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Legal English: Check Yourself: Английский язык для юристов: Сборник тестовых заданий для студентов бакалавриата (с ключами)

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Учебное пособие предназначается для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция», уровень подготовки: бакалавр. Содержание пособия включает в себя вариативные задания и дополнительные материалы по всем тематическим блокам базового учебника «Legal English: Quick Overview: Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции» (Авторы: Е.Б. Попов, Е.М. Феоктистова, Г.Р. Халюшева).
Попов, Е. Б. Legal English: Check Yourself: Английский язык для юристов: Сборник тестовых заданий для студентов бакалавриата (с ключами): Учебное пособие / Попов Е.Б. - Москва :НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2017. - 142 с. - ISBN 978-5-16-105991-3 (online). - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/923810 (дата обращения: 01.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Е.Б. Попов

Legal English: Check Yourself: Английский язык для


Сборник тестовых заданий для студентов бакалавриата (с 





Е.Б. Попов

Legal English: Check Yourself: Английский язык для


Сборник тестовых заданий для студентов бакалавриата (с 


Учебное пособие


Инфра-М; Znanium.com


УДК 373.1(07)

ББК 81(Англ)я73


Попов, Е.Б.

Legal English: Check Yourself: Английский язык для юристов: Сборник

тестовых заданий для студентов бакалавриата (с ключами): учеб. пособие / 
Е.Б. Попов. – М.: Инфра-М; Znanium.com, 2017. – 143 с.

ISBN 978-5-16-105991-3 (online)

Учебное пособие предназначается для студентов, обучающихся по 
направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция», уровень подготовки: бакалавр. 

дополнительные материалы по всем тематическим блокам базового 
учебника «Legal English: Quick Overview: Английский язык в сфере 
юриспруденции» (Авторы: Е.Б. Попов, Е.М. Феоктистова, Г.Р. Халюшева).

ISBN 978-5-16-105991-3 (online)
© Попов Е.Б., 2017


CONTENTS ………………………………………………………........
Introduction ……………………………………………………..........
Section 1. State System ………………………………………........
Section 2. Law and Its Sources ……………………………….......
Section 3. Civil Law ……………………………………………........
Section 4. Property Law ………………………………………........
Section 5. Family Law …………………………………………........
Section 6. Contracts …………………………………………….......
Section 7. Business Entities …………………………………........
Section 8. Labor Law ………………………………………….........
Section 9. Criminal Law ………………………………………........
Section 10. White-Collar Crime ……………………………..........
Section 11. Criminal Responsibility …………………………......
Section 12. Torts ……………………………………………….........
Section 13. Evidence and Investigation …………………..........
Section 14. Police Forces ……………………………………….......
Section 15. Judiciary ……………………………………………......
Section 16. Legal Education and Legal Profession ……….......
Major Data Sources .............................................................
Keys ....................................................................................


Introduction (Предисловие)

Учебное пособие «Legal English: Check Yourself: Английский

язык для юристов: Сборник тестовых заданий для студентов бакалавриата (с ключами)» предназначается для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция», уровень
подготовки: бакалавр. Содержание пособия включает в себя вариативные задания, которые позволяют проводить текущий и
промежуточный контроль эффективности изучения английского
языка студентами в рамках дисциплины «Иностранный язык в
сфере юриспруденции». Основные источники информации, использованные при создании данного учебного пособия, указаны в
виде ссылок на стр. 112.

Структура пособия
отражает логику тематических блоков

учебника «Legal English: Quick Overview: Английский язык в сфере
юриспруденции. Базовый курс» (Авторы: Е.Б. Попов, Е.М. Феоктистова, Г.Р. Халюшева), и предполагает выполнение студентами
следующих видов заданий:

UNSCRAMBLE the sentences – задание по восстановлению порядка

слов исходного утверждения в соответствии с правилами грамматики английского языка; в каждом предложении известно
лишь начало, а остальные слова перепутаны и даны в случайном

DECIDE whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE – ус
тановление истинности или ложности утверждений и исправление имеющихся ошибок.

NAME the following – задание на определение термина по его

описанию; при этом первая буква каждого нужного слова уже
дана, а количество следующих далее точек соответствует количеству букв в этом слове.

MATCH the words and the definitions – поиск соответствия между

терминами и их толкованием.

CHOOSE the appropriate answer – задание, в котором необходимо

подобрать правильный вариант ответа.

MATCH the parts of each statement – перекрестный выбор, предпо
лагающий установление соответствий или «поиск пары» при
восстановлении исходного утверждения.

FILL IN the gaps – «тест с пропусками», то есть задание на восста
новление текста с использованием предложенных вариантов.

