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Human Rights as the Main Feature of a Civil Society

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Karpov, E. .. Human Rights as the Main Feature of a Civil Society / E. .. Karpov. - Текст : электронный // Leadership and Civil Society. Materials of the Second International Youth Conference (Saint Petersburg. 2007). - 2007. - С. 41-44. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/349491 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Human Rights as the Main Feature of a Civil Society. 


One of the main features and necessary conditions of a civil society 

formation is an observance of human rights by the state. 

Though human rights are rather popular and modern topic nowadays, in 

many cases journalists, lawyers and officials speaking about human rights don’t 

understand what human rights mean in truth and what it has to do with 

everybody’s everyday life. Today in Russia under human rights they began to 

call absolutely everything even those things that according to the definition can’t 

be correlated with this category, for example, “right of smoking in public 

places”. Fair is the following statement: “the problem of human rights is not 

taken by the majority of population as a priority one yet. Public opinion polls 

indicate that overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens has a rather uncertain 

idea of rights and all the more of the forms and methods of their defence” [1]. 

One of the reasons of such circumstances is that Russia is a former socialist 

state, and for years there was no definition “human rights” in our country and a 

common approach to the phenomenon under review has not yet formed by now. 

That is why our first task is to find out what human rights are, when it is allowed 

to speak not simply about some violation of legal norms but namely about 

violation of human rights and therefore international standards, over which the 

whole system of human rights defence is on the watch. 

The modern interpretation of the conception “human rights” was formed 

in the second half of the XX century, simultaneously with the formation of 

UNO. The reason for this was World War II. Existed before the war the 

principle of non-interference in home affairs of other countries, even if there 

was a real genocide there but it seemed that there wasn’t any external 

aggression, was exhausted. If Hitler begins his bloody massacres not with the 

neighbouring country but with German Jews, and nobody stops him in time, it 

will certainly lead to regrettable consequences for surrounding states. New UNO 

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