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Английский на школьной сцене : адаптация произведений и подготовка сценариев

Голицынский Ю.Б.
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Ю. Б. Голицынский адаптировал популярные произведения англоязычной литературы и на их основе создал сценарии для школьного театра. Пяти - или шестиклассников, без сомнения, увлекут сказки «Золушка» и «Спящая красавица», а старших школьников не оставит равнодушными история взаимоотношений Элизы Дулитгл и профессора Хиггинса. А кто из мальчишек не мечтает сыграть на сцене Тома Сойера или Гекльберри Финна, да еще на английском? Творческий педагог может использовать тексты сценариев на уроках, например для театрализованного чтения. Все сценарии записаны на компакт-диск, прослушивание которого поможет ученикам освоить правильное произношение и интонацию реплик. В дополнение к книге можно приобрести тематигеский аудиоматериал на диске в формате МР3, подготовленный издательством.
Голицынский, Ю. Б. Английский на школьной сцене : адаптация произведений и подготовка сценариев : учеб. - метод. пособие / Ю. Б. Голицынского. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2011. — 152 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-0676-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1047343 (дата обращения: 20.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Àäàïòàöèÿ ïðîèçâåäåíèé
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Þ. Á. Ãîëèöûíñêîãî

А 64  
Английский на школьной сцене/ Адаптация произведений и подготовка сценариев Ю. Б. Голицынского — СПБ.: КАРО, 2011. — 
152 с.: илл.

ISBN 978-5-9925-0676-1.

Þ. Á. Ãîëèöûíñêèé àäàïòèðîâàë ïîïóëÿðíûå ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ àíãëîÿçû÷íîé 
ëèòåðàòóðû è íà èõ îñíîâå ñîçäàë ñöåíàðèè äëÿ øêîëüíîãî òåàòðà.
Ïÿòè- èëè øåñòèêëàññíèêîâ, áåç ñîìíåíèÿ, óâëåêóò ñêàçêè «Çîëóøêà» è «Ñïÿùàÿ êðàñàâèöà», à ñòàðøèõ øêîëüíèêîâ íå îñòàâèò ðàâíîäóøíûìè èñòîðèÿ âçàèìîîòíîøåíèé Ýëèçû Äóëèòòë è ïðîôåññîðà Õèããèíñà. À êòî èç ìàëü÷èøåê íå ìå÷òàåò ñûãðàòü íà ñöåíå Òîìà Ñîéåðà èëè Ãåêëüáåððè Ôèííà, äà åùå íà àíãëèéñêîì?
Òâîð÷åñêèé ïåäàãîã ìîæåò èñïîëüçîâàòü òåêñòû ñöåíàðèåâ íà óðîêàõ, íàïðèìåð äëÿ òåàòðàëèçîâàííîãî ÷òåíèÿ.
Âñå ñöåíàðèè çàïèñàíû íà êîìïàêò-äèñê, ïðîñëóøèâàíèå êîòîðîãî ïîìîæåò 
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УДК 373.167.1:820/89
ББК 81.2 Англ-922

УДК 373.167.1:820/89
ББК 81.2 Англ-922
А 64
О. В. Воронова

© Голицынский Ю. Б.,
    наследники, 2011
© КАРО, 2011
Все права защищены
ISBN 978-5-9925-0676-1


Адаптация произведений и подготовка сценариев Ю. Б. Голицынского

Ответственный редактор М. А. Козодаева
Корректоры Е. Г.  Тигонен, Х. Райнш
Технические редакторы М. Г. Столярова, А. Б. Иванов
Иллюстрация на обложке О. В. Маркиной

Издательство «КАРО», ЛР № 065644 
195027, СанктПетербург, Свердловская наб., д. 60, (812) 5705497


Гигиенический сертификат
№П.004020.03.07 от 22.03.2007

Подписано в печать 08.07.2011. Формат 70 х 100 1/16 . Бумага офсетная. 
Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 12,3. Тираж 2000 экз. Заказ № 07.03

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C A S T  O F  C H A R A C T E R S

First Sister 
First Courtier
Second Sister 
First Herald
Second Herald
Courtiers, Guests at the King’s ball

— 5 —

Scene 1

Room  in  St epmo t h er’s h o u se.  C ind e r e l l a  is  s itting 
at th e fire-place.  Th e cl oc k s tr ike s  5

CINDERELLA. Oh, it is five o’clock. My sisters are going to the 
King’s ball tonight. And the dinner is not ready. I must wash 
the dishes. (Washes the dishes.) There will be music at the 
ball... I love music so much! (Sings.)

Music on the mountain,
Music in the air,
Music in the valley,
Music everywhere.

Now I must sweep the floor and dust the room. (Sweeps the 
floor and dusts the room. Dances.)

Music by the fireside,
Music in the hall,
Music all around us,
Music for us all.