NB: в некоторых заданиях используется сокращенная форма не
определённых местоимений:

sth – something (что-то, нечто, что-либо, что-нибудь)
sb – somebody (кто-то, некто, кто-либо, кто-нибудь)

TASK 1.1. MATCH the words and the definitions

administrative, override, independence, interpret, tie, appoint,

budget, amendment, treaty, governor, impeach, parliament,

provide, democracy, share, ambassador, oath, integrity,

inauguration, impeachment, sovereignty, decree, representative,

emergency, term

1) a change made to a law;
2) a sworn declaration, such as the promise to tell the truth, in a

court of law;

3) a period of time during which a politician or other official holds

their job;

4) a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or


5) a senior
lives in a foreign country and

represents his or her own country there;

6) a situation when opponents both have the same number of

votes so neither wins in a competition;

7) a system of government in which people vote in elections to

choose the people who will govern them;

8) an official decision or order made by a leader or a government;
9) an official written agreement between two or more countries;
10) an unexpected situation involving danger in which immediate

action is necessary;

11) freedom from control by another country or organization;
12) relating to work that involves organizing and supervising an

organization, institution or country;

13) the amount of money a government has to spend;
14) the main law-making institution in some countries;
15) the official ceremony to celebrate that the president is start
ing his job;

16) the political leader of each state in the US;
17) the process of formally accusing a public official of commit
ting a serious crime relating to their job;

18) the quality of being complete or whole, without missing parts;
19) the right of a country to rule itself;
20) to accuse a public figure of a serious crime;



21) to use, to have or to do something at the same time as some
one else; to be responsible for something with somebody else;

22) to explain the meaning of something;
23) to give somebody something that they want or need;
24) to officially choose someone for a job;
25) to use authority to ignore or change someone’s decision.

TASK 1.2. UNSCRAMBLE the sentences

1. The Constitution of the RF (a democratic, with a republican

form, adopted, declares, federative, of government, in 1993, law-based
state, Russia).

2. According to (and principles, federal laws, in accordance with,

international law, must be formulated, the national Constitution).

3. The British Constitution (and important documents, customs

and conventions, based on statutes, case law, is an unwritten constitution).

4. Conventions (as indispensable to, are rules and practices, but

which are regarded, the working of government, which are not legally

5. As a rule (for approval, goes to the head of the country, or veto,

the bill).

6. In the case of bicameral legislature (in two houses, is vested, of

making laws, the power).

7. The upper house (composed of, is, members, or other political

subdivisions, representing states).

8. The upper house (unwise legislation, necessary, provides, the

legislative experience, to control).

9. The lower house (an equal number, composed, is, of citizens, of

members, representing).

10. Most legislatures (by the Constitution, are limited, in their

powers, of the country, or organic law).

11. Bill is (debate and enactment, a proposed law, for examina
tion, placed before a legislative body).

12. The introduction and processing (constitute, of bills, day-to
day parliamentary activity, the main).

13. If the bill receives (in one chamber, a favorable majority vote,

it is sent to the other, takes place, where a similar procedure).

14. Any differences (by a conference committee, discussed by the

chambers, are resolved, between versions of a bill).

15. The constitutional safeguard (between the Legislature, in

Great Britain, is only theoretical, of the separation of powers, the Executive and the Judiciary).

TASK 1.3. CHOOSE the appropriate answer1

A) DEFINE the number of each federal institution according to
the chart of the division of powers in the Russian Federation:



and lower courts of
general jurisdiction


– the Constitutional Court of the RF;
– the Federation Council;
– the Federal Assembly;
– the Government of the RF;
– the President of the RF;
– the State Duma;
– the Supreme Court of the RF.

B) MATCH each stated above federal institution and its activities:

a) all bills are introduced there;
b) appoints Chairman of the Government of the RF subject to

consent of the State Duma;

c) approves the appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of

the Central Bank of the RF;

d) approves the appointment of the judges of the highest courts

within the country;

e) calls election of the President of the RF;
controls all three branches of power within the country;

g) ensures the implementation in the RF of a uniform financial,

credit and monetary policy;

h) gives approval to the appointment to office and the removal

from office of the Prosecutor-General of the RF;

implements measures to ensure legality, the rights and free
doms of citizens, protect property and public law and order;

interprets the Constitution of the RF;

k) is a bicameral legislative organ;
is elected for a term of six years by the citizens of the RF on

the basis of general, equal and direct vote by secret ballot;

m) is the guarantor of the Constitution of the RF, and of human

and civil rights and freedoms;

n) is the highest judiciary body on civil, criminal, administrative

and other matters triable by general jurisdiction courts;

o) is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of

the RF;

p) makes decisions on the possibility of the use of the Armed

Forces of the RF outside the territory of the RF;

q) enacts laws;
r) manages federal property;
s) may bring charge against the President of the RF for his im

may dissolve the State Duma in cases and under procedures

envisaged by the Constitution of the RF;

u) may grant amnesty;
v) represents the RF in international relations;
w) resolves cases about compliance with the Constitution of the RF;
x) resolves economic disputes;
y) scrutinizes the bills proposed by the lower chamber;
z) signs a bill before it becomes a law.

