b; 8 — b; 9 — a; 10 — b


     in              on               at       
summer        Saturdays         five thirty    
the afternoon Friday            half past six  
winter        Wednesday morning a quarter past 
two minutes   Thursday evening  twelve         
              Sunday afternoon  twenty to eight


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