CINDERELLA. I love to sing and dance, but oh, what a pity, 
I can’t go to the King’s ball.

Th e bell rin g s

The bell is ringing. It is my Stepmother and Sisters.

EN T ER St epmo t h er a nd  Sis te r s

STEPMOTHER. Oh, it’s time for dinner, Cinderella! It’s past 5. 
Why don’t you give us dinner?
FIRST SISTER. When shall we have dinner? I’m hungry.
SECOND SISTER. Oh, I’m hungry, too. Isn’t it time for dinner?

— 6 —

CINDERELLA. Yes, Mother, dinner is ready. (Puts the plates 
on the table. All sit down to dinner. Cinderella brings in the 
FIRST SISTER. The soup is cold.
SECOND SISTER. The soup is salty.
STEPMOTHER. You lazy girl! Bring the fish!

C inderella brings the  f is h

FIRST SISTER. There is no salt in the fish.
SECOND SISTER. The fish is cold too.
STEPMOTHER. Take it away, you lazy girl. Now, my dears, it 
is time to dress for the ball.
FIRST SISTER. Cinderella, bring me my red dress!
SECOND SISTER. Bring me my blue dress!
STEPMOTHER. Bring me my black dress!
CINDERELLA (brings the dresses). Here are your dresses.
FIRST SISTER. Where are my shoes?
SECOND SISTER. Bring me my white stockings, quick!
STEPMOTHER. Where are my gloves, Cinderella? Now, now, get 
a move on!
CINDERELLA. Here are your shoes and stockings and your 
gloves, Mother

Th ey dress.  C inderell a  he l ps  the m

CINDERELLA. You will dance at that ball.
FIRST SISTER. Yes... And the Prince will dance with the most 
beauti ful girl!
STEPMOTHER. The Prince will choose a bride at the ball.
FIRST SISTER (looking in the mirror). How pretty I am in my 
new dress!
SECOND SISTER. They say the Prince is a very handsome young 
STEPMOTHER. Quick, girls, quick, don’t waste time.
SECOND SISTER. The Prince will dance with me, I am sure.
CINDERELLA. I think you will have a good time. Oh, I wish 
I could go to the ball too!
STEPMOTHER. You go to the ball!
FIRST SISTER. What would you do at the ball?
SECOND SISTER. With your rags on and your dirty face too!

— 7 —

STEPMOTHER. No, no, Cinderella, go back to your seat amongst 
the ashes!
SECOND SISTER. That’s the place for a little kitchen girl like 
STEPMOTHER. Come, girls! We are getting late.

E XIT  St epmo th er, First Siste r , Se c ond  Sis te r .
C in d erel l a sits do wn at  th e fire - pl a c e .  L ooks  into it. 
T ries to  sing.  C ries.  T h en f a l l s  a s l e e p.  M u s ic .
C in d e rella wak es u p.  Lo o ks  a t the  c l oc k

CINDERELLA. It is nine o’clock. Now my sisters are at the King’s 
ball. They are dancing. They are dancing with the Prince. It 
must be so beautiful there! So many pretty ladies in beautiful dresses. And I must sit here in a dirty old dress and 
work. (Cries.)
FAIRY (behind the scenes). Cinderella, Cinderella! Open the 

C in d erella o pens t h e do or .  E N T E R Fa ir y

CINDERELLA. Do you want to see my Stepmother and Sisters, 
FAIRY. Oh no! I want to speak to you, Cinderella. What are you 
crying for?
CINDERELLA. I am crying because my Stepmother and Sisters 
have gone to the King’s ball and I am left here all alone.
FAIRY. And why didn’t you go to the ball?
CINDERELLA. Oh, I am not a lady. I am only a poor girl, I have 
nothing but rags to wear. How can I go to the King’s ball in 
this old dress? I must sit here all alone and work. (Cries.)
FAIRY. Well, well, be a good child and don’t cry any more. Perhaps I can help you. I am a Fairy. Do you want to go to the 
CINDERELLA. Alas! How can I go to the ball? I have nothing to 
wear but this!
FAIRY. Is that all? Come here, my dear girl.

She to u ch es Cinderella with he r  wa nd 
an d  her rags ch ange into  a  be a u tif u l  d r e s s

FAIRY. There! And here is a pair of shoes for you.

— 8 —

CINDERELLA. What a pretty dress! What beautiful shoes! Oh, 
thank you, thank you, dear Fairy!
FAIRY. Now you can go to the ball. But mind you come away 
before the clock strikes twelve, for should you linger beyond 
that hour, all your splendour will vanish and your dress will 
turn into rags again. Good-bye and good luck to you, Cinderella!