TASK 1.4. FILL IN the gaps

System of Government in the RF, UK and USA

the House of Commons, the majority party, the Royal Prerogative,

the Senate, federal property, administrative body of a country,
a Shadow Cabinet, a term of six years, constitutional functions,
constitutional law, federation, the executive branch, the Federal
Assembly, the US Congress, life peers, the separation of powers,

the system of courts, constitutional monarchies, respect for

the Constitution, the cabinet of ministers

1. After elections the main opposition party in Britain forms _____.
2. As Head of State the Monarch has the powers known as _____.
3. ____ consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Rep

4. Executive power in Great Britain belongs to a Prime Minister

and _____.

5. Government is a political organization which performs the

functions of the supreme _____.

6. State power in case of a democracy is exercised on the basis of

_____ among the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.

7. The form of government in the USA is based on three main

principles: federalism, the separation of powers, and _____.

8. The Government as a rule manages _____ and ensures the

country's defense and state security.

9. _____ is a popular assembly elected in the UK for a term of not

more than 5 years by almost universal adult suffrage.

10. The House of Lords is made up of two kinds of its members:

hereditary and _____.

11. The judicial power belongs to _____.
12. The legislative power in our country is exercised by _____,

which consists of the Federation Council and the State Duma.

13. The President of the RF is elected for _____ on the basis of

general, equal and direct vote.

14. The Prime Minister in Great Britain is usually the leader of

_____ in the House of Commons.

15. _____ contains 100 senators, two representing each state – a

provision of the US Constitution not subject to amendment.

16. The United Kingdom is one of six _____ within the European


17. The US courts perform two _____ known as statutory con
struction and judicial review.

18. The US President is the effective head of _____ of government

and represents the country abroad.

19. The word "_____" means that within the country every politi
cal subdivision, despite its size, population, and economics, has the
same rights along with others.

20. The work of all three branches of power within each state is

regulated by _____.

TASK 1.5. FILL IN the gaps

Political System in the UK

the Conservative party, judicial precedents, the people, the total

population, a two-party system, life peers, an unwritten constitution,

hereditary peers, the sovereign, geographical constituencies, the

second party, the “Crown in Parliament”, “lords spiritual”, an act of

Parliament, the life of a Parliament, more than 700 members,
the cabinet, a parliamentary monarchy, the general election

Great Britain is (1) with (2) consisting of historic documents such

as the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Bill of Rights; statutes; (3); and custom. The constitution is flexible and may be
changed by (4).

In principle, (5) is supreme. This means that legislation passed by

Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons (elected directly

by (6)) and the House of Lords (which is made up of (7) and appointive members – archbishops, senior bishops, law lords, and (8)) becomes law upon royal assent. In practice, legislation is dominated by
the Prime Minister and (9), who initiate virtually all proposed bills and
who are politically responsible for the administration of the law and
the affairs of the nation.

The House of Lords is composed of hereditary peers and pee
resses, 26 Anglican bishops who serve as (10) as long as they retain
their authority, and life peers whose titles are not hereditary. The full
House of Lords has (11), but average daily attendance is less than
300. Only three members are required for a quorum.

Members of the House of Commons are elected from (12). The ba
sis of representation depends on (13) of the nation. In Great Britain,
each constituency approximates a population of 60,000. In Northern
Ireland, with 17 representatives, the population base is somewhat
larger. Total membership of the Commons now numbers about 650.
Forty members are required for a quorum. By law, (14) is five years
unless dissolved earlier or extended by special statute in times of war
or national emergency. Parliament is dissolved by (15) at the end of
its five-year term or on advice of the Prime Minister. All members of
the House of Commons are then subject to (16).

The political party system, dating from the 17th century, is an es
sential element in the working constitution. Several parties win seats
in Commons, but Great Britain has functioned basically as (17) for
more than a century. The majority party forms His or Her Majesty's
Government, and (18) is officially recognized as His or Her Majesty's
Own Loyal Opposition. Since the end of World War I, (19) and the Labour party have been dominant.

TASK 1.6. FILL IN the gaps

The USA Political System

"checks and balances", 435 members, federal laws, federalism, fifty
states, the republic, nine judges, political and economic, senators,
state governments, the House of Representatives, the judiciary, the
United States Supreme Court, the legislative branch, the President,

14 departments, federal property

America is a constitutional republic, which consists of (1) and one

capital district. The full name of (2) is "The United States of America".

The USA political system is based on the principle of (3), in which

power is shared between the federal government and (4). Another

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