Scene 2

H al l  in  the King’s palace.  Ki ng  a nd  Q u e e n a r e  s ittin g  on  the th ro ne.  Prince is s ta nd ing  be s id e  the m. 
C our tiers, gu est s.  Mu sic.  Gu e s ts  a r e  d a nc ing

KING (to Queen). The Prince doesn’t dance again.
QUEEN (to Prince). Why don’t you dance, my son? There are so 
many beautiful ladies here.
PRINCE. I don’t like them, Mother.
QUEEN (to King). I don’t know what to do with the boy.
KING. I wonder. It’s time for the boy to marry and he doesn’t 
want to choose himself a bride.

EN TER  C inde r e l l a

COURTIERS, GUESTS (to each other). What a beautiful girl! 
I have never seen such a beauty! So beautiful! How beautiful she is! Who is this beautiful lady? She is like a morning 
star! She is like a white rose! Where is she from?
KING. Oh, look, what a beautiful girl!
QUEEN. I have never seen such a beauty!
PRINCE. Who is this beautiful princess? I have never seen her… 
Where is she from?
PRIME MINISTER. I don’t know her, Prince.
PRINCE. She is like a morning star. She is like a white rose.
COURTIERS, GUESTS (the same words as before).
KING. Go dance with this beautiful princess, my boy.
PRINCE (to Cinderella). Beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance 
with me?

— 9 —

Mu sic.  Ev erybo dy i s  d a nc ing

STEPMOTHER. What ugly feet she has! They are too small for 
FIRST SISTER. How pale she is! I cannot understand why the 
Prince likes her.
SECOND SISTER. Why does the Prince dance with her? She dances so badly!

Mu sic st o p s

PRINCE. Thank you, lovely lady. (Leads Cinderella to a seat.) 
Beautiful lady, tell me your name.
CINDERELLA. I cannot tell you my name, sir.
PRINCE. Why? Why can’t you? Beautiful princess, where are 
you from? I want to dance with you again, I want to see 
you again.

Th e clo ck begins to  s tr ike  twe l ve

CINDERELLA. Oh, excuse me, Prince, I must go.
PRINCE. Go? Oh, don’t go. Stay and dance with me again.
CINDERELLA. I must go, sir. Thank you for the dance. Goodbye.

C in d e rella ru ns away and  l os e s  he r  s hoe

PRINCE (runs after her). Come back! Oh, come back, beautiful lady! Oh, she has run away. (Sees the shoe.) What is it? (Picks 
up the shoe.) It is her shoe. (Goes to Queen and King.) She 
has run away.
KING. How strange that she has run away so suddenly.
QUEEN. I think there is some secret behind all this.
PRINCE. She has left her shoe. Look how small it is.
KING. Oh, indeed, how small!
QUEEN. Don’t worry, Prince. We shall find your princess.
PRINCE. Yes, Mother, we must find her. She is very beautiful, 
isn’t she?
KING. We shall find her. (To a courtier.) Send heralds to ride 
about the whole country with this shoe. Every woman must 
try on this shoe.


— 10 —

Scene 3

The sam e ro o m as in Scene 1.  C ind e r e l l a  is  s itting  a t 
the fir ep l ace.  Sh e is h o lding one  s hoe  in he r  ha nd s . 
E a rly mo rning.  T h e cl oc k s tr ike s  s ix

CINDERELLA. My pretty little shoe! I shall never wear you again. 
It was my first and last ball.

The b e ll rings.  C inderella pu ts  the  s hoe  into 
h er po cket.  Sh e o pe ns  the  d oor
EN T ER St epmo t h er  a nd  Sis te r s

FIRST SISTER. Why didn’t you open the door at once?
SECOND SISTER. We rang the bell three times.
STEPMOTHER. You lazy girl!
CINDERELLA. I am sorry. I did not hear the bell. Please tell me 
about the ball, Sisters. You were the most beautiful ladies, 
I am sure.
FIRST SISTER. A princess came to the ball. Nobody knew her.
CINDERELLA. A princess... Was she beautiful?
SECOND SISTER. I did not like her. She had yellow hair like you.
FIRST SISTER. The Prince liked her.
SECOND SISTER. Yes! He danced only with her. I was very surprised.
FIRST SISTER. He danced with nobody else.
SECOND SISTER. And at 12 o’clock she ran away all of a sudden.
FIRST SISTER. Yes, very strange. And she lost her shoe.
SECOND SISTER. And the Prince picked it up.

The bell rings.  Cinderella  g oe s  to the  d oor

STEPMOTHER. Who can it be at such a time?
CINDERELLA. Who is there?
HERALDS (behind the door). In the King’s name open the door 
and let us in!

C in d erella o pens th e do o r.  E N T E R two H e r a l d s

FIRST HERALD. Good morning, ladies.
STEPMOTHER. Good morning.
FIRST HERALD. We are looking for the lady who has lost this 
little shoe. It is the King’s order that all young ladies in 

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